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Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:37 pm
by George_K
[QUOTE=Steve2d]Just noticed some curious anomolies in the new list as opposed to the previous non-ce list...

_ ID _ _ _Dec _ _ _New Description _ _ Old Description
8F00 _ _ 0143 _ _ Studded Mace(CE) _ _ Kris Blade
9000 _ _ 0144 _ _ Kris Blade _ _ _ _ _ Short Sword
9100 _ _ 0145 _ _ Fangtip Blade _ _ _ _Fangtip Blade
9200 _ _ 0146 _ _ Short Sword _ _ _ _ _Short Sword
9200 _ _ 0146 _ _ Fangtip Blade _ _ _ _***Two 9200 Entries in new list
0201 _ _ 0258 _ _ {MISSING FROM NEW}_ _Sword Of Flame
4C01 _ _ 0332 _ _ {MISSING FROM NEW}_ _Thunderin' Hammer
7701 _ _ 0375 _ _ Thieves Belt(CE) _ _ Studded Belt
8B01 _ _ 0395 _ _ Bloodplate Belt(CE) _Crimson Belts
C401 _ _ 0452 _ _ Golden Wakizashi +1 _Elven Night Dagger
C501 _ _ 0453 _ _ Elven Night Dagger _ Golden Wakizashi +1
D301 _ _ 0467 _ _ {MISSING FROM NEW}_ _Sword Of Flame

Has anyone had time to verify which values are correct? I have not had time to investigate further...Thanks a million Kel and George! These lists have been very helpful in coding the editors. Attached is a sortable/filterable excel version of the list with most categories from the game too. Atleast, I believe that the categories are correct. Let me know if you see any errors.[/QUOTE]

ID _ _ _Dec _ _ _New Description
8F00 _ _ 0143 _ _ Studded Mace(CE)
9000 _ _ 0144 _ _ Kris Blade
9100 _ _ 0145 _ _ Short Sword
9200 _ _ 0146 _ _ Fangtip Blade
0201 _ _ No such item in CE
4C01 _ _ No such item in CE
7701 _ _ 0375 _ _ Thieves Belt(CE)
8B01 _ _ 0395 _ _ Bloodplate Belt(CE)
C401 _ _ 0452 _ _ Golden Wakizashi +1
C501 _ _ 0453 _ _ Elven Night Dagger
D301 _ _???_ _Sword of Flame---strength 14
9103—???—Sword of Flame---strength 22

I don’t know what the Dec’s are that’s why I put ???
D301 and 9103 are same stats except the strength requirement as noted. Very strange!

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:03 am
by Iceman1963
[QUOTE=George_K]D301 _ _???_ _Sword of Flame---strength 14
9103—???—Sword of Flame---strength 22

I don’t know what the Dec’s are that’s why I put ???
D301 and 9103 are same stats except the strength requirement as noted. Very strange![/QUOTE]

The strength of 14 sword of flame is the one you obtain from the hall of weapons before it is activated in the vale of ruin. After it is activated it requires a strength of 22.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:54 am
by George_K
AH, yes, of course! Thanks for the info.