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Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:39 pm
by ChickenChaser
lol thats before i found physicle shield i just got a new one 512 and i maxed out everything in my exp place lol my guy is now like 8 feet tall lol.
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:18 pm
by CWolf2
The real question is, when you got to 1400, did you use one of the potions that gives you xp? If so, that'd be insane!
Anyone have any pictures to prove their highest scores?
Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:34 pm
by InvalidSoul
i would like some pics not that i don't beleive you guys i just wanna see a GOD at work
and see what weapons there using and how because the highest i can get is 56 :laugh: :laugh:
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:00 am
by ChickenChaser
go to cliff side path and get physicle shield maxed or at least up high plus a bunch of mana potions and have ur magic bar up high then if yu dont have avos tear or aeons get the solus at bowerstone north store for like 70k-80k
then start kiling undead you will max out your exp like have 99999exp in maybe 45mins to an hour with a 500 cm thats how i did it if sum 1 else has a better sugjestion?
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:46 pm
by InvalidSoul
okay but i haven't beat the game so i don't have those swords or thta type of money because i am evil and i do so much bad crap i get huge fines and pay them of :mischief: so i can't buy that sword either do i need those swords? and my physical sheild doesn't stay on unless i hold it
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:07 am
by ChickenChaser
well physicle shield shud stay up once you tap it and you dont need the swords but they do help and money is no problem just get a high guile level or at least lvl 3 then go 2 oak vale general store n buy all the emeralds or at least as amny as yu can but only do this with high guile buy them then sellthem back to him for a profit with a high guile lvl i made 1 million in like 15 mins
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:23 pm
by Drakkus
A good way to get your combat multiplyer up without gaining any alignment is at Archon's Shrine in the ice patch next to where you get Ordok's Club. They'll always respawn. What you do is kill everything there and then use assasin rush to get to the chest really fast. Then, you go back to the ice patch and they're there again. By killing the balverines and the ice creatures you don't gain any alignment. I know because I use my evil character on them.
Also, if you're worried about gettin hit and losing a big amount of CM, use your physical shield. When you get hit you don't lose you multiplyer. I may know these tricks but I don't spend a lot of time on getting my multiplyer high. Mine's only 61!
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:01 pm
by sake-l
mine is 931
but before I did this I had a total evil character and now a total good
I think I just have to kill a lot of guards and villagers (again)
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 12:55 pm
by Zudane
Not so high but mine is 589 i was doing enflame, with physical shield so my Combat Multiplier wouldnt go down.
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:35 pm
by matthewd
I got a new record now... 1500 thats where it stopped somehow i did it on the undead soldiers on cliffside path it took me 2 and a half houres
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:04 pm
by DazZleFarte
[QUOTE=WiZaNe]My highest is like 14...How do you guys do that?[/QUOTE]
My highest is 21 or do you guys do that? Maybe I'm using spells that go against the alignment of my character?
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:58 am
by matthewd
[QUOTE=DazZleFarte]My highest is 21 or do you guys do that? Maybe I'm using spells that go against the alignment of my character?[/QUOTE]
It has noting to do with that.. anyway u should fight with fysical shield up so ur CM wont go down when u get hit... when shields up start hitting or better so use enflame or devine fury/Infernal wraith works always... anyway watch ur mana bar as it depletes.. when empty ur shield will fail and u will be screwed when u get hit
Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 5:25 am
by Ghost Dragon
999 the highest i got
i got to 1000 but i think 999 looks cool
Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:09 am
my new one is 500
at the clif side path with the physical sheild the bareaver and some will potions
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:32 pm
by Kulenok
highest combat multiplayer
what is you record for highest combat mutiplier? mine is 201!!!!!!!! crazy right?
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:57 am
by Turkey Chaser
got a bran new 2070!!!!!
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:07 pm
by Sith Commando
mine was 10,567. It took me fifteen hours. my hands were numb for the rest of the day.
Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:32 pm
by vice990
aww I was hoping I had the highest untill i saw Turkey chaser and Sith commandos highest =[ Mine is 1551. I would've gone higher but I was just passing time for towns to like me again when I killed a bunch townsfolk.
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:05 am
by troymantis
ouch! man ouch! if i could pull that off, i'd go to sleep for a week
my one is about 245-260 i cant remeber but i got bored, i always get bored when,say cheating or gaining money through buy house, trophy,sell house get trophy, repeat. that just bores me until i get 50k.
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 4:35 pm
by vice990
yay new high score for mee!! and proof too!!