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Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:16 pm
by Aerich
Dual-classing 2E
Are you sure? In my experience, 2E didn't allow bards or paladins to multiclass. Maybe you are thinking of IWD2 and the 3E rules?
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:46 pm
by krunchyfrogg
I'm positive.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:54 am
by Endugu
Hmm, I think under the core rules (read: player's handbook) bards couldnt multi- or dualclass, but the "complete bard's handbook" introduced those concepts for the bard. About Paladins, if I remember this right, they could dual into another class and lawful good chars could dual into a paladin.
Makes you wonder why this was never used in any of the Infinity Engine AD&D games, doesnt it?
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:03 pm
by krunchyfrogg
Yeah, I guess it was just overlooked. BTW, Bards could not multiclass in the Players Handbook, but ANY human with a 15 in the prime requisite(s) of the first class, and 17 in the prime requisite(s) of the second class could dual class.
You could also dual class more than once in AD&D, something that is not possible in these games.
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 11:09 am
by Philos
AD&D 1st Ed.
You're so right about changing classes Krunchy.
In fact in the 1st edition rules, the only way to even begin as a bard was to first acheive a minimum number of levels as a fighter, and a thief, and maybe mage as well (memory fails me on that), After dualing through each of those pre-requisites, THEN you could dual into bard. Really tough to have a bard in those days! Not sure you would call it "dual-class" with that many changes. Maybe quad-class
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 3:32 pm
by krunchyfrogg
[QUOTE=Philos]You're so right about changing classes Krunchy.
In fact in the 1st edition rules, the only way to even begin as a bard was to first acheive a minimum number of levels as a fighter, and a thief, and maybe mage as well (memory fails me on that), After dualing through each of those pre-requisites, THEN you could dual into bard. Really tough to have a bard in those days! Not sure you would call it "dual-class" with that many changes. Maybe quad-class
In 1st edition, you started as a Fighter, had to switch at a certain time to Thief, and then switch to a Druid, which was when you became a Bard (that part never made much sense to me).
So, the only magic the 1st edition Bard had was druidic in nature. And, if your DM stuck to the dual class rules, you'd need a 17 Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma. Interestingly, even with the dual class, the you could be a halfelf bard (who aren't supposed to be able to dual class).
Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:49 am
by Philos
Didn't make much sense to me either. It was so convoluted I never tried one myself and the one person that started that path while I DM'd got so disgusted with trying to plan for it that they opted just to switch to thief and stay there. I was relieved big time.