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Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:43 am
by Dottie
Is there anyone who knows what (if any) real life event that this article makes a parody on? Without knowing I think I'm missing the point.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:41 pm
by VonDondu
Dottie, I can't think of one specific event that the article was spoofing. But there were a lot of rumors about Bush floating around Washington, D.C. last year (more than usual, anyway). For example, he was supposedly acting abnormally agitated and distracted in private, and he was even more short-tempered than usual; a lot of people suspected that he had started drinking booze again; he was increasingly isolated and he refused to listen to anyone besides a few women who love him and who can't see his faults--his wife, his mother, Condi, and one of his advisors; and so on. The rumors were self-contradictory, because Laura was also supposedly fed up with Bush and having little to do with him because he was allegedly getting drunk and possibly having an affair with Condi. Basically, he was a man who had lost touch with reality, who refused to listen to criticism, and who cut people short if they didn't tell him what he wanted to hear. As if we didn't already know that. It wasn't exactly news, and the "juicier" parts of the stories were never really confirmed, but it's important to understand the character of a man in his position, and there was a lot of negative speculation even among his supporters. When he appeared to be a "success" they loved him, but when it became apparent that he's really a "failure", they tried to distance themselves from him and blame him for all of their own mistakes. That was reflected in the rumor mill, which became increasingly judgmental and unforgiving. There were a couple of legitimate newspaper articles that essentially speculated that Bush was losing it, and maybe those are what inspired the article in The Onion.

Personally, I'm getting to the point where I don't enjoy parodies of Bush (or humor that points out the obvious) anymore since the Bushies' reality itself is so ridiculous. I'm too disgusted and too tired of it to find it funny anymore. An article in The Onion about the gay pastor who blamed his "transgressions" on the fact that he was molested by a Republican Congressman when he was a youth is one example of a spoof that managed to take the absurdities of reality to the "next level", but if a spoof merely regurgitates things that we already know exist in reality, then it tends to fall flat for me.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:11 am
by Dottie
VonDondu wrote:There were a couple of legitimate newspaper articles that essentially speculated that Bush was losing it, and maybe those are what inspired the article in The Onion.
Thanks for the explanation.

I don't read the onion very often, but the funny component of the articles I have read is that it manages to convey the absurdity of certain real life situations primarily by changing context or language, not by exaggeration.

If the real life situation is clearly absurd already, or if it requires hefty exaggeration to make it absurd it becomes less funny imo.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 10:38 pm
by rmemmett84
QUOTE Magrus: Keep in mind that, for the majority of the people who post here, on this website, it is a group of people above the average intelligence level compared to those who would be involved in differently oriented gaming forum.

Wow are we full of ourselves. I think this whole thread just goes to show how badly some of you people want to believe Bush is an idiot. You will hop on any opportunity to bash matter how absurd.

Now before you rabid left wingers hop all over me let me say I have posted several times in the past, I am not a fan of Bush (albeit for probably very different reasons than most of you) but I did vote for him as the lesser of two evils. To be quite honest that other guy scared the hell out of me. I really don't believe either party has presented a quality candidate in close to 20 years and the next batch doesn't look so good either.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:10 am
by Siberys
What, you mean Gore scares the crap out of you because he has actual intelligence? I don't say that as a bash to bush but Bush has yet to prove he knows what he's doing, and Al gore has proven.

And as for the left wing right wing crap, pretty sure most of the people who actually post here are beyond the whole "Wing" idealisms and are a mix in between, people completely capable of forming there own opinion rather than siding with one side or another.

Oh, and for the "Aren't we full of ourselves" remark, I don't believe Magrus was referring to himself by any means but rather many of the people on this forum, including you, meaning it was a COMPLIMENT and not a bash against bush.

There are people who go out of there way to bash bush, and then there are people who go out of there way to pride themselves on not being a Bush basher by bashing all the people who bash bush. Merely having a fun time joking around with bush's supposed intelligence seems to be the lesser of two evils in this situation.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 2:24 am
by Vicsun
rmemmett84 wrote:QUOTE Magrus: Keep in mind that, for the majority of the people who post here, on this website, it is a group of people above the average intelligence level compared to those who would be involved in differently oriented gaming forum.
I demand data to verify this unsubstantiated claim :mad:

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:03 am
by Fiberfar
Vicsun wrote:I demand data to verify this unsubstantiated claim :mad:
You just provided your own data :D

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:34 am
by dragon wench
Fiberfar wrote:You just provided your own data :D

Thing is though... How are we defining intelligence here? Is Vic simply brilliant beyond description..... or.... is he just strangely adept at unwittingly stumbling across truths hidden from us lesser mortals? :p ;)