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Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:37 am
by Ashen

With my setup I get _awesome_ framerate indoors and in cities. I suspect that outdoors it can dip as low as 20 but usually hovers around 30 to 40 (I don't know for sure... is there a way to check? I'm just going off "feel").[/QUOTE]

Yes there is - hit ~ (without the shift), to bring up the console. Then type "tdt" and it will bring the info up on the top right corner of the screen.

For example, last night I was hitting up to 400 indoors, and outdoors it is about 40, though it does get lower ... so for me it is almost exactly as you are guessing :)

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:27 am
by ik911
[QUOTE=Rookierookie]A 2.0GHz Pentium-M is comparable to a 3GHz P4.[/QUOTE]
W00t! (I can tell you: it cost me quite a lot!! :) )

*dashes to the store*

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:03 am
by Tricky
AMD XP 2,4 ghz
1024 mb PC2700 SDRAM
Radeon 9800xt.
Resolution 1024x768, no FSAA.

I have most video options maxed out, but I turned Bloom off since that's turned out to be one of the bigger FPS hit. If I leave it on and turn off the far-off landscape rendering instead I get roughly the same fps. It's a matter of taste really, it feels sorta like Morrowind if I disable the far-off landscape. On the downside, being able to see THAT far leaves the odd impression of a smaller world (if the weather is ok you can see half-way across the country). Again, I blame Morrowind. I'm just so incredibly spoiled right now. :p

As I said before, on my system Oblivion runs decently, 25-30 fps outside (estimate), 30-40 inside (possibly higher, but I'm not Spiderman). In the forests I get a slightly lower fsp, but it doesn't interfere with combat.

I have yet to determine if disabling the music increases my framerate. It did for Morrowind, so who knows.