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best to start with

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The Reaper
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Post by The Reaper »

Yes, I must agree with Xandax.

It really does depend on what you think by 'what is the best'. I say, pick the class you think you'd be good at. If you like sneaking around pick the Consular. You like fighting, pick the Guardian. If you're somewhere between the two pick Senital, they're more even on Skill training.
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Post by Quinlan »

scout is the best. it's almoust as good as the soldier and it has more skill points but a little less life points. but the life points don't affect u in verry big way, but the skills do. and I recomend repair and computers as well. plus you can upgrade these two along with security. u don't need security very much in kotor I but in the second game u kinda need it. if u got 17 point at repair u can unlock hk's memory system. u get the hole story of his existence before he was sent on the asasination mission by revan + upgrades to his skills every time u do this. hk's story hasn't got a big impact on the storyline but it's very very funny (and sadistic) and u realy need those skills if u want a good bodyguard. and if u go to yavin space station there r some really nice things there that make your droid the ultimate killing mashine. if u get those things 4 him hk woun't need a wepon any more.
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Post by Orfinn »

Im playing Scoundrel/Guardian and thats a good combination. Sweet to use sneak attacks with lightsaber :D

Just wondering since I was coundrel (6 health boost per lvl up) and now im a Jedi Guardian (10 health boost per lvl) do I get 16 Hp thereafter?
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Post by Xandax »

You only get for the class you are currently leveling up in - which in your case would be the guardian. Thusly - 10hp per level up.
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Post by Kahlan »

The Scoundrel is pretty much the best class to start out. My reason has to do with one of my char builds, which you can (and should) check out below.

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Post by fable »

Depends upon personal point of view, and how you play the game. I played a scoundrel on the Xbox, and a soldier on the PC, and ended up much preferring the soldier (with the Jedi type that gets all the powers). People who prefer going it solo on quests prefer the scout, since that way you get a boost to skills. But really, it's almost impossible to lose in any case, given the extremely foolish combat AI of your opponents. :D
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Post by TonyMontana1638 »

I went with a scout actually...
... thought he was rather interesting my first time through (been all over the galaxy, speak bunch of languages, etc.). Regardless of the starting class ( I tried a guardian/soldier too) I simply prefer going with a consular regardless of first profession. I found your character to be so ridiculously powerful in melee towards the end of the game regardless of class that the extra powers and force points (mana, spell points, whatever they are :rolleyes: ) come in handy, even though some are kinda worthless.
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Post by SpazHairlip »

What combo gives you the most feats and powers? I went Soldier/Guardian and walked through the game with hardly using any powers or attacks except for flurry with my 2 hooped up light sabers. I killed everything pretty much instantly. For the Malak fight I just healed up every time he did and still pwned him up and down the viewing area.

I liked all the feats of soldier/guardian but I would have like to have a few more jedi powers just for kicks. I was 8/12 though for levels when I went through. I'm going dark side now and trying to do 2/18 soldier/guardian. Maybe I should try sentinal if they get more force powers but dont suffer feat loss?
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Post by mr_sir »

soldier gives the most feats early on, then consular gives the most powers, so at a guess if you want a lot of feats and powers you could try soldier/consular. if you want average feat and average powers then go for sentinel. guardian gives the most feats and the least powers.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=mr_sir]soldier gives the most feats early on, then consular gives the most powers, so at a guess if you want a lot of feats and powers you could try soldier/consular. if you want average feat and average powers then go for sentinel. guardian gives the most feats and the least powers.[/QUOTE]

I did a soldier/consular: worked well. Of course, you could easily win this game by playing a brain-damaged lump of butter, given the state of the AI, so it's just a matter of personal preference. :)
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Post by KyLewin »

[QUOTE=fable]I did a soldier/consular: worked well. Of course, you could easily win this game by playing a brain-damaged lump of butter, given the state of the AI, so it's just a matter of personal preference. :) [/QUOTE]

I disagree. I tried the brain-damaged lump of butter class and actually found the game pretty difficult... well, the Star Forge was kind of challenging... kind of...
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