Members' own monster, item & misc resource
Ogre Killer:
Damage: 1D10
Critical: 18-20
Weight: 15 LB.
Special Characteristics:
Damage: 2x damage VS. Ogres
Size: Accomodates itself to the user’s size
Type: Any weapon (as long as it is Melee) that the weilder has weapon specialization in, Ogre Killer takes the shape of(the damage is not altered) but as soon as it is set down, it takes the shape of a Greataxe once more
In the wars between Elfs and Orcs 150 years ago, the Orcs made a Pact with the much mightier Ogres. This led to the Elves needing more aid, but none was to be found.
To countermand this problem, all Elven mages were pulled from the battle field, and asked to make magic items specifically for the coming battles. As the Elf mages made these magic items however, they became weaker. So they all one hundred and twenty-six gathered, and crafted on mighty axe to turn the tide of the war. It was named, “Ogre Killer”, and it was entrusted to their best rogue. In the night he stalked into the Ogre camp, and slew them all before the night was through. It now rests in your hands, keep it well
Damage: 1D10
Critical: 18-20
Weight: 15 LB.
Special Characteristics:
Damage: 2x damage VS. Ogres
Size: Accomodates itself to the user’s size
Type: Any weapon (as long as it is Melee) that the weilder has weapon specialization in, Ogre Killer takes the shape of(the damage is not altered) but as soon as it is set down, it takes the shape of a Greataxe once more
In the wars between Elfs and Orcs 150 years ago, the Orcs made a Pact with the much mightier Ogres. This led to the Elves needing more aid, but none was to be found.
To countermand this problem, all Elven mages were pulled from the battle field, and asked to make magic items specifically for the coming battles. As the Elf mages made these magic items however, they became weaker. So they all one hundred and twenty-six gathered, and crafted on mighty axe to turn the tide of the war. It was named, “Ogre Killer”, and it was entrusted to their best rogue. In the night he stalked into the Ogre camp, and slew them all before the night was through. It now rests in your hands, keep it well
The Fighter Set
These items can be bought, perhaps, but I find that it is more fun to have the PCs overhear info about them, or buy information about their location.
Demonic Plate
AC: 8
Weight: 60 LB.
+4 morale bonus while worn.
When the entire set is equipped, all hostile creatures take a -3 morale penalty on any check they make
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in fighter
Phase Shield
Ac: 4 AC
Weight: 20 LB.
Check penalty: 1
Most of this shield is made from ethereal plane material, making it lighter, and capable of blocking attacks from said plane
When the entire set is equipped, the weight is reduced to 5 LB.
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in fighter
Razor Edge
Damage: 1D10
Weight: 20 LB.
Special: +1D4 1/2 (fighter)levels extra damage. +1/2 (fighter)levels wound damage
Whole set equipped: 1x your fighter level for effects.
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in fighter
These items can be bought, perhaps, but I find that it is more fun to have the PCs overhear info about them, or buy information about their location.
Demonic Plate
AC: 8
Weight: 60 LB.
+4 morale bonus while worn.
When the entire set is equipped, all hostile creatures take a -3 morale penalty on any check they make
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in fighter
Phase Shield
Ac: 4 AC
Weight: 20 LB.
Check penalty: 1
Most of this shield is made from ethereal plane material, making it lighter, and capable of blocking attacks from said plane
When the entire set is equipped, the weight is reduced to 5 LB.
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in fighter
Razor Edge
Damage: 1D10
Weight: 20 LB.
Special: +1D4 1/2 (fighter)levels extra damage. +1/2 (fighter)levels wound damage
Whole set equipped: 1x your fighter level for effects.
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in fighter
The Bard Set
These items can be bought, perhaps, but I find that it is more fun to have the PCs overhear info about them, or buy information about their location.
Fire Juggler’s Gloves
Ac: 5 fire resistance
Weight: 3 LB.
