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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:26 pm
by Xandax
Bloodmist wrote:Shouldn't you just get that license and let the bikers hit your vehicle, instead of the other way around? You apparently can't handle the bike :D
I handle my bike very well, thank you. It is just that cars can't handle themselves so they usually end up in positions unfavorable to me (like on top of me).
You wouldn't start to imageing how often I've almost been run over - so I think it lucky I've only been in 2 traffic accidents ..... well 2 on my bike that is :D

Kamikaze :D

BlueSky wrote:Having your clothing melt on your body in a house fire, can only say that it was by far the worst thing I ever permanent damage, jus lots of scars on back and a few on my arms...

Ouch - that indeed does sound painfull. Getting shivers by reading it :eek:

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:33 am
by DesR85
The worst pain I've ever felt was when I slammed the door on my foot (especially the big toe). It was excrutiatingly painful that I had to hobble for an hour or two before the pain subsided.

The other was more psychological. I was involved in my very first car accident two years ago. I was going up a hill and a car in front of me just suddenly stopped for what reason, I do not know. I managed to slam the brakes just in time to avoid hitting that car. As soon as I did so, 2 other cars crashed into mine and resulted in my car hitting the one in front of me (since I braked very close to it).

The car I drove was damaged both in the front and back (until you hear weird sounds when accelerating the car). The one behind me was worse off where the whole front part of the car was ripped apart, exposing its skeleton and was right on top of my car's boot (a van hit it until it became like so)! I was in a total shock that I didn't even touch a car for one and a half weeks after the incident. :sad:

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:18 am
by Magrus
I've been told I have a high pain threshold. Nothing outrageous, I simply have this thing where I get angry, and ignore the pain after it hits me for the first few moments. Which, leads to other problems instead of focusing on pain.

Moments? When I was about 8 years old I went bike riding with my little brother at a camp site we had never been to before. It was a gravel road, and we did not know this, but the gravel road went down a steep hill at approximately a 65 degree angle. Our bikes both lost control from rocks sliding out from the tires after gaining an incredible amount of speed. On my right was a treeline, on my left my little brother, and on his left, the edge of the road and a lot of grass. When I started sliding, I kicked him into the grass and then proceeded to gather speed up to approximately 50 mph until I fell on my left side and was dragged down the hill for roughly 300 ft.

Some of the people camping nearby ran out and carried me back to my parents. I was covered in lacerations, scrapes, and gravel was in all of them. After much deliberation, my parents decided to not pull out all of the gravel that was stuck in my cheeks, gums, arms, hands, legs, face, etc and just toss me in the pool to clean it all out. Umm, I refused to talk to them for the rest of the trip I was so angry. The chlorine touching all of those scrapes and open wounds was just extremely painful. Then I had to remove all of the gravel myself. :( Not to mention sliding down that hill. A biker was the guy who brought my bycicle back and he said he's fallen off his motorcycle and not had road rash as bad as I ended up with. :speech:

Going with Fable's thing on asthma. I do not have acute asthma, however I do have asthma and I do get attacks rarely whenever I do something my lungs cannot handle. Getting hit with an asthma attacks is incredibly painful. Your whole body ends up hurting from the lack of oxygen as your lungs feel like they are going to implode. Fun stuff.

The problems I have with my neck and jaw are chronic onces I have somewhat gotten used to. However, there is little to no cartiledge left in the joints of either my neck or my jaw. It is bone on bone grinding I deal with, which, when it gets worse than normal leads to my becoming violently ill from the pain and dry heaving occurs. Not to mention dizzyness and blurred vision.

I used to get daily stress headaches, and my twice a week migraines in high school. I do, occasionally still get migraines and/or cluster headaches. Having both at the same time was quite possibly the most horrific experience I dealt with involving pain. Why? I was at school! With those loud, annoying kids, and those super bright hallogen lights, and bells, and teachers yelling at me to open my eyes and pay attention. If I hadn't been in crippling pain, I probably would have started killing people. :(

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:57 am
by Darzog
Well I have had three major injuries but I was young enough for all of them that I don't actually remember any of the pain.

1. When I was about 4 years old I was riding my little tricycle next to our house doing pop-a-wheelies. Well one was a little too good and I flipped over. At the same time my neighbors were backing out of their driveway and backed onto the tricycle (with me under it). My right side was exposed and was completely torn up (I'm told that my left side was pristine without even any tears in my clothes). I only have one scar from the incident on my right shoulder, but my parents tell me that at the time I looked like half my body had been put in a blender.

2. When we lived in Washington we used to recycle our aluminum cans, but to save space we crushed them before putting them in the bag. Being the industrious 5-year-old that I was I decided to crush a bunch of cans that had built up on the counter. So I went out to the back porch, lined up a bunch of cans, grabbed the sledge hammer (which was taller than I was) and proceeded to walk down the line lifting the hammer as high above the can as I could then slamming it down to crush the can. Well one time I missed, and did I mention I wasn't wearing any shoes? I pulverised my big toenail... it shattered and had to be completely removed. I think it took about a year before it fully grew back and looked normal.

3. When I was about 6-7 I had one of those two-wheeled scooters (not unlike the Razor Scooters but with 6-inch plastic wheels and no real turning mechanism). All the big kids on their bikes would ride down the street, hit the potholes and jump out of them. I thought it would be really cool and not knowing the difference in compliance between rubber air-inflated wheels and hard-plastic wheels, I got going as fast as I could down the street and hit the pothole. The front wheel of the scooter stopped dead in its tracks when it hit the pothole and the back end went flying up vaulting me into the air. I have no idea how far I flew but I do know that when I landed it was right on my chin, and for some reason I had decided to stick my tongue out... my front tooth made a hole all the way through my tongue (I still have a scar on the top and bottom of my tongue from the cut). My mom was asleep with all the doors and windows closed half a block away and I woke her from a dead sleep with my scream.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:43 am
by Tanita
This topic doesn't make me think of old codgers moaning, it makes me think of the brilliant Jaws scene on the boat when Dreyfuss & Shaw compare shark wounds as a way to bond. lol

I once road my little brothers mini motorbike (I was about 10) and lost control of it and slide along a raw wooden fence, consequently ripping my right thigh apart where actual white stuff came out.
Typical kid (I was a tomboy too) I was more worried about getting into trouble and side-stepped into the house, smiling and denying anything was wrong.

lol, I was a stealth character way back then.