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Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:38 pm
This wasnt scary in a jump out of your seat way but a scary in a IM GONNA DIE way. When i was doing the white balvarine mission (for the millionth time) i saw the chief's door open while the balvarine was behind me i went inside and he didnt follow then he came running up the stairs and started attaking me and I was in a **** corner! i couldnt escape for a few minutes (luckily i had about two thousand health potions
Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:06 am
by dragon tint
I have had two scariest moments that've nearly given me a heart attack:
1) The trader escourt quest all the way through darkwood. That was scary because I needed to protect them from all these evil things and the scene and music were v.scary indeed!
2) The first time I saw that fairy thing, I thought that it was a harmless thing and wanted to kill it for the experiance and to see what it would drop. Soon I found out that it is pretty much invinsable and ran. I thought I had esacaped but before I entered into Darkwood Marshes I heard that girly giggle and jumped out my seat. I wasn't expecting it!
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:44 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Probably the freakiest thing ever for me was when I was traveling in Witchwood this one time..... when I was walking along at like 1 in the morning, I hear a few "ARGH!"s and screams and stuff up the road, so I run towards them, and before I hit this corner, a trader's body flies out from behind where I couldn't see, and I go "whoah!". So I draw my sword and turn the corner, and I see a white balverine for the first time (I hadn't done the White Balverine quest yet, but somehow one showed up in the wild), and it had just finished off another trader and it just turns around slowly, all blood stained and everything, and roars that really cool roar of it's (I was about five feet away from it). All I remember was going ""WHAT IN THE ****!?!?!", right before it tackled me
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:47 pm
by Razi
I find Fable to be more funny than scary, though the first time I used fireball it sounded like the faeries. wasn't sure what was going on.
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:58 pm
by supershadow
actully my scarest moment in fable is when i first got it... I put the disk my x-box and closed it. I turn my tv on and nothing happened. I was scared that i just but a broken game... Then i figured out my tv wasnt plugged in.
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:20 pm
by Razi
one creepy thing I ran into on the new game I am going through, is the kid from the Hobbe Cave Quest. when he's speaking in general, he sounds like the other kids in the game, but when he speaks to you, his voice gets deep. first time that happened, I thought the kid was going to turn into some kind of monster and attack me.
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:15 pm
by everevil
my scariest moment was when please highlight
dragon jack comes in front of you at the end when he landed i nearly crapped my pants
Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:58 pm
by blackiceuphoria
Smacking the guildmaster and being scolded... I thought I'd get killed, like in Deus Ex (when you hit your bro, lol).
Also when I first fought a Balverine, and it disappeared, so I thought everything was clear, then BAM! The bast- err.. thing, lands right on top of you!
I'm also scared of the Demon Doors... so freaky.
Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 7:51 am
by DesR85
blackiceuphoria wrote:
Also when I first fought a Balverine, and it disappeared, so I thought everything was clear, then BAM! The bast- err.. thing, lands right on top of you!
Had the same feeling as you when I first fought a Balverine too.
I was startled when that Balverine just suddenly landed right in front of me after it jumped out of sight. Thought it ran away at first.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:53 pm
by Razi
yeah, the whole jumping down out of the trees thing will freak you the first time you fight balvarines
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:42 pm
by Randafari
Mine was when I first fought the White Balverine. I though I killed all the regular Balverines, but for some reason I started running towards Knothole Glade and then out of no where another dropped down and as soon as it did, it tackled me and it just happened too fast!
Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:38 pm
by Rebelkitten
Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:09 am
by Dgen
Well shock really !!!
I had just beaten jack for the second time and the phone went so up i got, thinking i can just wait for the end titles to finish and save my game because i was proud of my angelic hero, Only to return and find my hero fully evil with jack's mask stuck to his face. AAAAAAHHHH C**P