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Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 2:32 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Loredweller]Fable, i may have missed something, altogether which NPC casted area effect spell at all, moreover if they didn't see your PC? And if one's attacking stealthed and they wasn't able to detect the attacker, they just would try to run away...
Your game seems to have emproved AI.

Well, it seems to be a mod. I'm going to keep for myself my opinion about it, however.[/QUOTE]

It may indeed be a mod, but if you lift an object in plain view while stealthed, it stands to reason that the guards and others there shouldn't just mill about in astonishment--that's silly. So iif the mages are responding with area attacks because of a mod, I say, good on them. :D Can't say for sure it is a mod, however, because I've been using mods for so long. Are you saying this conduct isn't part of the vanilla game? That everyone just gawks and has no response to an obvious, even standard, threat?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 5:32 pm
by Athena
[QUOTE=Siberys]Just five levels, you sure that'd be enough?[/QUOTE]
okay maybe your character should be level 25 or so.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 6:54 pm
by Siberys
Well, got all 4000 out of the dagger from the guy in the fighter's guild Balmora, so now that I have a bunch of training in me and some soul gems, a soul trap spell, I think I'll be going to trap a soul and start constructing a decent weapon.

Now, any spells or creatures you think I should go after. I know I can't take on the Fire Atronaches, as I died the last time, but anything a bit less than that in your opinion would be great. The weapon, again, has to be a short blade, which I don't think matters in enchanting anyways.

Thanks again for all the help.

EDIT: Nevermind, made a really sweet weapon for now, it'll work out just nicely.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:23 am
by Greg.
[QUOTE=fable]That everyone just gawks and has no response to an obvious, even standard, threat?[/QUOTE]

I've attacked archers around forts - they shoot at me while they can realistically attack me with melee attacks, then run away when i jump onto a roof - when I am realistically the best target...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 8:34 am
by fable
[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]I've attacked archers around forts - they shoot at me while they can realistically attack me with melee attacks, then run away when i jump onto a roof - when I am realistically the best target...[/QUOTE]

Yes, but the point of my question was in context: do they attack when you're using stealth magic, and grab something?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:02 pm
by Greg.
[QUOTE=fable]Yes, but the point of my question was in context: do they attack when you're using stealth magic, and grab something?[/QUOTE]

The point I was making was that they only attack if you are a viable melee target, so the system could be linked to that...

I am not sure... I usually only get attacked by dremora by magic when stealthed... Maybe they can see you even then... Detect enchantment/key..? I am not sure of that...

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:15 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=GregtheSleeper]The point I was making was that they only attack if you are a viable melee target, so the system could be linked to that...

I am not sure... I usually only get attacked by dremora by magic when stealthed... Maybe they can see you even then... Detect enchantment/key..? I am not sure of that...[/QUOTE]

As I see it, if they know you're there--if an object disappears while in full view--then logically, they should be able to use the same methods you use to get away with it (magic) to destroy anything in the immediate vicinity. :D

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:36 am
by Loredweller
[QUOTE=fable]It may indeed be a mod, but if you lift an object in plain view while stealthed, it stands to reason that the guards and others there shouldn't just mill about in astonishment--that's silly. So iif the mages are responding with area attacks because of a mod, I say, good on them. :D Can't say for sure it is a mod, however, because I've been using mods for so long. Are you saying this conduct isn't part of the vanilla game? That everyone just gawks and has no response to an obvious, even standard, threat?[/QUOTE]

Fable, i made neither the judgement nor an advice, just pointed out the fact that standard AI couldn't fight invisible oponent. They just do not "know" how to cast a spell, even if area effect one, without a target. Developers have missed this point. Never said it should be used - and that it shouldn't either, everybody's playing his own game.

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:44 pm
by REal953
Why don't you just summon something, and attack your enemy while it fights your summon creature. It worked for me a few times, if you can summon somthing strong enough. But you will still need a good blade.