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Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:10 am
by Aegis
[QUOTE=Demortis]i am the head of the milita, i am for the defence of our country[/QUOTE]
I hate making this comment off the topic of the thread, but at this point, it's needed:

Demortis, this is a game that Fas has set up. He has outlined the rules of the game in a previous thread. He has also asked that anybody not directly involved with the game, having expressed interest in the previous thread, do not post or spam in this thread. Given the fact that it has come to our attention you are not actually an official part of the game, your posting in this thread is considered to be spam, and thus against the wishes of Fas and the game he is attempting to establish.

If you wish to participate within the confines of the game, I suggest you talk to Fas about it. Otherwise, do not post in this thread.

@CM: Sorry for posting an off topic post. I'm sure you understand why though.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 3:09 am
by Vicsun
[QUOTE=Aegis]We are in a geo-political spectrum that, in some year, we may be considered for entrance into the EU. That is a financial and political grace. As it stands now, we are no where near EU support, aid or even acceptance. We lack the infrastructure, we lack the government, and we lack social programs the EU looks for. Instituting Martial Law only strips our country further of those factors, and as such, is not a strong, viable option for this country.[/QUOTE]
Are you aware that one of the main requirements of joining the EU is a market economy, comrade?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 4:50 pm
by jopperm2
This debate completely lacks legitimacy without the proper sactions of a government. At the moment we are a council of Rebels. We need to elect a leader and draft a constitution. Then, and only then can we begin to think about the first step towards building a great nation, independace.

What I am proposing is a coalition government with shared power so that we can work together to accomplish what needs done.

I would like to nominate myself as Prime Minister and propose someone from one of the other parties take the role of president. We will then collaborate to determine the various miniters from all parties once there is a formal constitution outlining which minsters there should be and providing for the addition of ministers as they become necessary. Who would like to nominate someone to run for president or prime minister?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:39 pm
by blake
I nominate Fable for prime minister. And no, I wasnt aware of the market economy requirements. Perhaps we should just request a grant. Once we get our government firmly established of course.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 9:45 am
by jopperm2
That's a nomination for fable from my good friend in the Communist party. Anyone else want to make a nomination? And we still need fable to accept that nomination.

As for the EU, we won't be able to get in for several years. We have nothing to offer yet. I think grants from the WTO, World Bank, EU, US, and other such powers will be the best course of action. I have several plans for how to accomplish these things, but they will have to wait until there is a sovereign nation for money to be granted to.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:59 pm
by blake
A country cant be succesful without a national flag. I submit this as our flag, we have the Sickle, to symbolise our Workers, we have the Scimitar to symbolise our Muslim Strength, and we have our Star for which we are united. It will be red for the Revolutionary ideals our nation is being founded on, and the 3 symbols will be inside of the Bear, a native creature to our country, whose hides provide many of us with our clothing during the winter. Bears are strong and can be clever, and they are territorial beings, as are we.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:56 am
by jopperm2
I agree with you that a flag is necessary for the success of this nation, but I have a counter-proposal for the flag. The bear is a great idea and I believe could be the symble of our people much as the Americans rally around the bald eagle. I have omitted the minority symbols as they do not represent all of our people, and replaced them with stars to represent the three groups that make up the diverse population of SYMistan. I have also altered the colors to signify that we are independant and distanced from Russia, our former oppressor.

We, of course cannot vote on the matter until we have a government in place. Are there any more nominations for PM or president?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:00 am
by fable
I would be honored to accept this nomination, and ultimately to serve the peoples of SYMistan, if they would have me as Prime Minister. I would of course seek to gather all the representatives of the ideologies of our fine nation, and provide a government of unity that would lead us forward into the future.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:06 am
by Vicsun
I support Fable's nomination for Prime Minister and nominate Frogus for president.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:33 am
by Sytze
Seeing as the nominee is a communist, I do not yet support him. Yet, anyway.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 10:58 am
by fable
I would like to suggest that we proceed with the election as quickly as possible, friends and fellow senators. Then we can just as quickly pass a vote to invite in the leaders whose forces surround this building, and set about the business of forming a truly representative government of the SYMistan peoples.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:01 am
by blake
I suggest we get the leader of the militia in here, we can hear his views. That might lead to less hostilities if we allow them in rather then make all the decisions without them, after all they maybe amred and dangerous citizens, but they are citizens none the less.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:05 am
by jopperm2
We now have the nominations for Prime Minister as me and fable, as well as fable and Frogus for President. Fable and I have accepted. We need to decide what voting method we will use and what restrictions will be placed on running. I move for simple majority vote, and the PM and Pres not be from the same party.

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:27 am
by ik911
I have passively watched this, and now it is time for us to speak.

This is schematically what we propose:

-Secretary General/Chief of State (elected by General People's Congress)
-General People's Congress (legislative forum that interacts with the General People's Committee; members are secretaries of Symistanian ministries, elected indirectly through a hierarchy of people's committees)
-General People's Committee (serves as the intermediary between the masses and the leadership; composed of the secretariats of some hundred "basic popular congresses.")
-basic popular congresses (members are local representatives: 'the people')
-the people

We will name our country "Socialist People's Symistan Arab Jamahiriya" and the government type will be Jamahiriya (a state of the masses).

(there is not enough time right now to completely be clear, I have to eat right now... :( )

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:37 am
by jopperm2
I will have a counter proposal shortly, but I propose that we first work on electing our leaders so that we can effectively deliberate the remainder of the nation's government.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:37 pm
by ik911
[QUOTE=jopperm2]I will have a counter proposal shortly, but I propose that we first work on electing our leaders so that we can effectively deliberate the remainder of the nation's government.[/QUOTE]
Very well, we shall now unanimously elect giles337 as the new Chief of State of Symistan. The progress over the last week has been too slow, therefor he gets appointed this leading position.

If this seems undemocratical to you, please, let me explain. The chief of state is merely a 'discussion leader', so to speak. After a few years of prosperity he will become obsolete and the GPC will have full control.

We don't do this to piss you off, members of the Senate, we want to see progress, and we haven't seen progress with your names on it yet.

This newborn country, not independent yet, not stable and leaderless still, needs governing. If you don't do it, we will.

Now that we finally have a 'Prime Minister' or 'President' or however you guys want to name it, it's time to appoint ministries and form a General People's Congress. Let's form a GOVERNMENT!

'For Eternity, Brothers'

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:12 am
by frogus23
I would like to express my support for Giles as Provisional Governor of SYMistan.

I await his views on the construction of official government organs, and the staging of elections.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:24 am
by giles337
My spokesman (ik911) will be providing more information shortly.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:39 pm
by jopperm2
I will not accept any leader who was not elected amongst the senate and as such do not accept Giles. We must have proper leadership. I move that we hold immediate elections for PM and President then go formward to build the government of the people based on party majorities.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:17 pm
by Tower_Master
[QUOTE=jopperm2]I will not accept any leader who was not elected amongst the senate and as such do not accept Giles. We must have proper leadership. I move that we hold immediate elections for PM and President then go formward to build the government of the people based on party majorities.[/QUOTE]

I strongly concur with Jopperm. A government leader of any variety not selected by a majority of the Senate is a mockery of all that we try to build.