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Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:16 pm
LS is more fun to me. I tried to be DS, but it's hard. I don't really feel too comfortable basically telling people to shove it. Except when they deserve it of course. I know, I know, it's just a game, but I always want my character to be the hero of the galaxy - the Luke Skywalker type. I also like all the cool stars shooting up when you've maxed out your light side points.
And I don't really agree with the whole hypocritical thing. That doesn't make too much sense to me.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:40 am
by Marik_Chanro
Here Is Something That Will Set Everything Straight
DS- You Get + 1d6 To Attack & Hit
LS- You Get +1 to Constitution
N- What Plusses???
You Get More XP When You Are Dark Side Because You Pick A Lot Of Fights With Peaple.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:42 am
by Marik_Chanro
[QUOTE=Master Couch`]I <3 lightside, i guess its more fun turning people into jedis and junk[/QUOTE]YOU CAN DO THAT DARK!!!!
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 7:56 am
by justabeginner
LOL, I was chuckling to myself for a while when I told the guy in the Jedi Enclave Sublevel that it was safe for him to run off when it wasn't. Oops...I forgot the minor detail of the monsters still being about LOL, but thanks for the loot
Too bad the game designers have it all wrong that you end up looking like a walking corpse when you turn evil. Happened in Doom3 too...IRL evil can and often is more seductive/attractive than good.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:39 am
by cim
[QUOTE=justabeginner]LOL, I was chuckling to myself for a while when I told the guy in the Jedi Enclave Sublevel that it was safe for him to run off when it wasn't. Oops...I forgot the minor detail of the monsters still being about LOL, but thanks for the loot
Too bad the game designers have it all wrong that you end up looking like a walking corpse when you turn evil. Happened in Doom3 too...IRL evil can and often is more seductive/attractive than good.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that was pretty good. The pit at Nar Shaddaa w/ Force Persuade is cooler though.
Yeah, I agree, I like sexy evil char-s, like Visas. Also, in my DnD campaign (pen and paper) I had a succubus char =D.
Doom 3 has awesome atmosphere though and I don't think that the monsters in there had to be seductive, i.e. they had no reason to look good since their only purpose was destruction of all living.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 11:30 am
by Kokyho
I have fun playing both light and dark, but I'm giving the extra nod to the dark side as being more fun to play. Albiet it's easier to play dark and just be mean all the time, but its fun too cuz it gives you the chance to do things you normally wouldn't do in reality; maybe? Also like the dramatic music that plays everytime you do a dark side event...dah...dah...daaahh...
Light side is a good way to play the game too cuz there's seemingly a bit more options and its a bit more longer to play cuz it almost makes you have to do every quest as to help everyone who needs it. But not quite as fun. Very close call though.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:35 pm
by justabeginner
[QUOTE=cim]Yeah, that was pretty good. The pit at Nar Shaddaa w/ Force Persuade is cooler though.[/QUOTE]
Hmm, I seem to have forgotten that one. Which one was that? The Mira vs. Hanharr thing? I don't remember Force Persuade coming in there.
Yeah, I agree, I like sexy evil char-s, like Visas. Also, in my DnD campaign (pen and paper) I had a succubus char =D.[/quote]
Indeed, think Viconia in BG2
Doom 3 has awesome atmosphere though and I don't think that the monsters in there had to be seductive, i.e. they had no reason to look good since their only purpose was destruction of all living.[/QUOTE]
Yes, good point about that, the evil there had no need to be subtle/seductive there. I just thought it would be creepy if at least some of the monsters there was hauntingly handsome/pretty. It's just like the flying babies you see in Doom3, part of you wants to blow them away while another part is asking if you're doing the right thing.
Maybe have like possessed people, hiding among normal people in the game. Not many FPS games have characters you can interact with (Deus Ex comes to mind). Some of them would act normal until you're close up or talk to them a bit, and then go all Freddy Krueger on you. Doom3 actually had something like that right at the start when the technician you were talking to turned into a zombie.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:31 pm
by cim
[QUOTE=justabeginner]Hmm, I seem to have forgotten that one. Which one was that? The Mira vs. Hanharr thing? I don't remember Force Persuade coming in there.
Indeed, think Viconia in BG2
Maybe have like possessed people, hiding among normal people in the game. Not many FPS games have characters you can interact with (Deus Ex comes to mind). Some of them would act normal until you're close up or talk to them a bit, and then go all Freddy Krueger on you. Doom3 actually had something like that right at the start when the technician you were talking to turned into a zombie.[/QUOTE]
1)SUPER SPOILER OF ULITMATE MAGNITUDE On Refugee landing pad, at the north side of the pit, there are two alien thugs harrasing some dude for debt and he says you have their $ - so, you can Force Persuade them to give you all THEIR $ and jump into the pit - if you have low spell dc's one or both will not comply, but with my sith lord, they did. Hillarious! Also, see merk name Eton or smthng near Jedi ruined conclave.