+5 on any check related to fire/heat (half damage from a fireball;avoid heatstroke)
Every day, can create 10 fireballs the size of the average potion bottle, that can be used in an unarmed strike, or thrown for (+) 2D6 damage as long as the bard makes a concentration check of 5 every round he has one in existence these shed light in a 30 ft. Radius
When the entire set is equipped, it is capable of making 20 such fireballs a day.
Sweet Voice
Ac: +1
Weight: 2 LB.
+2 uses of bard/curse song a day
+5 to perform checks if singing is involved
If the whole set is equipped, this item doubles your uses of bard/curse song/day, and adds +5 to perform checks no matter the circumstance, and +10 to singing checks
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in bard
Vocal Blade
Damage: 1D8 +4
Weight: 10 LB.
+4 to hit and damage
50% chance on hit to effect the creature(s) struck with this blade with a curse song equal to that of the bard
When the whole set is equipped; +5 to hit/damage, and 90% chance to bestow curse song
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in bard
These items can be bought, perhaps, but I find that it is more fun to have the PCs overhear info about them, or buy information about their location.
Fire Juggler’s Gloves
Ac: 5 fire resistance
Weight: 3 LB.
+5 on any check related to fire/heat (half damage from a fireball;avoid heatstroke)
Every day, can create 10 fireballs the size of the average potion bottle, that can be used in an unarmed strike, or thrown for (+) 2D6 damage as long as the bard makes a concentration check of 5 every round he has one in existence these shed light in a 30 ft. Radius
When the entire set is equipped, it is capable of making 20 such fireballs a day.
Sweet Voice
Ac: +1
Weight: 2 LB.
+2 uses of bard/curse song a day
+5 to perform checks if singing is involved
If the whole set is equipped, this item doubles your uses of bard/curse song/day, and adds +5 to perform checks no matter the circumstance, and +10 to singing checks
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in bard
Vocal Blade
Damage: 1D8 +4
Weight: 10 LB.
+4 to hit and damage
50% chance on hit to effect the creature(s) struck with this blade with a curse song equal to that of the bard
When the whole set is equipped; +5 to hit/damage, and 90% chance to bestow curse song
Prerequisite: 10+ levels in bard
A Bladestone is an almost oval stone, consisting of raw iron with small etchings of rust. All around the center is a small saw-toothed and sharp iron outcropping.
The stone can be used as a sling bullet, but due to its irregular features, the user receives an -2 penalty to attack, but it does a flat +2 points in damage due to the sharp edges of the stone. The stone's major power however, is much more deadly than this. When a command word is uttered, the stone will burst into a horizontal Blade Barrier, as per the 6th level divine prayer, covering an area 30 feet on each side where the room allows. This form cannot be altered, and if the room doesn't allow it to expand in one direction, it cannot extend in another instead, but is simply reduced in size.
The barrier remains in effect (unless dispelled) for 2 hours before it dissipates. Those caught in its initial invoking are entitled to a reflex saving throw at (DC 16) to avoid it completely (jump free). Those missing their reflex saving throw or tries to pass through the barrier while it is active take 13d6 in damage.
The Bladestone is a single use item.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, Blade Barrier
Market Price: 3,300 gp; Creation Cost: 1,650 gp + 132 XP.
A Bladestone is an almost oval stone, consisting of raw iron with small etchings of rust. All around the center is a small saw-toothed and sharp iron outcropping.
The stone can be used as a sling bullet, but due to its irregular features, the user receives an -2 penalty to attack, but it does a flat +2 points in damage due to the sharp edges of the stone. The stone's major power however, is much more deadly than this. When a command word is uttered, the stone will burst into a horizontal Blade Barrier, as per the 6th level divine prayer, covering an area 30 feet on each side where the room allows. This form cannot be altered, and if the room doesn't allow it to expand in one direction, it cannot extend in another instead, but is simply reduced in size.
