Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 5:15 pm
I wouldn't compare so easily relation between human and animal to relation animal animal. The diffrence is that we have thing called consciousness, that we are able to understand terms like fear, pain, death therefore we should take responsibility for that knowledge and treat fellow creatures accordingly. Laws that rule animal world are not our laws - so using its by us as excuse of what we do is imho abuse.I personally see no fundamental difference between a lion hunting and a human farming.
Back to the issue of animal testing - I can't condemn people who do this or rather for doing this, because if I had to choose between life of person I care and life of an animal: monkey or rat i would be able to kill that animal. But I would do this fully aware that this creaturer's life isn't less worthy then life of that person ( or at least that I have no right at all to decide wether it is or isn't) and that choice I made was egoistical and that I did something wrong. But that's extreme example. The main problem is that modern science is founded on ethics that traditionally excluded animals, whatever you did to animal it was beyond good and evil. That has changed in last century, the fact that animals have rights is a huge step foreward; still in laboratories nothing changed, people that worked there are unaware of moral inclination of this situation and have no respect for life of these animals. The number of animals that are actually sacrificed to test the cures for some diseases are numerous in comparition to lifes of animals that are dying to prove some theory for purely academical reasons, and that's what bother me most. Heck, in course of studing medicine or biology and similiar stuff animals like rats are killed in thousands only to let all wannabe docs/scientists and such practicly learn truths already known and acknowledged by science. So what bothers me in animal testing is that behind it lies great lack of respect to life of an animal and no big words can change that.