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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:43 pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
they dont have any background info on anyone at all, except some characters, and others are just totally random (mandalore, atton).

I wouldn't say that Mandalore was a totally random character with no background.
$80 bucks?! you got ripped off my friend

He's in Canada.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 4:05 pm
by Grishnakh
I don't care if KOTOR2 is the "middle of a trilogy". I don't buy that apologist excuse for a moment. If the game and its story can't stand on its own then it is incomplete. The ESB comparison doesn't hold water. ESB was a self contained complete story in its own right, independant of ANH and ROTJ. KOTOR2 isn't. The game ends hollow and incomplete.

Actually the hollow, incomplete, and unfinished feel of the game comes long before the end. Like others, I wondered is up with G0T0 and the HK-50s. I expected that by restoring HK-47 that a storyline related to the HK-50s would open up and that whole question would be answered. Instead, I find that it was edited out of the game - perhaps for time constraints, perhaps by LA directive.

But really, the game comes apart with the final world. If I didn't notice it beforehand, the game really goes to crap with the final academy you hack your way through. There, you can pop a door and step into a room chock full of Sith and half less than half of them come after you. Despite seeing half of the Sith in a room get Force Stormed to death in an instant, everyone else just stands around until you get "closer". You run up against Sith Marauders and Sith Assassins who are supposed to be the baddest of the baddest and none of them bothers to do anything but hack feebly at you with a lightsaber. Even the Sith Lord bosses in the Academy, who are supposed to be so tough, can't be bothered to even attempt to use any Force powers. This isn't a matter of lousy IA, but a matter of incomplete programming. So much of the game is left feeling like I'm walking through a programmer's test-cheat of the game engine.

Really, the game went to crap for me with the Jedi Council on Dantooine. That really pissed me off. Here I go talk to these Jedi Masters one-on-one and they're all nice and sympathetic. Get them together in a room and they're all arrayed against me. EVERY single option in the conversation leads to exactly the same end - "You suck; we're gonna banish you again." and Kreia's response. Whatever happened to restoring the Jedi in the first place?

Maybe as a DSer, KOTOR2 wouldn't have been quite as much of a dissapointment. It is plain to me that huge chunks of the game are completely MIA and other huge chunks of the game are pathetically incomplete.

Was anyone else annoyed at how moronic the enemy AI was in the JekkJekk? You walk into a big room full of baddies who are all supposed to try to kick your butt, and only a handful wake up to attack you. The rest of them hang out and wait their turns patiently. You have to HUNT THEM DOWN ONE BY ONE! Nothing at all like the Starforge in KOTOR, where Sith would come at you in dense waves so fast that you almost couldn't catch your breath. No need to hunt down the baddies in the Starforge, because they're all running straight at you at full speed. Ah, not so in KOTOR2 where you have to be well inside of blaster pistol range before any enemies will acknowledge your presence.

I'll freely admit to exploiting the moronic enemies in KOTOR2, especially when stuck with Mira. Give her a nice tooled up rifle and Master Sniper. She can stand back and plink guys from outside of their response radius. Plink one with Master Sniper and he's stunned. Plink some more and he's dead. Rinse, repeat. Never get close enough to enemy to wake them up.

I'm so dissapointed with KOTOR2 that I am not even looking forward to a KOTOR3. The game ruined this RPG genre for me. I don't want to see a sequel. I'd like to see another Star Wars RPG, but not if it has anything to do with KOTOR2. I *had* been thinking, partway through KOTOR2, that it would be cool to check out some of the other RPG games from the same developers. I'd heard that Baldur's Gate 2 is the same engine and same story format. But KOTOR2 is such a steaming pile that I'm completely turned off.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 7:02 pm
by Djengo Torx
[QUOTE=Exil]Making a Starwars RPG is like money in the bank it will in no way compete with anything else crappy lucas arts makes like these stupid jedi oukast that have quake 1 engine and look real crappy. The only thing good with their Star War games is Kotor.[/QUOTE]

I take it you haven't played Republic Commando yet.

