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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:37 am
by southafrica
"If there were any more games out there like BG, I'd miss breakfast lunch AND dinner!"

Isn't this the truth, what game since BG has even come close to the level of customization... I mean when I played WOW i got bored almost from creation you have all the abilities you will ever have! I mean with this game even without modding you can infinate possiblities...


Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:34 pm
by Punkatt
Agreed, I could almost shout out the inevitable simplicity in the Blizzard game storage. I say that people reaching for challenges goes for Bioware and people looking for more sandpaper to the wood goes for blizzard, although i must say that blizzard strategic games are copies of eachother and that the Bg-series are a bit to easy still I place my penny at BG.

To the topic, Ehm, well thats not for me to argue with.... have good a discution.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:44 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=CFM]Holy Smite is also a favorite of mine that I don't hear much about. Probably the one spell I found myself wishing I had in BG1 (besides Stone/Ironskin).

Holy Smite is definitely a nice spell! I always use it on the Umberhulks in Nalia's Keep...
A couple of blasts of Holy Smite and those Umberhulks are history :D

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:58 pm
by Raven_Song
Isn't this the truth, what game since BG has even come close to the level of customization...
... erm ever played Morrowind?

Back on topic

Don't know if it has been mentioned but I've always found Polymorph Self quite useful, especially the Mustard Jelly form for defensive purposes.

And for dual/multi-class mages that have higher THACO than pure mages Melf's Minute Meteors is actually quite useful being one of the few spells that works against Golems.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:02 pm
by southafrica
"... erm ever played Morrowind?"

Well, I did buy elder scrolls II from the bethesda hq... but haven't played morrowind...

I am tempted to start a new game, thinking f/m or dual f/m any suggestions? (druid is great, but i love starting new chars...)


Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:27 pm
by greg28j
I always keep one feeblemind memorized. It breaks the scripts of any enemy.
I will never forget when I turned firkraag into a retarted meat-sack. To add insult to injury I had aerie beat him to death with her bare hands!