Yeah, the content is random. Do a dungeon, then reload and do it again, you'll see...
Oh, and just found the "Ring of Perfection" which gives +10 to Strength, Endurance, Wisdom, Intelligence, Speed, Agility, and Luck!!!
(I'm level 33)
Umbra and Clavicus Vile(important note)*SPOILER*
Ooooh, brilliant! Hopefully I'll find it sooner or later.
I am wondering though just how 'random' we are talking about. I most certainly did not find any of these neat items when I was a lower lvl, so it is connected to some extent. But then what is the basis I wonder? Interesting.
I am wondering though just how 'random' we are talking about. I most certainly did not find any of these neat items when I was a lower lvl, so it is connected to some extent. But then what is the basis I wonder? Interesting.
And He whispered to me in the darkness as we lay together, Tell Me where to touch you so that I can drive you insane; tell Me where to touch you to give you ultimate pleasure, tell Me where to touch you so that we will truly own each other. And I kissed Him softly and whispered back, Touch my mind.