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for those who have beaten the game LS & DS mored than once (spoiler)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Darth Reven
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Post by Darth Reven »


The NPC's that can be turned into jadi are handmaidan EDIT: Bao Dur(if male) disciple (if female) Atton and Mira (LS only) hannar the wokie to my knowledge cant be a jadi but he is very very strong even so kreia is a jedi anyway and visas to
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

You forgot Bao-Dur, @ Darth Reven. I usually have my lightsaber well before finishing my first planet.

Mira is fairly simple, just manage to get enough influence from specific deeds with her around and then talk to her about her path,, finishing off by taking her with you to Nar Shadaa to feel the force.

The best thing to do while trying to get influence (which you can mostly get just by talking to her the right way, so this is more to get extra) is to take Bao-Dur or the Handmaiden with you. They do not 'steal' influence from the other's in their presence, like Atton, and have usually different deeds that they need fulfilled. Of those, I would recommend taking handmaiden, as she hgas a more extensive list of chances. :)
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Post by strafe317 »

My Formula

Hey this is the formula I use to get Atton, Mira, Handmaiden/Disciple, and Bao-Dur into jedi.

Atton: Agree with him on the Harbinger, let him fix the Swoop Bike on Nar Shadda, and let him witness you giving the Hydrospanner to Akkere. But also make sure you talk to the two twlek's on Nar Shadda first then Attton before giving Akkere the hydrospanner.

The Handmaiden: Give the atmospheric generators to the Miltia guy, turn down the Mercenary, then fight Handmaiden three times, it works everytime.

Mira: Onderon/Iziz is the best place, ignore the fight between Ponlar and the Captain, tell the twilek bounty hunter that he shouldn't insult your friends, and have 11 to 12 Awareness to argue with her then apologize.

Bao-Dur: now this bugger is the most complicated but here's how I did it. Let him find the sensors in the atmospheric generators, save Kumus's sorry butt on Dxun, don't belittle Bao on Telos, give the starport visa's to the republic spy and the nice woman with her kids in Iziz or heal the sick guy on Nar Shadda. At most you need to influence Bao-Dur five to six time before you can even train him.
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Post by Alcina »

[QUOTE=Red Raven]

Ive playd the game twice and all i ever get out of bou dour is nevermind
Atton is hard to. I am playing DS and i hate to have to do ls influence[/QUOTE]

Atton should be pretty easy if you're DS. I find Bao-Dur and Disciple to be the ones you have to do LS things to impress. You can gain influence with Atton by doing loads of DS things. Off the top of my head, I can remember: killing the Exchange's receptionist (Telos), killing the guy who objects to your robbing his room (Telos), killing Akkere (Dantooine), blowing up the stuck Mandalorian with his own bombs(Dxun). Plus, AFAICR, agreeing with him on the Harbinger and letting him fix the bike doesn't give you LSPs.

The problem with Atton is that quite often other people 'steal influence'; he's usually quite a long way down the priority list for influence, so quite often the other character in the party gets the influence shift. This seems to be more true with the DS paths. To take one specific example where I've studied influence allocation very thouroughly, in the 'Akkere's Hydrospanner' case, ANY other character present at the time will get the influence if you choose the DS path (killing Akkere), because Atton is last in line, so you have to remove everyone else from the party to gain influence with him. If you do Akkere in the LS way (listen to his sob story and give him some money), Atton is second in priority for influence(only Visas will influence in preference to him).

Also (though I'm sure you know this) you can't Jedify him unless/until you've spoken to the 2 twileks in the Refugee area on Naa Shaddaa and had them tell you about his past...
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