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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2000 1:07 pm
by Azaroth
Intelligence? why would we need that, most paladins got the allmighty Carsomyr, 50 % magic resistance, umm ya man.

But i agree, its kinda weird that a paladin (knight), got a low intelligence, they should be educated in poetry , chess n stuff like that...oh well, i gotta stop ranting.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2000 1:12 pm
by Lucian
actually AD&D wise around 10 int is normal human standard..where 18 is exceptinally..geniuses, and 25 is godlike..1 is animals..familiars got around 3-5

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2000 5:50 pm
by Xandax
heh - then some of these paladins are dummer then my fariy dragon - well he'll be glad to know that.

It's kinda like the party you fight in Waukeens Promenade(sp?) where the imp clearly is more intelligent then the barbarian (or whatever he is)
You know - Pookey and "Smelly" <g>