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Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:12 pm
by Lord Plothos
[QUOTE=Philos]Monster CR ratings to crafting weapons. But in keeping with this new direction, I read Silver Dragon's general info sticky and his item about crafting weapons. The ToEE guidebook is really lacking on the whole process. Maybe there could be a sticky that explains more of the technical nuts and bolts of doing it with some examples.[/QUOTE]
Well, I could certainly do a sticky, and could pound out a guide pretty quick, but what did you have in mind other than what's in Silver Dragon's sticky?
Quick question to everybody: who would find a short sticky detailing the crafting of weapons in ToEE useful? Is it worth adding a line to the clutter up the top of the forum?
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:22 pm
by Mulligan
After playing the game for some time, you'll soon learn that the 'power' comes from within. Enchanting your own tools to defeat the baddies, since the in-game is so lacking in variety & non-linear, without any item-surprises no matter what your PC-lineup, seems to be the best choice.
A lot of info was mentioned in the early days about creating stuff, most of the troublesomes were how to create good potions. In order to create all the potions on the potion list in the 'radial menu', you'll need at least 3 different 'brewers' with the same feat.
Also were the costs and order of enchanting Weapons, Armors, & Shields. this list were also made a while ago..
A 'super' sticy on this topic would, IMO, be
EXTREMELY usefull to both new and old players, as they could better plan their PC's development and also 'stop searching for a +x Greatclub' which dos not exists..
But...This 'Sticky' , should be faultless and 'a fast access tool' IMO.
But , ABSOLUTELY a good topic for a sticky

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:38 am
by silverdragon72
my FAQ was based on the 1st Atari patch and the 1st Co8 patch!
Have to admit that I haven't played the game with the later patches, so I have no idea what has changed meanwhile!
If there is any need to change something in the FAQ send me a pm or just post it here and I will update the FAQ.
If there are more information needed on crafting weapons you are also welcome to post it here and I will add it to the FAQ to avoid to many sticky threads.
concerning crafting: with my "old" set-up there was quite a difference if you add effects step by step or all at once. Not sure if D&D allows a crafting step by step. But the whole crafting issue was quite bugged at this point!
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:14 pm
by Lord Plothos
The costs and such for crafting may have been modified by patches/mods, but I feel rather sure the four roll thing would be hard-coded. I'd be pretty surprised if that wasn't the case with all setups, but if I'm wrong that'd be good to know. Can anybody confirm this?
If you still have your old setup, Dragon, could you craft a holy and three burst weapon, then give it to a rogue and hit an evil creature and see if you get all five rolls or not? With the console it'd just take 5-10 minutes.
Hmmm, just remembered, if you're running only patch 1, there won't be a console. Anyway, isn't co8 coded for patch 2? Or are you running an older co8 that was for patch 1?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:26 pm
by Lord Plothos
@ Philos:
Still waiting for the lowdown on what you wanted for a weapon-crafting sticky.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:37 am
by Philos
Sorry, been away for a bit.
Sorry to be while in replying as to specifics, been out of pocket for a bit.
This is an area where I feel like I might not know enough about it to know what to ask for. If that makes sense!?!
I was thinking along the lines of: What spells should your mage learn if they are going to be weapons crafter, which if they make armor (if different)? When is it best to takes that skill/feat (forget which it is)? Are there other feats or skills that enhance this (metamagic, perhaps)? The point made about adding pluses first before the other features was a good one, so anything along that "technical advice" line of thought would be good. Maybe an example or two such as, If you have a paladin and want to make a Holy Avenger have your cleric do the following ..... I would assume it would take a cleric to craft such a weapon, yes? I will keep my thinking cap on and write more as I think of it.
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 10:01 am
by Philos
Some thoughts
Hey Lord Plothos,
I put a few thoughts down in my last post on this thread, I thought perhaps you might not have seen them so I wanted to bump this thread.
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:00 pm
by Lord Plothos
Saw it, got distracted, forgot about it. I'll write up a little thingie when I get a chance and sticky it. Then you can tell me anything else you'd like to see (maybe in a PM to avoid cluttering the thread), and I'll edit the original post accordingly.
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:53 pm
by Philos
Bringing this thread back
Getting back to monster CR's. I read the info on the d20 site including their "calculator" but still felt like there is more to it. The site kind of looks like the old "Player's Handbook" and not the "Dungeon Master's Guide". Is there a more in depth site somewhere or did I just miss some links on the site?
Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:35 pm
by Lord Plothos
You're right about some of the content geared towards guiding the DM hasn't been included. Nice catch. There is a bunch of stuff in the DMG about how to craft encounters and build treasures that's just not here. You can still find it in the official SRD, which can be downloaded here:
It's not quite as convenient as the hypertext version, but has more info. Maybe print out some of the tables (like the one regarding how much treasure characters should gain by x level and such), and between that and the hypertext version you probably won't need the refer to the SRD much any more.
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:48 pm
by Philos
Appreciate the other link
I'll try to check it out this week. Should be interesting.