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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:34 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=dragon wench]Ditto here. On a similar topic, I really hate it when my character gets stuck somewhere because of jumping around just at the point when I have finally reached an important destination or found an important item, somewhere out in the wilderness :rolleyes:
I usually have a close save point, but still, very annoying.[/quote]

There's some sort of console command that actually fixes that. I think in fact it's FixMe. :D I've had to use it on occasion when the same thing happened to my character.

btw, regarding the water's murkiness, I know I have seen a mod that clarifies the water, though I've never used it myself because I was concerned about the fps hit. Though, I'm thinking of tracking it down, now that I'm using Abbot's Water Life.

I never ran it for the same reason. Hopefully, they'll make that murk optional in Oblivion, but I'm not putting any money on it. Programmers don't usually understand the meaning of "optional."

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:08 am
by Raven_Song
Mods actually add more to the game than they are supposed to ...

At present I'm hunting through over 100 mods to try and find the little
£$%^&* that's added a spell called HFE Explosion. Every NPC in the game appears to be able to cast this spell, whether they should be able to or not, meaning instant death for my Breton rogue. :mad:

*edit* Found it it was HotFusion's Dreamer's Awake - thus be warned, unless you enjoy your characters being toasted by simple commoners

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:23 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Raven_Song]Mods actually add more to the game than they are supposed to ...[/quote]

Make no assumptions, just because I found one mod to be too much of a resource-hog. (In fact, I earlier recommended a series of mods in this thread.) I have 205 mods currently loaded into my last MW game.

To keep on subject, one of the things that has always annoyed me about MW was the way you got instant access to all guild benefits, as soon as you were accepted for membership. There's a mod, whose name I'd have to look up (but will, if asked) that restores a Daggerfall-like guild system, where the benefits gradually increase as your rank in a guild does.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:23 pm
by Raven_Song
I have 205 mods currently loaded into my last MW game.
:eek: The 134 I've got installed are giving me enough of a headache -

I've just discovered another little side effect but I'm keeping this one ...

The NPC Healers mod seems to add a healing spell to all NPC's. Unfortunately for them its touch based (rather than self), so when in a fit of desparation the enemy I'm stabbing tries to heal themself they actually heal me :laugh:

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:36 pm
by Kais Shi
The thing I really think oblivion should have is a button that allows you to look behind you, almost every game i have played has this button, it is nice to have when you have just been chased by something that can kill you and does kill you, then when you go back and hear the music that means your gettin chased by something and you run away into a town and then when the guards attack it and you turn around to watch its demise it turns out to be just another cliff racer.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 12:42 pm
by doinkizzle
[QUOTE=Kais Shi]The thing I really think oblivion should have is a button that allows you to look behind you, almost every game i have played has this button, it is nice to have when you have just been chased by something that can kill you and does kill you, then when you go back and hear the music that means your gettin chased by something and you run away into a town and then when the guards attack it and you turn around to watch its demise it turns out to be just another cliff racer.[/QUOTE]
If you're playing on Xbox you can push down the right thumbstick and hold the left trigger to zoom out and you can rotate the camera aswell, which is what I do while walking around :laugh:

On another note i think its annoying when I equip my Special Locket and then I scroll through my spells and I pass through lockets and rings and my locket gets unequipped :( too bad I need all of those other lockets.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:55 pm
by REal953
It get really mad when an NPC says something like "I don't have much time" or "I can spare a moment" then when I talk to them they are all happy to see me. :confused:

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:33 pm
by One man army
A couple of the things that annoyers me is the shadow of your character, the shadow newer wheres robes, have only one shield, war axe, sword, helmet, (and all the other stuff).
I know its only a minor detail but another thing that always buggs me is the fact that it docent stop raining even if you go in under a roof, and the fact that the NPC´s docent care about the rain.
Everybody I know wold seek fore some kind of cover when the sky opens, but the NPC´s just stands there in the open streets and says "move along".

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 12:40 pm
by Droideka1179
I absouloutely HATE when I have really good weapons and armour then all of a sudden WHAM! you contract a disease that makes your strength go down fifty points!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 6:59 am
by Magelord648
[QUOTE=One man army]I know its only a minor detail but another thing that always buggs me is the fact that it docent stop raining even if you go in under a roof, and the fact that the NPC´s docent care about the rain.
Everybody I know wold seek fore some kind of cover when the sky opens, but the NPC´s just stands there in the open streets and says "move along".[/QUOTE]
In my version of the game (GOTY) when it rains a few people notice it, they only seem to notice in balmora though.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:34 pm
by kedde
comp crash

I hate it when I'm subtly super-jumping across the MW landscapes and have travelled several MW-miles and then the comp crashes cus it can't handle all the visual input fast enough - and then - well then you have to load...

