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Best Weapon in TLC?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Post by HAPANninja »

Man, I hope the next version of Fable is harder. I like swords like Avo's Tear and the Sword of Aeons, quick and sweet. But it's ridiculous when you sell a sword like solus greatsword in freaking Bowerstone North. COME ON! What would have made sense was searching the grave of the dragon knight at the Hero's guild. As far as range weapons go Skorm's Bow is by far the sweetest one, it looks awesome with Archon's battle armor. oh and another thing with range weapons, cross-bows suck! they look funny when you hold them, even though they cause more damage than their longbow counterpart, they're just slow and lame. I say more sweet longbows.
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Post by Matt9148 »

[QUOTE=badboyd22]hoera :D cool, eh, a 2 more Q.

how much weapons are there and wich weapons?

as for ideas, i dunno if youre looking for a goooood hiding place, but em mabey bihind a demon door.. or behind a focus site.. behind a hous somewhere..[/QUOTE]

If you want a list and stuff, I'll post it all in the thread I linked to, just because I don't want to hijack this thread :p
[QUOTE=swcarter]The search feature is your friend.[/QUOTE]
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Post by badboyd22 »

k, ill post on there 2 than :angel:
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