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Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:04 am
by King Malus
MalaksBane wrote:Try a Malk if you want to have some fun with Sebastian.
Sebastian must be a favorite, the guy you just love to hate - his tantrum is gold.
"why, won't... Beckett, why won't it open?! And you, you said it looked like it had been opened on the Dane!"
i thought i was his wunderkind...
Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 3:14 pm
by gonin
Fat Larry is by far the best, everything he says makes me laugh, and he also has an afro...nuff said
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:01 am
by Lukeatus
Maximillian Strauss
I'm a Maximillian Strauss guy.
Not only because I like playing as a Tremere. It's because Strauss is the one who respects you the most no matter what clan you are and truly believes in the camarilla. Strauss handles himself very well in the game and it's good to work with him.
The anarchs you have to go with Jack, he cuts the politics crap for quite a while and helps you. Nines and the rest will just want to kill you if you side with the Camarilla pretty much. It's not like you have much of a choice when you start the game - your sire has been killed and the Prince spares you but you must learn Camarilla rules.
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:05 pm
by Enwah
Wow ! So many NPC's had great lines. I liked Heather Poe, I swear I smelled bacon cooking when I got home. I could relate to Chunk, I have the same job and look about the same too.
As for a bit part NPC, that sabbat that issues the audience warning when you first hit downtown. He kind of lets the player know how the other side thinks.
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:21 pm
by hk00107
Jack, hands down. Almost every other work of fiction tries to get the badass character right, but the writers of VTMB got it down pat. He can fight, but for a cause. He could give a **** about most, but'll help out the new kid on the block. He knows when to wale and when to sit back and let **** unfold. And he masterminded and executed the assassination of dip**** Sebastian LaCroix. What's not to like about this guy?
Edit: Ugg... I've been censored!
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:30 pm
by gonin
Soul Searching
I've thought hard about it since my last post, and while Larry is bomb, Tsang is probably one of the funniest characters in the game...he's where i buy my herbal remedies of course. Other character i enjoy include: Andrei, good old fashion evil as hell super vampire, Jack, well...he's Jack, and Venus,WHAAAAAT! I KANT HEAR UUUU!COME UP TO MY OFFICE!
Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:35 am
by Kendrel
Top 3
Gorgeus Gary Golden. I love the sound of his voice gggrrrrr... everytime I got into the Warrens and speak with Gary it's like the first time. He just toys with you, he is having a lot of fun just speaking to you and you know it. IMO he is the greatest example of a dark, secretive and mounstrous vampire.
Velvet Veloure. This Toreador girl stole my heart. Her voice, her mannerisms... she really is a seductive vampire. She can suck my... blood anytime she wants. Or I can suck hers, I can make a good ghoul
IMO, she is the best example of a seductive and charming monster of the night.
Maximilian Strauss. IMO Strauss had to have more quests. The way he talks, and all, you can see you are in front of an educated vampire, full of mysticism and wisdom. To me, he is the kind of monster who you would go to in case of council or advise.
Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:16 am
by Tenser
Oh, a lot of characters.
- Heather Poe (supersweet redhead)
- Jeanette & Therese Voerman (extremely sexy too)
- Jack (he's coooool)
- Damsel (strongwilled redhead)
- Nines (very sympathetic)
- VV / Velvet Velour (a biiiiit overdone)
- Isaac (fellow Toreador ! Well, most of the time)
- Knox Harrington (sadly doesnt have much dialogues any more after his quests)
- Yukie (not much to do but still a cool character)
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:01 pm
by Anicsin
Beckett, Jack and absolutely Jenette!
Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:33 pm
by AGustofWind
Andrei, Prince La Croix, Strauss, and The Mandarin, the voice actor for the last one was especially well done.