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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:37 am
by Celacena
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I've already explained how to do this guy easily and painlessly at least twice.
in the left hand corner there is a butchers table. jump onto it and the head-runners can't reach you - not can rubber-face.
shoot the guy from there - shotgun or anaconda work best. you usually get about 2/4 shots in before he melts again. when he's gone - watch out for head-runners hiding under the table.
as I've said before - if you can't handle head-runners you are really up a certain creek without a certain propulsion implement in the warrens.
easy - and no damage sustained.
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:36 pm
by Rass F.
Uhn, I was playing a Tremere with about 7 in melee skills, and I had been using a knife the entire time.
It seems that when I was in crouch mode, the head monsters couldn't hit me with their jump attacks. It also seems that whenever you swing while moving forward, as long as you only do one swing, you can take a large step and continue moving... if you can sync it up so that you only swing once repeatedly, instead of doing the 3-swing combo, you will move just as fast crouched as if you where standing. This works almost exclusively with the knife.
Between the head monsters not being able to hit me, and accelerated movement, he was pretty much toast, considering he doesn't really attack at all.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:11 pm
by pennypincher
WARNING! Using the following tactics might remove the elements of "Fun" "Challenge" and "Interest" from your game play experince.
If you can get onto the table in the center of the room, you'll find that the little Vicissitude creations have a slightly harder time of making contact with you, and you should be able to use Auspex to happily put a few hundred rounds in the nasty guy.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT FORGET, TO FINISH THE FIGHT, THE MUST TAKE HIM TO 0 HEALTH AND THEN KILL THE LAST OF THE HEADRUNNERS. If you are forgetting this part, the fight will seem to last forever, as he wont officaly fade away and die untill he's taken full dammage and the room is free of his creations... Don't worry, no more will spawn once he is on no health.
If you are going Melee, the axe should be your super speical friend... Go ahead, touch it in the places you only touch your very speical friends... Tell it you love it and will never leave it. Activate Celerity as soon as the last patches of his blood form have soaked into the ground, this gives you ample time to turn around, see where he is spawning next, jog over and activate Blood Buff.
You will also note that, after a certain amount of damage/swings, he wont take any more damage... Unofficaly, thats because his "Sink into the ground and flow away" action has begun and the computer is registering him as already gone from there. Don't waste your valuable time emptying rounds or taking wild swings into what is essentialy empty air... If the runners are giving you grief, now is the time to lay into them... If not, run to the center of the room and be ready to move on him again.
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:28 pm
by yrthwyndandfyre
Definitive Spoiler!!
[QUOTE=Devilvidel]Mmm does anyone else have any hints about how to get past this guy as I am still struggling...I tried the stair idea but it didn't work for me and I still got attacked by the head hunters
*feels like such a dunce*[/QUOTE]
Easy Cheesy. If you want to take out Andrei (that's the blighter's name), you go down the stairs, engage in conversation with him, and when he offers to take you out, RUN! Round the base of the stairs, run across the room, and jump onto the table with the severed torso on it. Crouch, spin, and equip something ranged. Now the Headrunners can't touch you.
Then you just wait him out. When he pops out of the floor somewhere handy, start shooting him in the head. When he's done, drop to the floor and take out the headrunners, and then proceed. All too easy.
Andrei and the headrunners at once is big trouble. Andrei OR the headrunners one at a time is a cakewalk.
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 12:00 am
by mr_sir
bloodbuff and chasing after him like a madman with a fireaxe always worked fine for me lol (and just swing at his little monsters when they get in the way but otherwise ignore them til he's dead - when you keep moving they hardly ever hit you anyway)