The barrier remains in effect (unless dispelled) for 2 hours before it dissipates. Those caught in its initial invoking are entitled to a reflex saving throw at (DC 16) to avoid it completely (jump free). Those missing their reflex saving throw or tries to pass through the barrier while it is active take 13d6 in damage.
The Bladestone is a single use item.
Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items, Blade Barrier
Market Price: 3,300 gp; Creation Cost: 1,650 gp + 132 XP.
Frozen undead:
Frozen undead is an aquired template. It can be applied to any undead that is not vulnerable to cold, and is not fire-based.
Type: The creatures type remains Undead, and it gains the Cold subtype
Race: Race is unchanged
HD: The creature gains +1 hit point for every HD it has.
The creatures natural attacks deal +1 cold damage
Once a day, The frozen undead can breath a 30 foot cone of cold dealing 1D6/HD (max 5D6) cold damage, but it loses all other bonuses(and penalties) gained through being a frozen undead for 24 hours
Vulnerable to fire: X2 damage from fire
Resistant to cold: Ingnore the first 5 +1/2 HD points of cold damage taken
CR: +2
(note, any other weakneses, or abilities still apply to the frozen undead, that are from the base creature.)
Frozen undead is an aquired template. It can be applied to any undead that is not vulnerable to cold, and is not fire-based.
Type: The creatures type remains Undead, and it gains the Cold subtype
Race: Race is unchanged
HD: The creature gains +1 hit point for every HD it has.
The creatures natural attacks deal +1 cold damage
Once a day, The frozen undead can breath a 30 foot cone of cold dealing 1D6/HD (max 5D6) cold damage, but it loses all other bonuses(and penalties) gained through being a frozen undead for 24 hours
Vulnerable to fire: X2 damage from fire
Resistant to cold: Ingnore the first 5 +1/2 HD points of cold damage taken
CR: +2
(note, any other weakneses, or abilities still apply to the frozen undead, that are from the base creature.)
Vampire Hunter (part 1)
I had an NPC that was very important to the story, and I couldn't find any classes that matched him. He was a vampire hunter turned mad scientist. This, is the vampire hunter part of that. Once It's finished, I'll post the 'turned mad scientist' part, too.
Vampire Hunter
HD: D8
Race: Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid
Special: survival 8 ranks or track
Special: Must have killed at least 2 vampires
Level BAB Fortitude Reflex Will Special
1-----------1--------2---------1------0--------Stake Proficiency
2-----------2--------2---------1------0--------Undead Scent
3-----------3--------3---------1------0--------Slow Heart
4-----------4--------3---------2------1--------Hunter’s Attire I
5-----------5--------4---------2------1--------Vampire Slayer, Great Toughness
6---------6/ 1-------5---------3------1--------Tooth Breaker
7---------7/ 2-------5---------3------2--------Stake Strike 1/day, Hunter’s Attire II
8---------8/ 3-------6---------3------2--------Vampiric Grace
9---------9/ 4-------6---------4------2--------Garlic Blood
10-------10/ 5------7---------4------3--------Stake Strike 3/day, Free Spawn, Hunter’s Attire III
Class Skills:
Stake Proficiency: A Vampire Hunter using a wooden stake deals 1D6 damage, with a 19-20 x2 critical. When used against a vampire, a critical has a chance to automatically slay the vampire. The vampire must make a fortitude save (DC 2x the damage dealt) or be destroyed.
Undead Scent: A Vampire Slayer of level 2 can smell undead within 30 feet of him. Also, he can tell if the undead is a vampire or not. He can not identify other undead in this way. (He can tell there are undead, but not that they are ghouls, for example)
Slow Heart: A vampire of level 3 or higher can control her heart rate to such an extent that she can make herself seem panicked, or even dead.