Anyway, here's my two cents on the whole matter...
I enjoyed the actual gameplay. The whole idea of influencing your party members was very appealing. There's a whole bunch of other features that I thought were good improvements on the original.

However, like the rest of you mentioned, I would have liked a much more developed story. The thing is that they tried to throw in too many BS characters that not only suck with skills/fighting but characters that don't affect a thing with what happens to the story. I'm all for quality over quantity.

Characters like GO-TO, an absolutely useless sphere that's identical to the many you've blown up with one swing. LA could have found something a little more creative to push this story along than the exchange. The Sith would have been plenty enough and would have been better because there would be room to develop the baddies. GO-TO did nothing except to throw in an unfinished side story with Bao-Dur's toy. I don't know what the hell Revan would want with the Exchange. This story would have gone along fine without the Exchange. Like the choice of words I had on GO-TO's yatch: "You chased me around the galaxy to ask me to save it?"... geez, I was gonna do that anyway. Completely useless.

As for Mira & Hanharr, don't get me wrong. I liked Mira, she actually fits in with the direction it seems to be going IF you go LS. DS, she just gets killed off which gets you thinking if she's important at all. It's not a real good ending for me if she's supposed to be one of the 'last true jedi'. I also really hate how Kreia revives Hanharr so he could go kick her ass on Malachor. I really excpected her to do something more important at the end than to have a rematch with Bigfoot who happens to just pop out of nowhere. (Hanharr is a totally useless random character BTW)

Visas... totally random character but I don't mind it too much because number 1, she's hot, and number two it fits in with the theme of betrayal that the Handmaiden follows and I'm guessing the Desciple goes through with Vrook (though I haven't finished Telos yet with my female campeign).

HK-47, I love that droid. I think it's really stupid how you kill off all the HK-50s in order to get all the parts you need to fix him. That is so freakin' annoying. I really wanted to see more. HK-47 is so cool that they're still calling people meatbags 5000 years later in the clone wars. (Yes, they say meatbag in Republic Commando)

Mandalore, needs no further explanation. He actually makes perfect sense along with T3, Atton, Handmaiden, and possibly Bau-Dur. I have to admit that that's a pretty good list. So why did LA find the need to add so many useless fillers?

Kreia is the worst. I hate the fact that you have to ask her permission to go take a piss. Though it does fit with how she's supposed to be your mentor/enemy and how annoyed the exile must have been with her, I find it completely random how she got all buddy-buddy with Revan. Yeah she was Revan's mentor but is she doing on the Hawk? I also realize that Kreia is the realenemy in this game and not the other two so they don't need all too much development... but where the hell did they come from? I mean, if they're so bad ass why didn't Revan, Malak, or even Bastilla pay any attention to them?

Don't get me wrong. I love the game. It was excellent as far as gameplay. If they could just have dropped what wasn't important they could have put together a pretty captivating story. Revan's General returning to the force and possibly amassing an army to help his old coleague battle the true sith is quite special on it's own and could do without all the distractions. If time was an issue with how the game was released, it would have been smarter to finish the main story first and then start working on all the extra side stories.

All said and done, am I the only one who felt like sticking a saber into Vrook and use the force to revive him just so I could do it again, and again, and again?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:10 pm
by Grishnakh
[QUOTE=Djengo Torx]All said and done, am I the only one who felt like sticking a saber into Vrook and use the force to revive him just so I could do it again, and again, and again?[/QUOTE]

Vrook had it in for you from the beginning. I got the impression on Dantooine the first time that he wasn't going to side with me in the first place. I kept notes about my encounters with the 4 (3) of them. I fully expected a completely different outcome, so my pseudo explanation for the outcome of the Jedi Council is that Vrook turns them against you.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:52 pm
by Cowled Kensai
Hrm I am only in the begining, but I have seen some flaws. One why the F does your character always have amnesia, I would like some back ground information I hate amnesia it gets stale after playing a whole game with it once, and then playing another game with it. I hate the fact you are using the Ebon Hawk happened to Revan I want to know. At first I thought I was Revan again, and had amnesia but to my surprise no I am some idiot that just woke up. Also I was a Light Sider, and why is the Republic still at war with the Sith? Am I missing something here :confused: ?

