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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:39 pm
by Soulforged
I will try to respond everyting i know and somethings that i suppose.
2-Revan's whereabouts had to remain secret for two reasons 1- Commercial reasons of course and 2. No body knows except T3-M4 who will guide the exile and the new Jedi or Sith to fight the true menace. Besides the Regions are called Unknown for some reason...right.
3a-It does not matter both are destroyed in the death of Malachor V. Go-To never reach the goal of preventing the Mass Shadow from realising so that's the end of both droid's (that answer the question of Kreia).
3b-HK-47 remains a mistery to me to so...
3c-I think that Bao-Dur is not death just unconscious. Kreia can't look into his future for some misterious reason yet to be reaveled. Remember that Kreia couldn't hear his toughts when you could...
3d-Well if your friend is lost in the surface of a dark creepy planet (friend or master in the case of the dark) wouldn't you look for him? She is wandering near the door where you find the Great Storm Beast. Altought i always think that that her story is very poor developed giving her always the picture of a important character strong in the force but i think that her importance is a little overestimated and also that her mision and that of the remote are useless.
3e-Did you actually saw the ship crashing on the planet core? I believe that the Ebon Hawk don't crashes because Atton awakes just in time. You will notice the rush for lauching the game in this last scenes.
4- I always have Visas to, but maybe there're some other possibilities.
5-There is no difference. Have this in mind even if you take the dark side path the Jedi can't be erased forever, that's simple untrue and counters the films of Star Wars. If you end being a Jedi or a Sith you will always go to find Revan with the help only of T3-M4 leaving all behind. Remembering the words of Kreia she said that Revan would need both Jedi or Sith. If you are a dark power then your motives will be your own but you would wish to finish that wich will threat your domonion over the galaxy. You see they had all the bases covered for the plot.
6a-Yes Nihilus was a real strong wound in the Force, but as you saw he was a little uncoperative. The truth is that he couldn't form such bonds as you could and he never turn away from the Force, and that's because Kreia wanted you and no Nihilus. Bisides if you unlock a video of what Kreia was on the past then you will see why she really hates Nihilus. You were a wound in the Force because you wanted to leave it in the war (in an unconsciousness state). Nihilus in turn was a wound because of his terrible nature, he was the true opposite of Kreia, he wanted to erase all the life until all that remain is the Force, Kreia wanted all the life stripped of the Force.
7-Well i can't say anything about that except that there is a petition to ask for the scripted and never realized endings.
8-You never truly save her. She falls in the dark and the holocrons that you see behind controls her toughts, she is mortally wounded for both you and the dark side. I believe (mostly because of the artwork) that Nihilus kills Atris, but that's only a belief that i want to have.
9-Oh...well i to make the same mistake. This is actually a bug.
Sorry for the bad english.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:46 pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
As for GO-TO and the remote, supposedly HK-47 and some HK-51's take care of that matter.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:00 am
by Invincible121
Soulforged wrote:Well it's a new game, a new plot, new characters, although related in some form (the Ebon Hawk specially). There is no need whatsoever of reaveling the past or the future of previuos characters. In fact this history is far more different that the one previous it tells about the exile, one who's not related in any form to Revan, except for the Mandalorian Wars. The characters that make some presence is just for circumstance and to find any trace of Revan, their old friend. I think that the future shall tell us, when some KOTOR III come out and show us the conclusion of the lives and the historys of both Revan and the Exile, and everybody that surrounds them in the middle of the war vs the true Sith. It's just commercial behavior of any company that wish to sell even better the sequel. If you create a dissapoinmeant on one game then the gazes will be upon the next one eager than ever.
I understand its a new game, with new plots and characters. I just find it hard to believe that the core group of people who were instrumental in the previous game would just be ignored. It wouldn't have been hard to add a datapad in somewhere with information on what happened, or have something about them recorded on the Ebon Hawk or even in T3's membory.