Hunter’s Attire; There are several iconic pieces of Vampire Hunter equipment. Most prominent among these are the hat, the vest, and the gloves. At level 4, the Vampire hunter gets the gloves. A powerful, but often overlooked piece of equipment. At level 7, they aquire a hat, although they have a choice of two items, here. At level ten, the vest is granted to a Vampire Hunter, a magnificent piece of equipment, this vest offers great protection
Gloves: These gloves each have a slot for a small weapon, such as a dagger, and the gloves are covered in so many straps and buckles, that if you don't know where to look, it is nearly impossible to find the weapon. Also, these gloves can make wooden stakes. Making a stake takes 2 rounds, and no more than 6 can be in existence at any time from a single pair of gloves (3 each) new stakes can be made after 6, but the old ones disappear.
Hat: This hat is a broad-brimmed brown tattered thing. When worn, It can confer one of two abilities (chosen when aquired) Darkvision out to 60 feet, or the ability to detect heartbeats out to 90 feet.
Vest: This vest is a sleeveless leather thing. It has great protective properties. It grants either 20 temporary hit points a day, at midnight, that last up to 24 hours, or it can grant resistance to all elements 8. If worn with armor, it grants +2 AC. If worn alone, it grants +5 AC. It counts as clothing.
I had an NPC that was very important to the story, and I couldn't find any classes that matched him. He was a vampire hunter turned mad scientist. This, is the vampire hunter part of that. Once It's finished, I'll post the 'turned mad scientist' part, too.
Vampire Hunter
HD: D8
Race: Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid
Special: survival 8 ranks or track
Special: Must have killed at least 2 vampires
Level BAB Fortitude Reflex Will Special
1-----------1--------2---------1------0--------Stake Proficiency
2-----------2--------2---------1------0--------Undead Scent
3-----------3--------3---------1------0--------Slow Heart
4-----------4--------3---------2------1--------Hunter’s Attire I
5-----------5--------4---------2------1--------Vampire Slayer, Great Toughness
6---------6/ 1-------5---------3------1--------Tooth Breaker
7---------7/ 2-------5---------3------2--------Stake Strike 1/day, Hunter’s Attire II
8---------8/ 3-------6---------3------2--------Vampiric Grace
9---------9/ 4-------6---------4------2--------Garlic Blood
10-------10/ 5------7---------4------3--------Stake Strike 3/day, Free Spawn, Hunter’s Attire III
Class Skills:
Stake Proficiency: A Vampire Hunter using a wooden stake deals 1D6 damage, with a 19-20 x2 critical. When used against a vampire, a critical has a chance to automatically slay the vampire. The vampire must make a fortitude save (DC 2x the damage dealt) or be destroyed.
Undead Scent: A Vampire Slayer of level 2 can smell undead within 30 feet of him. Also, he can tell if the undead is a vampire or not. He can not identify other undead in this way. (He can tell there are undead, but not that they are ghouls, for example)
Slow Heart: A vampire of level 3 or higher can control her heart rate to such an extent that she can make herself seem panicked, or even dead.
Hunter’s Attire; There are several iconic pieces of Vampire Hunter equipment. Most prominent among these are the hat, the vest, and the gloves. At level 4, the Vampire hunter gets the gloves. A powerful, but often overlooked piece of equipment. At level 7, they aquire a hat, although they have a choice of two items, here. At level ten, the vest is granted to a Vampire Hunter, a magnificent piece of equipment, this vest offers great protection
Gloves: These gloves each have a slot for a small weapon, such as a dagger, and the gloves are covered in so many straps and buckles, that if you don't know where to look, it is nearly impossible to find the weapon. Also, these gloves can make wooden stakes. Making a stake takes 2 rounds, and no more than 6 can be in existence at any time from a single pair of gloves (3 each) new stakes can be made after 6, but the old ones disappear.
Hat: This hat is a broad-brimmed brown tattered thing. When worn, It can confer one of two abilities (chosen when aquired) Darkvision out to 60 feet, or the ability to detect heartbeats out to 90 feet.
Vest: This vest is a sleeveless leather thing. It has great protective properties. It grants either 20 temporary hit points a day, at midnight, that last up to 24 hours, or it can grant resistance to all elements 8. If worn with armor, it grants +2 AC. If worn alone, it grants +5 AC. It counts as clothing.
