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Starting a New Character need advice.... (x-box)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by Skuld »

Is unarmed skill really that usefull as an armor type? I've thought about taking it, especially since I normally just wear a robe over armour anyway. But I've been hesitant as to the actual protection it provides. Any input there?
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Post by fable »

Unarmed is pretty useless, IMO. It's not as though you can enchant your arms to deliver magical damage, while you can enchant any other weapon.
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Eric V
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Post by Eric V »

using bound spells could help if u chose to go wit out armour but this is just a guess but once u level 20 or so armor not that important at least not to me and i hate cheese and cheats. :)
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