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:02 am
by shana
My biggest pet peeve of late is that all the NPCs seem to stand in the middle of the hallways. I get reealllly impatient waiting for them to move so I can get on with my business!!

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:28 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=shana]My biggest pet peeve of late is that all the NPCs seem to stand in the middle of the hallways. I get reealllly impatient waiting for them to move so I can get on with my business!![/QUOTE]

Indeed! Very annoying!

I find that quite often I can jump over them... Hmm Morrowind Leapfrog... :p

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 2:25 am
by Raven_Song
My biggest pet peeve of late is that all the NPCs seem to stand in the middle of the hallways. I get reealllly impatient waiting for them to move so I can get on with my business!!
If you are on PC there is a mod that grants you a new dialogue option that asks them to move (dependent of course on their disposition towards you)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:57 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Raven_Song]If you are on PC there is a mod that grants you a new dialogue option that asks them to move (dependent of course on their disposition towards you)[/QUOTE]

What is the name of the mod? :cool:

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:49 am
by fable
[QUOTE=dragon wench]What is the name of the mod? :cool: [/QUOTE]

I think there may be two like that, but the one that comes to mind is Dracandros' Voice 2.71. Here's the readme:

New features: Every slave, mercenary, personal guard has the Slowfall ability. The "state of your health" topic has been upgraded. I have some problem with my level advancing scripts so I will implement them later.

Favourite features:

You can have your own personal guards as the head of some factions.

You can command your mercenaries, slaves, personal guards and (by popular request) packguars to travel to Mournhold and ten different places in Morrowind.

You can hire mercenaries and adventurers in the Fighters and Mages Guilds.

You can buy slaves and packguars from most traders !!!

Practice combat with fighters, soldiers and Legion Guards!!!

You can have your own priests as Lord Nerevar.

Are you really ready to be a god? Maybe Vivec has a different opinion... if he lives... and Almalexia? She has an explanation...

You can command the lower ranked members of some factions. Don't need to be the head of the faction! Thanx to Yann ( ) for this idea!!!

You can command the House guards as Hortator.

You can command the House guards as the head of the House.

You can command all members of the Imperial Legion as Knight of the Imperial Dragon.

You can command the lower ranked soldiers, than you.

You can command all members of the Mages Guild as Archmage.

You can command the Ordinators as Patriarch.

You can practice combat with most Ordinators as Patriarch! The High Ordinators rulez!

You can challenge any member of the House Telvanni as Archmagister.

You can send any member of the Mages Guild to mission as Archmage.

You can send any member of the House Telvanni to mission as Archmagister.

You can command all members of the House Telvanni as Archmagister.

You can now wear any indoril armor as Patriarch.

You can get information about your conversationalists level !!!

You can command all members of the Thieves Guild as Master Thief.

You can command the lower ranked Thieves Guild members, than you.

You can send any member of the Thieves Guild to mission as Master Thief.

You can command all members of the Fighters Guild as Master.

You can command the lower ranked Fighters Guild members, than you.

You can command all members of the Temple as Patriarch.

You can have your own priests as Lord Nerevar.

You can practice combat with any soldier and Guard of the Imperial Legion as Knight of the Imperial Dragon.

You can practice combat with any member of the Fighters Guild as Master.

As much priest you have, as greater is the chance, that Vivec's Incarnate or Almalexia's Avatars attack you!

You can command all members of the Morag Tong as Grandmaster.

You can command the lower ranked Morag Tong members, than you.

You can practice combat with any member of the Morag Tong as Grandmaster.

You can buy slaves and packguars from most traders.

You can command all members of the House Hlaalu as Grandmaster.

You can command all members of the House Redoran as Archmaster.

You can hire mercenaries and adventurers in the Fighters and Mages Guilds.

You can have your own personal guards as the head of the House.

You can ask anyone about state of his/her health and magicka.

You can command your mercenaries, slaves, personal guards and packguars to travel ten different places in Morrowind.

You can have your own personal guards as Knight of the Imperial Dragon.

