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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:08 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=CM]Always civil conversation which is acceptable infront of the pope.[/QUOTE]
Now, is that what the pope would prefer to have discussed in his presence, or what I'D prefer to say to the pope in his presence?

Those are two, completely different things.
@Thomas77, I have to always wonder about stories like that. Anyone losing a finger in a restaurant, or meat packing plant would make quite a stir. If lost inside the restaurant, I can pretty much imagine quite a scene which would halt service for some time. If in the meat packing plant, I'm fairly certain that nowadays, they'd tear through the product it was lost in to remove it. Whatever plant allowed something of that nature to be left in their product is asking to be shut down for various reasons beyond unsanitary production practices. The worker involved would probably make quite a fuss too and everyone would then know about it in the plant. It's not like losing your watch or keys you know?
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:22 pm
by Thomas77
Yeah, you'd think.... here's a link to CNN regarding the story. (the story mentions the name of the fast food place, that's fine, just so it ain't me!)
:::UPDATED WITH BETTER LINK::: ... 2925.shtml
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:27 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Thomas77]Yeah, you'd think.... here's a link to CNN regarding the story. (the story mentions the name of the fast food place, that's fine, just so it ain't me!)[/QUOTE]
Harsh, so...I'm assuming one of their suppliers will be losing a LOT of business soon. Wonder who's finger it was and what happened to them. Being Italian and family history, you know, makes me curious if it was an accident at work or someone got into some trouble.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:37 pm
by Thomas77
[QUOTE=Magrus]Harsh, so...I'm assuming one of their suppliers will be losing a LOT of business soon. Wonder who's finger it was and what happened to them. Being Italian and family history, you know, makes me curious if it was an accident at work or someone got into some trouble.


being that nobody seems to know, I'd bet my middle finger it was the latter!
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:44 pm
by Magrus

being that nobody seems to know, I'd bet my middle finger it was the latter![/QUOTE]
After reading both links, I'm inclined to agree. Thats a shame, and I so would have been pissed at finding a finger in my food.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:06 pm
by VonDondu
I read about the chili story the other day. Wendy's has been losing a lot of business because of it, but their spokesmen are doing their best to put a happy face on it and saying things like, "People always buy a lot of our chili."
One article I read described how the local police made all of the employees of the restaurant display their fingers to make sure that the finger didn't come from one of them. (All of their fingers were intact.) The restaurant claims that the finger must have been in some of the food they got from their suppliers. The search is on. But based on what I know about Wendy's chili, it wasn't inside a can of meat; it must have been inside a can of beans, because they use their own meat to make their chili.
I know someone who worked for Wendy's ten or fifteen years ago, and he told me how they make chili. Unless they've changed their recipe, here's what they do. They cook hamburger patties all day to meet customer demand. Since it takes about five minutes to cook a patty and they don't want customers to wait more than a minute for their orders, they start cooking patties before the orders are placed. Sometimes they end up with too many patties. They can't leave them sitting on the grill for more than five minutes after they're done, so they throw the extra patties into a bucket that sits under the grill all day long. Rather than letting all of those patties go to waste, they put them into the refrigerator that night, and then chop them up and use them to make their chili the next day. They add canned beans (two different types) and a packaged sauce mix and cook it for about an hour or two. I assume it's safe to eat, but the idea of eating leftover hamburger patties that have sat in a bucket all day grosses me out almost as much as the idea of eating a well-cooked human finger.
But remember: Wendy's meat is always fresh, not frozen. Choose Wendy's, choose fresh.
Oops! Dinner's ready. I'll talk to you later.
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:14 am
by Macleod1701
Well when I eat at my families home we mostly manage to discuss completely random stuff, such as when my father, (police type bloke) was attending a body that was being exhumed, mostly decomposed as part of an old murder case and how the head fell off and rolled across the morgue floor and how the poor blokes penis was the fist apendage to have become detached when it started to decompose, the smell and how some of the coppers were sick. Just normal everyday kind of dinner table talk I suppose

then again we are a fairly morbid family.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:50 am
by Dottie
I think it was my grandmother who used to say there were only three dinner topics: Sex and reproduction, food and excrement, and diseases. If you add peoples work situation it is a quite fitting description of topics in my family. with my friends I like to think the subject can be a little more varied, but it definatly includes those three as well.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:39 am
by Gwalchmai
My young girls tend to dominate the table conversation. Even when Mrs. Gwally wants to talk about work or politics, the Gwallettes tend to interject their own subject matter – which usually concerns various words for ‘butt’. They seem to want to push the limits on how much they can talk about bums (my oldest is reading Harry Potter), bottoms, fannies (we just saw “Robots”), and seats. They really like to talk about ‘burping from their bottoms’, which is what they call flatulence.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:44 am
by Ned Flanders
Can I come over for dinner, Gwally. I'll bring the broccoli and ex-lax. It'll be a never ending conversation.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:00 pm
by giles337
Well, My sister just decided
I was closed minded and a bigot because at the tender age of 15, I Still hadn't chosen a religion, and was an atheist. Apparently, Because she was brought up in a christian home and went to a Church of England school, christianity is the only right religion, and I'm going to burn in hell

I love family dinners!
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:30 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=giles337]Well, My sister just decided
I was closed minded and a bigot because at the tender age of 15, I Still hadn't chosen a religion, and was an atheist. Apparently, Because she was brought up in a christian home and went to a Church of England school, christianity is the only right religion, and I'm going to burn in hell

I love family dinners![/QUOTE]
I'd tell her to piss off personally. My mother got that response from me when I was nine for the same thing.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:16 pm
by Erenor
Almost anything goes at my family table, just so you watch your mouth around some of the old relatives, b/c they can hit really freaking hard. Large family dinners involving the in-laws and extended family don't allow politics or religion into "polite conversation". The differing views have led to many an interesting Christmas or Thanksgiving party with drunken relatives at eachothers throats. This is when I simply sit in a corner with a beer or ten and watch the "fireworks". I love not having an opinion...
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:23 am
by Moonbiter
My mom is from southern Europe, and harshly enforces those family values, even after almost 40 years up here on the reef. This includes the traditional family dinner/gathering
at least once a week. Those shindings tend to be quite a riot.

Conversations are always incredibly loud, and range from deep topics to raunch to having porcelaine flying like an UFO invasion.

It takes some getting used to, and most "furriners" in our company tends to come out quite shell-shocked. Which is perfectly allright.

Since we now also have three boys aged between 2 and 4 at the table, the action never stops. My wife, whose walkabout lifestyle is a constant cause for concern and debate, always sighs "another party at the asylum, where's my Valium?" whenever we're going up there, while my son jumps up and down in anticipation of what unspeakable acts he and his cousins can commit this time.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:52 am
by Shai Hulud
I was lucky enough to have grown up in a home where anything goes, in relation to conversation, at the dinner table. Now, of course, I do the same at my table. Its kind of like a sanctuary for everyone. People know "what is said at the table, stays at the table". I think that opens dinner time to many obscure discussions.
No, I have never had the pleasure of hearing chicken drumsticks being refered to anything other than chicken but I do not have children so atm I'm missing out

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:58 pm
by Darth Zenemij
As a family we used to talk about anything that has popped up or what we felt like talking about.It was just wrong though.I never really liked it beacuse it was way above my head,Forgien languages and what not.Just not appriote(sp?) things that would your'e "concidered" average Family would discuss.