Vampire Hunter (part 2)
Great Toughness: You gain either +1 Str, or +1 Con
Vampire Slayer: All weapons have double threat range when fighting vampires. When fighting vampires, you have a +6 competence bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with other bonuses
Tooth Breaker: You have a 50% chance to ignore level drain from a vampire's bite attack
Stake Strike: If you attack a vampire when it is denied it's dexterity bonus to AC, you can attack with your stake, 3 times a day, for triple damage. At 10th level, it becomes 5 times a day for quadruple damage.
Garlicky Blood: You have an 85% chance to ignore level drain from a vampire's bite attack. You can not be made into vampire spawn.
Free Spawn: Once per day a Vampire Hunter of 10th level can attempt to free a willing vampire spawn from it's affliction, removing the vampire spawn template from the creature. This requires a will save (DC = to the controlling vampire's HD) by the Hunter, and a Fortitude save (DC 15) by the freed spawn. If the will save is sucsessful, the creature is freed, but if the creature fails it's will save, it dies instantly.
Great Toughness: You gain either +1 Str, or +1 Con
Vampire Slayer: All weapons have double threat range when fighting vampires. When fighting vampires, you have a +6 competence bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with other bonuses
Tooth Breaker: You have a 50% chance to ignore level drain from a vampire's bite attack
Stake Strike: If you attack a vampire when it is denied it's dexterity bonus to AC, you can attack with your stake, 3 times a day, for triple damage. At 10th level, it becomes 5 times a day for quadruple damage.
Garlicky Blood: You have an 85% chance to ignore level drain from a vampire's bite attack. You can not be made into vampire spawn.
Free Spawn: Once per day a Vampire Hunter of 10th level can attempt to free a willing vampire spawn from it's affliction, removing the vampire spawn template from the creature. This requires a will save (DC = to the controlling vampire's HD) by the Hunter, and a Fortitude save (DC 15) by the freed spawn. If the will save is sucsessful, the creature is freed, but if the creature fails it's will save, it dies instantly.
Biologist (more devotion-based concoctions to come!)
HD: D6
Abilities: Intelligence or Wisdom 16
5 ranks in appropriate knowledge skill(s) for your devotion
1---------0------1/0/2------Devotion I, Create Scalpel, Scalpel Proficiency
2---------0------1/0/2------Anatomical Strike 2/day
4---------1------2/1/3------Anatomical Strike 4/day
5---------2------2/1/4------Devotion II
6---------2------3/1/5------Graft, Anatomical Strike 6/day
8---------3------3/2/6------Anatomical Strike 8/day
9---------4------4/2/7------Diagnose, Concoct
10--------4------4/3/7------Devotion III, Anatomical Strike 10/day
Devotion: At 1st level, you choose a creature type, most choose humanoid, and then at levels 5, and 10, you narrow this selection. For example, 1st level, you select undead. Then humanoid undead, then finally medium/large humanoid undead. If a creature falls into your first devotion, you get +1 to hit, damage, and AC against it. If it falls into your second, you get +3, and if it falls into your third, you get +6
Create Scalpel: As a Biologist, a scalpel is a very useful tool. it is a sharp, portable weapon, and is nescecary for many of your skills. Creating a scalpel requires a DC 15 craft weapon check, with a +5 competence bonus on the check. However, it must be regularly sharpened (every day it is used, and every 3 days it is not) or it becomes worthless. To sharpen it, you must make another craft weapon check. (DC 10) Your +5 competence bonus applies to this check as well.
Scalpel proficiency: you can fight with your scalpel without penalty. A scalpel does D4 damage, has a 19-20 x3 critical, weighs 1/2 Lb, is tiny, and does slashing damage. it can not be used as a thrown weapon.
Anatomical Strike: Begining at level 2, when in combat, you can make an attack with your scalpel as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opprotunity. this attack can only be preformed on your turn, and the attack bonus is your BAB + your biologist level(+ any possible enhancements to the scalpel).
