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Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 3:24 pm
by Dhurke
Nothings works
Maybe there are prereqs. for this to work? I've tried everything, sacrficed about 30 people at all different times and during the 7:th day of the week. tried changing from half evil to neutral ... .didn't help. Skorm can keep his damned bow for all I care .... stupid quest.
Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:52 pm
by Never play alon
dont post this topic ever again
there were at least 5 other forums explaining this exact topic on this site which is what the site search is for.
1. get the merc at twinblades camp
2. get the merc at oakvale
3. get as much good stuff as possible (i recomend bright plate or bright wizard outfit what ever suits u)
4. go to the temple of skorm and wait until twelve midnight
5. at midnight: when the mercs take their money, sacrifice one of them and you should get the bow, if not:
6. wait until the day spinner so the night is on the left and the day is on the right
7. wait until the merc takes money and than sacrifice him.
if you did this right, you should be able to get the bow but there is an easier way to do this:
1. in the middle of the trader escort quest through darkwood
2. bring all three of the traders to the chapel and wait till midnight
3. sacrifice one of the traders and you should get the bow
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 12:21 am
by badboyd22
i know what you mean.. i was full good 2, i sacrificed the whole bandit camp+oakvale+some lost traders+a whole lot of boduguards..
than i read that you need to do it on the right time... i just sacrificed all day (fable day) and so i automaticly sacrificed on the right time
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:18 pm
by Dragonbladez
okay people, do not listen to anyone who says that you have to sacrafice people at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. or anything. IT IS ALL AT 12 A.M. REGARDLESS OF YOUR ALIGNMENT. I was completely evil and couldn't get any more than two evil points per merc. But then i had an idea becuz sumone posted somewhere that it was easier with good alignment. So i went to Avo and donated money until i lost my horns and had about 1/4 good alignment. On the way back, i grabbed the virtuous merc at Avo (i assumed that virtuous mercs are better to sacrafice, like the ones who go after evil instead of the ones who only want to kill) and i tele-recalled back to Skorm. After that, i teleported to get the second virtuous merc at Oakvale cemetery and tele-recalled back. I waited until the arrow looked about half-way through the night (in the middle of the darker hemisphere) and waited for the mercs to take their pay becuz they take payments on the hour. So when it looks about midnight and the money decreases, you'll hear someone say "Lights out you horrible lot!", and that is when you sacrafice both. YOU DO NOT NEED 1000 EVIL POINTS FOR SKORM'S BOW! The first time i did it right, i sacraficed both mercs, the first one ending up with a result of "This pittance is of little use" and taking two points of evil. The second merc i sacraficed was on qeue, and i got +698 evil points plus Skorm's bow. That is the CORRECT way.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:02 pm
by Dire Wolf9
I have a question about the youth reward. What age are you taken to? And also, do you age after it if you already beat the game and are just continuing?
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:17 pm
by BL4DE
Both chapels grant you a maximum "Youthpool" of - 20 years. As far as I can tell it counts for both chapels so you can't get 40 years younger.
There IS an exploit how to turn 18 aggain even when you're maxed out (means 65 years old). For that you have to be on a quest that has a start before you can get to the chapel and therefore doesn't break the quest going to either of them.
You just perform an hero save then, offer the gift and do a reload after that.
The 'max age rule' is a thing saved in a "world save", but 'cause only your hero is saved it has no chance to activate.
@ Dragonbladez
Worng answer. Nearly everyone has realised that there is no such thing as "the one and only correct way to..." in this case.
People that just keep missing the time are glad 'bout the fact that your evil points sum up for each villager you bring to skorm. When these points reach 501 points for a single "gift" or 1000 points total you get the bow as a reward.
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:43 pm
by Darzog
Different people have claimed different things, and everyone claims that they are right. Who knows? If someone says they got it at 6am, and another claims they got it at 6pm, and another claims they got it at midnight, but they all claim their time is the only time that is right, how do you decide? Easy, you don't.
Just bring someone with you to Skorm (I usually hire the guy in Bowerstone South). Wait until 6pm (when the arrow points directly between day and night with day on the left and night on the right). Make sure the merc is fully healed. If you teleport in this is easy, if you walk you may need to heal him. Save the game to slot 1. Do not save over slot 1 until you get the bow, just so you have a backup save before waiting or sacrificing.
Sacrifice your merc (at 6pm). If you get the bow, good for you, you are done. Otherwise continue.
Reload slot 1 and wait for another hour or two. Save to slot 2 (don't save over slot one so you can go back to the beginning of the night if you need to).
Sacrifice your merc (now it's 7-8pm). If you get the bow, good for you, you are done. Otherwise continue.
Reload slot 2 and wait for another hour or two. Save to slot 2 (by saving over your slot 2 you don't have to wait from 6pm each time, you can start your new waiting time from your last save point, that's why you save before each sacrifice).
Sacrifice your merc (now it's 9-10pm). If you get the bow, good for you, you are done. Otherwise continue.
Reload slot 2 and wait for another hour or two. Save to slot 2.
Sacrifice your merc (now it's 11pm-12am). If you get the bow, good for you, you are done. Otherwise continue.
Rinse and repeat until you get the bow. So far I have been able to get the bow with a single sacrifice every time. Granted, I do this at the early stages of the game but I have done it with about 50% evil, neutral and 50% good. Usually it is at or around midnight (+/- a couple of hours) when I get the bow.
Your save slots don't have to be slots 1 and 2 only, I just used those numbers so you can tell them apart. Any two slots will work. If you would like to bring more than 1 person, there is no problem. I am trying to go all good this time, so I didn't want any extra sacrifices.
It will take some time to sit there and wait, but by doing this methodically you should save time in the end because you don't have to keep comingback over and over again. At most you have to wait a full night cycle plus the time to sacrifice and reload a few times. Depending on how impatient you are you can sacrifice at every hour mark or every 2-3 hour mark. Also, from my experience (which is very limited) it doesn't have to be any specific, exact time, when I get it's usually like 10:30pm or 2am or something like that.
I'm not telling you when it will happen for you. I'm not telling you what affect alignment has. I'm not telling you it is a fixed time, based on alignment or random time. I'm just telling you how to systematically get the bow regardless of the actual mechanics of how to predict the time. Hopefully some of you will find this useful.
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:30 pm
by Knyfez
Ok I've tried everything to get the blasted bow. I was full evil and I couldn't get it NO MATTER what I did. So I got a Full set of Bright Plate Armor and did some good till I lost my horns. Anyway here's a short video of how to get it in one try.
Before I made the video it took 2 sacrafices, but when I loaded it back up to make the video it only took one. Note the time, it is almost 12 am.
Hope this helps.
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 9:09 am
by Berethor
This thread shouldn't have started, its really easy.
Get the dude at twinblades camp take him to skorms temple and then watch the sundial thing till it looks like its almost at midnight then look in the bottom left for ur money bag then talk to the dude
i always get it on my first try and im always fully good