Lawful Neutral
Human Soulknife/Monk/ Senshi of the Mind
Level 2/4/1
Experience: 22660
Note: Effective Monk Level-5
H.P. 56
Str 15 (+1 lvl-4;+2 GoOP)
Dex 14
Con 16 (+2 AoH)
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 10
BAB +4
Attack +6 (+7 with mindblade); +6 ranged, +7 R. w/mindblade; +4/+4 FoB
Damage- 1d6 +2+2, 19-20 x2; 1d8 +2 unarmed; 1d10 +2 Katana (+8 attack)
AC 10+2 (dex) +2 (wis)+1 (BoA)+ 1 (monk bonus) +1 (R.o.P.)=17
Fort 4+2+1=+7
Ref 9+2+1=+12
Will 9+2+1=+12
Skills: Autohypnosis 5+2=8, Balance 2+2=4, Climb 4+2=6, Concentration 9+3=12, Escape Artist 4+2=6, Hide 3+2=5, Jump 8+2=10, Listen 1+2=3, Move Silently 3+2=5, Sense Motive 3+2=5, Spot 4+2=6, Tumble 8+2=10, Knowledge: Psionics 5+1+5=11
Feats: Rapid Metabolism (Standard healing rate+x2 Con Bonus healing, no need to rest in order to heal at this rate; with succesful use of Heal skill regain x2 standard HP+x2 Con Bonus), Battle Oriented: Weapon Proficiency (Katana 1d10, 19-20 x2, 6lbs {essentially a bastard sword with a different look}), Weapon Focus: Katana, Whirling Steel Strike (Flurry of Blows/ katana), Combat Reflexes (+2 AOO, makes AOO even while flat-footed), Psionic Weapon (+2d6 damage)
Class Abilities: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light armor and shields (except tower), Mind Blade (move action, 1d6 19-20 x2 slashing, Hardness 10, HP 10), Weapon Focus: Mindblade, Wild Talent (2 P.P.), Throw Mind Blade (30 ft), Monk Weapons, AC Bonus, Improved Unarmed Strike, Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist (Fort Save DC:10+1/C. Level + Wis Mod, 1/day/ Monk level, +1/day/4 Soulknife Levels), Evasion, Still Mind, Monk Speed +10ft, Slow Fall +20ft, Ki Strike (Magic), Weapon Specialization- Mind Blade,
Equipment: Studded Leather Armor {+3 (5, -1 mod)}, , Cloak of Resistance+1, Bracer's of Armor +1 (seeing -1 to flanking bonus, Quickness +5 ft to speed.), Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Brooch of Shielding (101), Amulet of Health +2, Katana-MWK, 1 Katana (MWK), Robe of Spell Resistance 13, Ring of Protection +1,
Camp Related: Backpack, Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Flint and Steel, Grappling Hook, Bulls-Eye Lantern, 10 pints of oil, 2 Belt Pouchs, 2 Flasks, Clay Mug, Bucket, Silk Rope (50 ft.), Waterskin, Pot, Monk's Outfit, Sack, Small Steel Mirror, 1 Potion of Endure Elements, 5 Potions of
C.L.W. , 10 days rations, Healer Kit, 1 Anti-toxin, 3 Potions of
C.M.W. , Mask of Knowledge: Psionics +5, 2 Potions of
Bulls Strength , 2
Magic Weapon Magic Weapon, 2
Shield of Faith Potions (+2), 1 Potion of
Invisibility , 1
Cat's Grace potion, 1 Weapon Capsule, 2 Quick Silver, 2
Haste , 3 Quick Spark, 1 Quick Frost, 1 Triple Weapon Capsule, 1 potion of
Heroism, 3 Imbue Weapon (+3 Enchantments or 75,000 gp worth, 7 min), 2
Resist Energy Potions
Light Horse, Riding Saddle, Saddlebags, Bit and Bridle, Feed-2 days worth,
Gold: 236 (+100) Silver: 5 Coppers: 92
Height: 6'
Weight: 143 lbs with Equipment: 286.5 lbs
Background: Zielven
The equipment took a LOT longer than I thought calculating all of the little stuff, cost and weight. The weapons and armor were easy though.
Let me know if there's a problem or something I've missed.
That's fine too.