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Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:01 pm
by Revan_Reborn225
Double-Bladed vs. 2 Single-Blades:

In pure damage, given the same crystals, the double-bladed saber will do more pure damage just because of its initial boost. In this situation I'd prefer loading it with a Sigil crystal, as well an Upari crystal and hack and slash my way to Jedi Apparition status.

For a more balanced attack, I'd go with 2 single-bladed sabers. They offer you the ability to put variety into your attacks. In one saber, you may have a Sigil crystal and a Solari crystal to do more damage against Dark side opponents. In the other you may put in the Upari crystal and maybe a Bondar crystal, to give yourself more of a stun opportunity.

I play based on my situation. If I only have a few crystals to install, I'll probably pick a double-bladed saber. If I have a multitude of crystals (near the end of the game is best), I'll go with two single blades.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:07 am
by Cuchulain82
Revan and shaedar are right- for straight damage doublebladed sabres are better. If you are interested in crit hits, then dual-weilding (or just single sabre) is preferable.

The strongest character I ever had was a DS scout-guardian. He had max two weapon fighting and flurry, and he had a natural 23 strength (18 natural+5 level bonuses). By the end he was force-hopping and flurrying everyone to pieces, and his strength was maxed for the game- well over 30. The key was that he used Darth Bandon's sabre- I forget which crystals, but is was a damge sabre, and it really destroyed everything. This was especially deadly with the ls force buff Juhani and Jolee have access to.

As far as the "more slots" argument goes, dual weilding gives you more variety in your sabres, but you still have the same number of slots- think of a double bladed saber as having two of the same sabre instead of two different sabres.