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Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:57 pm
by Noober
[QUOTE=Coo] You can then move around in stealth mode and cast spells at will, without being found out, since you need not speak during spellcasting. [/QUOTE]
Casting a spell causes you to de-stealth.
[QUOTE=Coo] I was saying that offensive magic won't work for the character type I had suggested to him. [/QUOTE]
Then I would highly suggest you play Bard/RDD/Palemaster (if you have the xp's).
AFAIK currently the most popular and easy wizard multiclass is pure palemaster, giving epic spells, high HP, decent AC and immunity to crits. Blackguard is much more suited to sorc which shares the common stat of CHA.
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:15 am
by Ripe
Red Dragon Disciple
Here is another nice prestige class for arcane speclaster: Red Dragon Disciple
I belive requirement is to be Sorcerer or Bard, but through 10 levels you gain total bonus of +8 to Str, +2 to Con, Int & Cha, +4 to AC (Natural armor), HD increase to d10, Darkvision, imunity to sleep, paralysis & fire. Oh yeah, you also grow wings

Btw, I think that as a Wiz/Mnk/Blk you would not be able to choose Epil lvl Spells because their requirement is 21 lvl character (which you will reach), ability to cast 9th level spell (you need Wiz 17) and 25+ ranks in Spellcraft (which you will not reach because Spellcraft is a cross-class skill for Monk and Blackguard - Wiz17/Mnk1/Blk10 will get you to only 25 ranks).
Hope I help
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:30 am
by Xandax
I dislike RDD for spell-casting sorcerers, because almost none of the RDDs bonus are any good for a spellcasting sorcerer in my view (It is a fluff-class: Uhh - wings are cool, I must be a RDD..... well not this sorcerer

Then I'd much rather go pure caster, possible with some rogue or monk levels if I would spare them.
For bards however - I can see its validation, however that is a somewhat different discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:52 am
by Ripe
I must agree with Xandax that RDD is NOT good choice for sorcerer (especialy in a way it works in NWN)

, but I only made this proposal to NeoTiamat because he sad that he wanted to take lvl in Blackguard becuse of the HD.
This way he get not only HD raise to d10 but a boost to Con (even more HP), Str (beter attack and dmg), Int (more spells and increse in DC) and AC (as a Natural armor). The other things are of less importance (except maybe imunity to paralysis).
Personaly I would never multiclass my Wizard or Sorcerer (well maybe to Archmage

but that prestige class is not available in NWN).
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:25 am
by Coo
Noober, are you sure that silent casting will cause you to destelth? I distinctly remember haveing casted silent spells while hidden without being found out.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:41 am
by Aegis
[QUOTE=Coo]Noober, are you sure that silent casting will cause you to destelth? I distinctly remember haveing casted silent spells while hidden without being found out.

Unless I'm mistaken, any action taken will remove your character from stealth, regardless of the meta-magic feats in use (in this case, somatic and verbal casting)
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:09 am
I like my Wiz/Rogue
I haven't played as long as most of you but I find that my 3R/15W works quite well together.
The vastly increased number of skill points (I went Rogue to start), the R skills available (yummm, tumble) all seem to fit nicely to me. As does the need for Dex, Int, Con over St, wis, cha - so I can better use ability points
Granted I could be up to level 9 spells already and it might be right to do something like this (R, W17, R) but I liked avoiding damage until I was able to acquire all of the damage preventing belts. I could use the monk or fighter henchmen I suppose but I preferred going it alone too to max XPs.