And if they do reveal what happened in KOTOR3 then I don't understand the logic, even with what you said. Why skip an entire game to reveal what happened? It just doesn't make sense.
3c-I think that Bao-Dur is not death just unconscious. Kreia can't look into his future for some misterious reason yet to be reaveled. Remember that Kreia couldn't hear his toughts when you could...
I assumed it had something to do with the fact Bao-Dur had mechanical parts. Didn't the conversation about Kreia not being able to hear him come straight after she said she couldn't hear the droids either? And didn't Kreia only reveal the future of the characters who turned into Jedi/had potential to turn Jedi? Disciple, Mira, Visas and Atton were the only options in my game I think.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:36 am
by Macleod1701
Well Bao Dur can be a jedi too so there's that theory void, it's probably just because she couldn't read his mind as she says earlier in the story

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:58 pm
by Invincible121
He could? I didn't use him much and assumed he couldn't become one because I remember a lot (maybe all) of the jedi robes I picked up had "Cannot Equip Bao-Dur" on them.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:04 pm
by Ergophobia
That's mainly because his arm would burn the robes apart. He's more like the Jedi that stays in heavy armor and uses FPs that can be used in armor.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:24 pm
by Soulforged
To Invensible

Man I think that you misunderstand me. There is no logic in the sense of ploting or writing the history, i keep the same line of thinking and i was really pissed off to, but what i'm saying is that not everybody sees the picture here. It has logic from the commercial point of view, do you always think that the companys launch games prematurily just for error? No this was a very good move. With the background of the Award Winner thing and the great expectative they rushed the game like it was just to make the poor people like us whos bought it feel disapointed and wait eagerly for the sequel. Just look at the forums and you will see how much time there was beetween (is this weel written?) the game realize and the appearence of the topic "What do you want for Kotor III.
About Kreia and Bao-Dur and the droids. First of all the droids per se don't have toughts (something that really bothered me when you must have to influence HK-47 or T3-M4 to make they say anything) they just respond without hesitation and without any feeling to commands. You also can't hear his "toughts" as they call it in the game, and the Force don't run throught synthetic things so she can't make the proper connection with the help of the dark power of Malachor V to see in their futures.
As always sorry for the english (hey... you english and yanquis should learn spanish to... i don't know why i apolagize)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:43 am
by Osito
I have just finished the game as light, male. I like the story, but it leaves many things out. Many of these "leave-outs" are understandable as to the many chooises you could make in the first game. Like you can kill almost everyone in your party as dark.

But about the plot to KotorII:
*What happeneds to the Jedi?! Kreia kills the remining masters? How will rebuild it?

*What of "me"? When the "new" council talks to you they tell you that you are the end of the force and you don't have a force conncetion, ju just feed on killing people. That's not very good for a very good Jedi like my self....

*The end?! I goes of like Revan? But (to connect it to the 2 :o nd question) what about the Jedi? Shouldn't I rebuild the council, starting train new Jedi (as light of corse...)

*Can you turn your friends to Jedi? Didn't know that... :rolleyes:

That's about it for now... I can just add that I got relly pist, for being a Jedi that is, when Kreia killed my old masters and guiders of the force! I have serched for them everywhere, AND SHE KILLS THEM! That made me mad, but after a few sec I came a pease as any Jedi... :rolleyes:

PS: Excuse my English...

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:25 am
by Ergophobia
I suppose the Jedi could be restored by your ex-party members turned Jedi, such as mostly Handmaiden/Disciple, and also maybe Bao-Dur. (since we don't know what he's going to do)

I do not know what happens if you have not trained any companion to be Jedi though, BUT as you see in the end, Bastila is still there (if Revan was LS) and she could train new Jedi.

Your main character would probably go after Revan, going far away to let the force restore in the republic and so that he doesn't ruin it anymore or so.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:01 pm
by Soulforged
Bueno osito (imaginando que hablas español) la verdad es que en las noticias y en los mismos foros the esta página te vas a enterar de porque hay tantos agujeros en la trama (todo debido a Lucas Arts, y no a los escritores the Obsidian como todos suponen e insultan).
Con respecto a las preguntas: (y esto va en english porque no se si se permite escribir en otro idioma)
The history of the Jedi seems very clear to me. Kreia says that your apprentices (if any) will be the new Jedi, they will fill eventualy the empty halls of Coruscant once again. But this history is better to tell another time when the guys up there think about the sequel.
All the other questions have the same anwser wait for the resolution of the history.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:30 pm
by Sarendipity
2. T3-M4 zapping HK-47: Revan didn't want anyone following him/her. I'm guessing that HK-47 would try to follow, being that Revan is his Master.

