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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:16 am
by txa1265
True - working some optimistic numbers:
Say they sold 225,000 or Arcanum, 125,000 of ToEE, and 100,000 of Bloodlines all at $50 a copy. They would have a gross sales figure of $22,500,000. Assuming 30% goes straight to corporate taxes, you then have $15,750,000 left. Taking the assumtion that Troika gets 40% of that, they now have $6,300,000. But that is over 6 years, or $1,050,000 a year. Of that, there is significant overhead - office space, health care, computers and software, travel, expenses, etc - which is likely to exceed 40% of what they have, but we'll leave it there ... so now you have $630,000 a year for salaries. Assuming they float an average of 20 people, that is an annual salary of $31,500. Which is cr@p.


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:43 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Buck Satan]Those are gross totals. I'm totally guessing here, but I doubt Troika saw more than 30-40% of that revenue. Considering Vampire: Bloodlines had a development time of close to two years, and with 30+ members working on it during its busiest period, that doesn't leave much of a profit even if they were all making a below average salary.[/QUOTE]

That makes sense. So they could actually have sold far more copies of Bloodlines than Arcanum, but realized a lot less cash because of expenditures.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:05 am
by Lexander
*sigh* It's sad seeing the makers of my favorite game evah (Fallout 2) go out like this ...

What irritates me more is that lame games like Far Cry bring in so much more profeit than Troika's awsome RPGs. It's not fair.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:48 am
by txa1265
[QUOTE=Lexander]What irritates me more is that lame games like Far Cry bring in so much more profeit than Troika's awsome RPGs. It's not fair.[/QUOTE]
Far Cry doesn't bug me - it was a pretty darn good game - it is that the rounding error in sales of games like Madden whatever are greater than the entire portfolio of Troika's games ... which tells me something about the bulk of gamers. (read: they are lemming-like idiots!)