You can have your own personal ordinators as Patriarch, but you cannot share items with them.

You can command the vampires of the clans.

The commands:

follow : the person will follow you, and fight on your side.

stay: will not go anywhere

patrol: make a random walk

challenge: duel in Vivec, Arena pit (Telvanni)

send to mission

be my follower (Temple)

practice combat

pay monthly tax (Hlaalu)

call guards (Redoran)

Dark Ritual (Vampire)

From now on there will be a new topic "commands ", if you talk with one of your subordinate.

You can ask your conversationalists about "level". They will tell to you their class, faction and level.

Talk with traders about "special goods". Buy packguars and slaves !! But be prepared, don't buy an argonian from an argonian!

Ask the leaders of the Fighters and Mages Guilds about "hire a mercenary", and choose a companion.

Ask anyone about "state of your health", and he/she will tell you his/her maximum and current health, and current magicka points.

Most (not all) guards you can"command to be a personal guard". Now he can follow you better and you can share items with him.

"Command to travel" your proper subordinates to travel anywhere in Morrowind.

After the challenge command, if you change the cell, your opponent will be teleported to Vivec, Arena pit, and wait for you! Good fight! Only one opponent in the same time!

After you have sent someone to mission, go sleep or leave the place (cell), and she/he will be gone. He/She will be returned after 5 or 3 days (you get a message). If you talk with her/him again, you get some items. Or your servant has died or captured (you get a message) in mission. There is a random value (0-19). As high level the person has as it is possible that he/she is succesful. You can send only one servant from every faction to mission in the same time. The 20th level is certain success.

If a temple priest respects you enough ( disposition over 80 ) and you have prooven yourself as Nerevarine, he will agree to be your priest and acknowledge you as Lord Nerevar . As much priest you have, as greater will be your regenerating ability ( health, magicka, fatigue ). For every priest, you get 0.1 point/sec regeneration in each category. There is one percent pro priests pro day, that Vivec's Incarnate or Almalexia's avatars will attack you! THIS PART OF THE MOD WILL BE IMPROVED UNDER THE VERSION 2.7X ( Religion wars, The Path ).

You can practice combat now. Order your proper subordinates to practice, and he/she will attack you. If he/she dies, then he/she will be resurrected, and you won the duel. If your health drops under 50 hp, the combat will be ended. After the practice, your opponent will follow you (for safety's sake). Of course, you can send him/her away.

I'll look around for the other, and if I have it, I'll post details of it. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:53 am
by fable
The other one I was thinking of was Give Your Orders 1.3:

This mod is NOT a replacement for the Dracandro's voice mod, but rather a complement, adding stuff not managed by the Dracandro's voice mod. It doesn't include its unique features, like duels, missions, etc.

My mod adds a topic to dialogs, "- Give your orders", depending on the person your talk to. This topic gives some options allowing you to make requests or give orders to some NPC based on the relation between you and them.

You can give follow/stay/wander (and sometimes others) orders to :
- any lower rank member of all factions you're part of
- any slave you own. All standard slave will share his inventory with you while obeying your commands, and you can choose to free him at anytime. The share feature doesn't work with slaves having with their own script (like Jessica)
- your companions (those with the Tribunal "companion share" option)
- all person who likes you very much (disp >= 95)

BEWARE, all dialog command will make the NPC react, and that reaction can go up to fighting if you're too rude.
Asking again and again IS rude. :)

Followers are any NPC you succesfully give the order to follow you.
Detailed list of followers abilities with "Give your Orders 1.3" mod activated :

- follow/wait/wander commands
- stats, skills and level display
- when in following mode, speed boost and fast swim to catch with the player
- slow regeneration, slowfall, jump boost
- levitate/waterwalk spells can be activated via dialogue option but only if the player is himself in levitate/waterwalk

Slaves have all of the above features plus the following ones ("normal" slaves only, using the original "slaveScript" script) :

Some of these features are based on the cleaver "smart AI" companion scripts by Grumpy, tuned by myself.

- auto levitate/waterwalk/invisible/chameleon/sneak like the player
- precise following (well, as much as possible with this engine )
- auto warping near the PC if the slave is far away too long
- level-up with the PC with stats and skills change (however level number itself doesn't change)
- companion sharing
- complete stats/skills/level display anytime

Again, not exactly what you want. Still, it's pretty good.