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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:29 am
by AxeSlash
I've never really considered doing it 'Ironman'...but maybe I will next time through :P

I've done very little reloading this time through, and most of that was stupid mistakes (charging straight into non-buffed melee with mind flayers for example, and deciding that I should assassinate Aran Linvail (after siding with him) later on in the game to get whatever loot he had - but some monstrous assassin/bodyguard type (he had a weird name, forget what it was) teleported in/came out of the shadows/whatever and killed 4 of my party (including the PC) in as many rounds - anyone know what the hell that is all about? This guy was INSANELY powerful in melee. I mean like, one-hit-kill powerful).

I've only just started using autpause when my guys are getting baldy hurt, only because I'm cap at keeping an eye on the health of my guys (they're usually close to death by the time I remember to look, which ends up in 'get that potion down your %!?$ neck NOW!!!!' moments. I've been lucky so far, but it's never good.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 9:45 am
by Cwell the fine
... and what happened to all of Cwell's messenges? :confused: [/QUOTE]


I'll be ironmanning, probably with a gnome fighter/thief. Game to start soon!

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:52 pm
by Rav
I've started Ironmanning in BG1, with a Dwarf Fighter/cleric. I am now in Chapter 3, only Dynaheir died once so far, and it was only 200 to have her raised at the time.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 2:44 pm
by Emnelion
Er. About that Aran Linveil bodyguard, i've noticed that in some situations (witch you usually shoulden't be getting into) this invisibly-one-hit-ko-backstabbing-assassin comes up. For example when I first came to that locked door in Meavars guild the first time. I couldn't open it by any means (hadn't found Renal and his quest then) so i teleported past the door just to check. And then an assassin named Galvin (if I remember correctly) came and killed all my party members. But it was obvious that it was an automatic-killing cheters, becouse this guy was hasted and became invisible with no wating, like 3 times/round and turned even Korgan to flying meat with one blow.

And you know what? My ironman failed. Blast it!!! i screw up against that Cowled Wizard that Edwin sends you to assassinate. It was an sooo stupid mistake. so it's game over for me. "snarvel"

But I do use autopauseing. I allways have autopausing when finding a trap and when seeing an enemy. It really makes things less complicated.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:26 pm
by AxeSlash
Arkanis Gath is the dude's name if I remember correctly, and yeah I heard someone on another BG2 forum mentioning that there are a few other situations where similar stuff happens.

I just think it's a bit annoying that you can't loot Aran after you're finished with him >:|

Oh and Arkanis came out with no warning either - I had everyone doing the whole True Sight and similar stuff...completely undetectable. So it must be a teleport job.

Sorry for the threadjack, leaving now :P

Oh, just found this: ... 004118;p=0 for those who are interested...

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:51 am
by Emnelion
I've desided to try the ironman again. This time i'm soloing a fighter/mage/cleric.

Did hurt a bit when i pulled off all those traps in the Mistress' room, kinda miss the thief skills.