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:28 pm
by Djengo Torx
^^ Your character does not have amnesia. You choose what happened during your first conversation with Atton.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 11:45 pm
by Cowled Kensai
I know, but when you start KOTOR I Revan has amnesia, and when you start KOTOR II your main character has amnesia also. I would like to play a game where the main characters do not have amnesia.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 12:20 am
by Rusicade
Maybe the point of the end of KOTRII's being so attenuated was so that the next chapter won't start with an amnesia victim. KOTRIII can start with the main character waking up, remembering everything, and still not know what the heck happened.


Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 5:37 am
by Djengo Torx
If by anmesia you guys are talking about getting your head knocked in on the Republic ship and waking up in a kolto tank then that really isn't amnesia. People should actually read the dialogues.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:34 am
by Deuce
Atris & Darth Nihilous

I enjoyed the game but I was mostly disappointed with the limited role played by Atris and Darth Nihilous. I mean, they were on the cover art and lucasarts used their images as light- and darkside desktop downloads (screensavers/background) on the official KOTOR 2 website.

The entire game I was just waiting for them to become involved in the game but nothing.. Atris you get to talk to twice but they didn't do nearly as much with her as I expected and as for Darth Nihilous... for someone that's on the box of the game appearing in a cut-scene and a single battle.. that was totally lame...

Other then that I had some minor grievances but I enjoyed the game a lot so... waiting for number 3 ;)

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 6:09 pm

Hahahaha. Also liked the quote above about asking Kreia's permission "just to take a piss," I think it was. :D

There was much I didn't care for about the game, as I already wrote, but I have to admit, even if sadly, that I will buy KOTOR III whenever it makes its way to the shelves.

But I just also wanted to agree that I was surprised at the lack of interaction with Nihilus and Atris, seeing as how they seemed to be the forefront characters in all of the publicity. I even entertained the idea that Nihilus was Revan in disguise. But nothing that exciting happened.....

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:25 am
by Xandax
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Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:17 pm
by Kokyho
I'm agreeing with alot of the disappointments here. You can get stuck in big loops of the same discussions with side characters if you're not careful and alot of the answers never change as the game progresses. I played KotOR a ton, like 20 times or more, it never left my PC for nearly 5 months. But K2 isn't as fun for me for alot the reasons you've already discussed. I'm about to finish my 4th time through as a light side female Jedi Counsular and it has had a few more options thus far with the disiple guy and thats about it. I do like some of the new powers and the all around easier use with being able to level up, equip, map select, and all that stuff in the same screen. The game addresses alot of the playing problems and modes that were a bit weird in the first KotOR, but the story ending and side character discussion roles never amount to much.
Also, one of the strangest cut scenes, that never made a lick of sense,
After leaving Nar Shadda and after getting off Goto's yacht you get his stupid watcher droid ball thing G0-T0 on the Ebon Hawk. After the discussion with Goto about why the droid is aboard your ship Bao-durs' floating sphere droid zooms around T0 in a curious manner and flaots off to do work on the ship. Cut scene- G0 basically sneaks up quickly to Bao-dur's floating droid and zaps it, destroying it, parts go flying everywhere, end scene. But as soon as you go back to see bao-dur about it, the sphere is fine and still in one piece floating arounf by Bao-dur. You approach him to hopefully have somekind of discussion or whatever and its never even brought up that his sphere was just attacked and destroyed, yet there it is in one piece. Huh? What the hell happened? You don't find out anything, why was it attacked, was it really destroyed completely or just stunned, did it fix itself or did Bao-dur. Strange.

And don't get me started with Atris, there could've been a ton more things done with her, especailly for male characters.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 8:18 pm
by d3r3k
i think it is funny when fanboys blame a company because their favorite game didn't have the plot they wanted.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 1:17 am
by Xandax
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