2) Viconia makes me drool. In 6 out of 7 times I went thru BG, she was in my party but that's only bkz I was playing solo wiz in the 7th one. Fall-from-Grace from Planescape: Torment also comes to mind. I even have some fan art of her
3) Good point - succubi rule!
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:11 pm
by DarthSion
Dark Man!!!
Dude dark side is way better than light. Light siders always have 2 give ppl credits n crap. dark siders just kill ppl and take em.
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 10:19 pm
by justabeginner
[QUOTE=cim]1)SUPER SPOILER OF ULITMATE MAGNITUDE On Refugee landing pad, at the north side of the pit, there are two alien thugs harrasing some dude for debt and he says you have their $ - so, you can Force Persuade them to give you all THEIR $ and jump into the pit - if you have low spell dc's one or both will not comply, but with my sith lord, they did. Hillarious! Also, see merk name Eton or smthng near Jedi ruined conclave.[/quote]
Hmm, I should have done that lol. Sounds hilarious. I just killed the two bad guys and then killed the guy myself for getting me into his problems. I think I'll go load a save game near that just to see what happens lol...
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:51 am
by Krl
[QUOTE=DarthSion]Dude dark side is way better than light. Light siders always have 2 give ppl credits n crap. dark siders just kill ppl and take em.[/QUOTE]
Agree, but you don't need much credits in the game, and when you give to people you don't give much. I don't know about rest of you, but i don't remember buying anything not even lightsaber parts. At the end I had about 20000 credits.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:27 pm
by Grishnakh
You poor soul! You only had 20K at the end? I was pure LS so I should have been cash strapped, but I still ended the game with >150K. My secret? Nothing, really. I just sold off crap that I didn't need any more or converted it into components to make stuff I did need. No sense carrying around a dozen suits of heavy armour regardless of what historical name was attached to them, so I sold them all.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:40 pm
by MasterEwok
First of all Lightside is so much more fun i mean who cares about killing all those innocents you have so many ppl to kill in the game it feels better to help some out and you can always save the guy and then ask for a reward (this being a neutral responce). also Anarcist doesn't mean evil altho some people view it that way who just don't know what it means, Pretty much anarchy is being anti government that, and a belief that people should be able to do whatever they want cuz people have moralsthat will prevent them from doing anything evil such as rap murder theft ect... the true belief of anarchy would actualy more or less fall in between mild ds and mid ls. all those people that call them selves anarcist and start violent riots or murders ect.. in the name of an anti government society are actualy acting in the exact opposit of what their "supposed" beliefs are. Much like Fanatical muslims are going completely against the beliefs of "true" muslims.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:10 pm
by justabeginner
an•ar•chist \"a-ner-kist, -'nar-\ noun (1678)
1 : one who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power
2 : one who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; esp : one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order
anarchist or an•ar•chis•tic \'a-ner-"kis-tik, -(')nar-\ adjective
(C)1997, 1996 Zane Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved
I think #2 pretty much hits the spot for a form of evil, no? Indeed one can be #1 and still be "good" (Robin Hood), but one can be #2 and definitely be evil. Remember though, that legally speaking, Robin Hood was evil.
In the absence of any definition of what good or evil is, we have to stick to the legal definitions.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:45 pm
by Blake4000
Dark Side
Dark SIDE!, gotta love that lighting power!
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:32 pm
by cim
Master Ewok, please be nice to poor English language. Frankly, it's not such an awesome language in the first place, but mmispelingg anarchist leaves it in a slobbering wreck, unless you were making fun of the word itself, that is.
Yes, many anarchists are mildly ds/ls, such as myself. But they are not true anarchists because it requires breaking law to rebel against government in a true sense of word "rebel" - sissy protests are meaningless. As for ls anarchism (or ds, I am not sure) to which I subscribe, I simply find the consequences of breaking law rather significant. Besides, it seems that having government is far better than not (hospitals, police, education, etc. are hard to organize otherwise).
As for playing ls/ds being fun, it depends purely on one's point of view - I find abiding by everyday courtesies and pleasantries disgusting to my mind and soul, especially if the other person is being insulting but I have to keep my face. When I was younger, I contained myself with more violent games like Soldier of Fortune. Now, I find playing ds amusing and relaxing - which is close enough to definition of fun as far as I am concerned.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:43 pm
by Grishnakh
[QUOTE=Blake4000]Dark SIDE!, gotta love that lighting power!
It isn't exclusive to DS. My LS Jedi Master throws a mean Force Storm for only 35 FP. Not bad for avg 150pts damage and a DC that is almost unsavable. With just under 600 FP max and a good regen, he can throw Force Storm all day long without breaking a sweat, although alternating it with Force Wave is pretty dang efficient.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:39 am
by MasterEwok
should you really be using a ds power with a ls character seams kinda wrong to me like could you picture Yoda, Obi Wan, Luke, using force lightning it just seams wrong does it not plus you can just stasis them have your party hack and slash them or hack and slash them your self. but maybe thats just me remebering how Evil the Emperor look throwing it down in The Return of the Jedi.
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:54 pm
by Kienan
Yoda DOES throw force lightning, kinda, at Dooku at the end of Episode II...