Sith Dog wrote:Yes, there is another clan on Nar Shadaa and maybe some other planet.There is no cutscene but I believe you see them when you go to Dxun.
yeah i think they stand at the exit, but they is'nt to many so you will not recognis them so easy when your in a hurry
Zabuza Momochi: Your words cut deep....Deeper than any blade.
HANSOLO wrote:You probably all know that in KOTOR II, depending on your influence, your character gets something from every party member:
1. Goto - He pays the character for reinstalling order on Telos, Onderon, Dantooine. And if u find out that he is actually a droid u receive some experience.
2. HK - 47 - You learn the lesson for killing Jedi and you can get some information about his previous master.
3. Visas - u get force sight
4. Kreia - U receive a lot of lesson from her and a lot of bonuses like max FP increase and some skill increase. She teaches the character some Force powers.
5. Handmaiden - She teaches the character precognition
6. Atton - He teaches the character to play pazaak in your head(to shield your foughts).
7. T3-M4 - U get the holocron from him if u make all hi upgrades
8. Bao - Dur - He makes the lightsaber
9. Mira - she doesn't teach you anything but u can make her a Jedi along with all your party members except the droids and Mandalore.
What does Mandalore teach the character? I don't think there is any possible way of getting influence with him. I never played DS, but when playing LS I couldn't get any influence with him. So what is his role in the game?
If predictions about KOTOR III are correct then the reason he was even on the ship could be just to propel the plot of the next game. It would be kind of strange if he just suddenly resurfaced during KOTOR III when he had been missing during KOTOR II. The reason he joined up is the same as HK and T3, just because he was supposed to/expected to do so.
Bao-Dur: I think he wanted us to give up the Genreal to his poorly trained collection of bounty hunters.
Atton: Ah. well that would explain it. Which one do you want?
Bao-Dur: I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us rather than shoot us when he had the chance.