3a. GOTO & Remote: I was annoyed at this too. It seems that in a LS game the remote wins, and in DS it's GOTO. It's like they got overly ambitious toward the end and then just had to tack on an ending without really wrapping everything up the way they intended. Even if they were leaving a lot open-ended for III, it's still pretty sloppy.

3b. What happens to GOTO? T3-M4? Hk 47? No predictions from kriea for them?
She can't see the fate of the droids, because they're not alive and therefore not part of the Force.

3c. Is Bao-dur dead at the end? what's with the holo? I'm guessing this is more sloppiness on their part, and they originally intended to show what happened with him. As it is, I assume he was on the Ebon Hawk. And I guess the holo was installed so that it would be triggered on Malachor.

3d. Why/where is Mira wandering to on Malachor V? Again, sloppiness. I think we got cheated with the ending, that they originally wanted it to be bigger and involve all of the characters. Grr.

3e. Why did the ship come back all perfect after being crushed and falling into a chasm? Umm... the Force? It's a good question. The DS ending doesn't have the ship come back, though. Who knows.

4. Romance: Can't help you there, I've only played as female. But there wasn't much with Atton or Disciple for me, definitely not as developed as the Carth/Revan romance. At the end Kreia told me they both loved me in their own way, but that where I had to go I couldn't take anyone I loved (just as Revan didn't take Carth, or Bastila if you said Revan was male.)

5. What is the light/dark side ending? When does it start diverging? One walkthrough says it's when you save versus kill Kriea/Traya. I tried both: nothing happens except the ship flies off into nebula. Only in one conversation path is it even mentioned that your actually following Revan.
Hmm. Well, I must have taken that path then. She dies no matter what you do, as far as I know. The DS way she falls down into the planet, and the ship doesn't come - it just ends with you there on Malachor.

6a. Wound in the force: Sion and Nihlous were both failures in her eyes. She didn't want to destroy the galaxy, which is what Nihlous would eventually do if allowed to continue on. You were her hope for the future, because you gave up the Force. She wanted to end the Force, or at the very least end the way Jedi relied on it.

6b. Is the wound healed or is the force still going to come apart at the seams... since MainChar is still alive at the end. It'll be a slow process, just like the restoration of Telos will be. The fact that you learn to feel the Force again is a sign that the wound is healing itself... I think.

7. Why is there no closing animation, did they run out of production time? (except distruction of Malachor & flying off into nebula) Sloppy sloppy. But, it's a little remniscent of Empire Strikes Back. It definitely seems like they ran out of time, but I think it's also because it's the middle of a trilogy. I guess we'll find out eventually.

8. What happens to Atris? I 'saved' her in my plot. I guess we'll find this out too. Otherwise, it's just more sloppiness.

9. How do you solve the Dantooine Jedi reputation redemption quest? As far as I know, you can't. I couldn't solve the Fuel for Telos one either, but I just started another game and I'll see if I can this time.

Mostly I think they got overly ambitious and ran out of time - too many party members, too many sidequests, too many loose ends - and bugs galore. If it wasn't also a sequel it might have been easier, but they also had to figure in the stuff from KOTOR 1. I think how I view this game in the end is going to depend on how KOTOR 3 turns out (I'm assuming they're already making it).

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:55 am
by mike1
The ending (spoilier)

The dialogue at the end of the game give you clues on the future of the people you travel with. If you focus on Kreia, you fly off. If you ask about the future of your companions she tells you. I played the lightside female, Jedi counselor/watchman. and made Disciple my only Jedi. Kreia says that Disciple soy reluctantly on the Jedi council. There are final statements about the other characters except for the indorian who she has trouble using her mind things on. When you use the force scan or what ever they call the power Vissa gives you. It does not work on Kriea and Ban-dar. I also had a choice about what I wanted to do. Go back, follow Revan or stay on the planet. Didn't you?

All the Lucas arts games have weak endings. The Jedi Knight games and the Knights of the Old Republic/ This one gave you some information. The last one gave you a metal and said you would be remembered as the prodigal Jedi. One of the Jedi Knight games the main Character are going to have a romantic vacation and the other says they are more challenges are you up for them. This end is average or a little better