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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:03 pm
by dragon kiler
my way of money

the way i used to make money is the sell and buy my elvin sword of speed to the guy in the hall of weapons.
lol 3k gold each time.
thanks for the tip lord mage.
it seems that mage is best for verything

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:58 pm
by terran698
a better way
Lord Mage wrote:After compleating the 1st quest for the guild of mages go to the shamun in skuldon buy 100 blood necter, monkey paw, vulture beak, mandrake root, Brimstone powder, and shrunken head. The cost of the 100 of each ingrediants adds up to less than 15000 :D so you are making an average of 860,000 gold every time you do this :D . Mix them to make hate (you can make this no matter what your level in nether magic is). You can sell this for a total of 875,000 gold. Keep doing this to make billions. (this info is from v1.0) My mage did this and now has 100 of every spell in the game. :cool:

Any ? type them here.

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i like this idea but it is kinda slow. i have another way to make billions buy and sell crystals (most expensive you can find) untill they glitch and you can buy for 1 gold and get like 1770 (ps dont buy too many or they wont sell for anything) divine interventions and sell for almost 20 million each. this is a good compounding gold maker. even if you arent an adept you can still get the ice ward crystal little less money initally but later you get more money then glitch tons of money.