Dissection:A Biologist of 3rd level or higher can dissect a creature to learn more about them. A Biologist who dissects a creature gets a +1 competence bonus against that creature for the next 24 hours. This bonus is to your attack, damage, and AC, as well as against saves that the creature naturally causes (a snakes venom, but not a goblins poison coated weapon). After 10 dissections of the same creature type (undead, reptile, etc.) this bonus lasts for a week. 20 dissections, and the bonus becomes permanent. These bonus stack with one another, up to a max of +5. Dissection must be done with a scalpel, until level 7, when you can use any tiny keen weapon.
Graft: A biologist can choose a grafting skill related to his devotions (You can choose dragon-grafting, if you have reptilians as a devotion for example) and you now know how to do this. When using this graft skill, you do not lose experience while grafting.
Diagnose: You can diagnose a disease or other illness that a target has with a heal check (DC 25). You can also heal a target with this ability, up to a number of hit points equal to 3x your biologist level. These points can be split up over multiple uses and multiple recipients. you can diagnose an illness you have, but you cannot heal yourself with this ability.
Concoct: By this level, you have studied your devoted type extensively. You gain one of the following abilities based on what you are devoted to. Unless otherwise stated, you have a +10 competence bnus on the involved alchemy checks.
Reptilians: You can take any part of any reptilian creature, and duplicate some of it's abilities;
Potion of scale-skin: As long as there are scales, you can make a Potion of Scale-Skin without problem. It requires an alchemy check of 20. This potion improves the natural armor of a creature by 4 points for 3 hours.
Snake's Venom Potion: Any part of a snake, and you've got this potion without a hitch. It requires a DC 15 alchemy check. When consumed, this potion gives the imbiber a bite attack based on his size Tiny(and smaller) users gain a bite attack of 1d3 damage, small users get 1D4, medium get 1D6, large get 1D8, huge 2d6, Gargantuan get 2D8, and Colossal get a bite of 2D10. Regardless of size, the granted poison is the same. It requires a fortitude save of 20+ the drinker's constitution modifier, and it does D4 constitution and dexterity damage.
Undead: Powdered bones, (fresh?) rotting flesh, and ectoplasm. All common undead-based materials. Any of these materials can be used in the making of these potions;
Potion of Incorporeality: This potion requires ectoplasm, or something else from an incorporeal undead. This potion, when drunk, makes the drinker(and her equipment) incorporeal, much like the spell gaseous form, except they still retain their shape. While in this form, the drinker can not attack, or be harmed except my magical means. Silver weapons do not harm her. This effect lasts for 5 minutes. making this potion requires a alchemy check at DC 30.
Potion of Gauntness: This potion requires either flesh from an undead creature, or powder or marrow from an undead creature's bones. When this potion is consumed, your organs, and your flesh quickly wither, leaving you looking like a skeleton. This effect lasts for 10 minutes. No undead will attack you, unless they decide to (for intelligent undead) or are directly ordered to(unintelligent undead). Creating this potion requires a alchemy check of DC 15.
Lycanthropes: Fur or skin from a lycanthrope, a heart, perhaps, these things may seem odd, but they are very powerful, when made correctly.
Cure Lycanthropy: Making this potion requires a heart from the type of lycanthrope you hope to cure with it. When consumed, the potion has a 75% chance to cure the drinker, -1% for every year the drinker has had lycanthropy (minimum 10%) Making this potion requires an alchemy check of DC 20.
Lycanthropic Resistance: This potion requires either skin or fur from a lycanthrope. Drinking this potion makes you grow a blueish silver coat of fur, which protects you from cold. This potion gives the imbiber resistance to cold 5 for 20 rounds, upon which time the fur quickly falls out (taking 2 rounds) Making his potion requires an alchemy check of 20
Celestial: The purest being in existence, celestials are good personified. Any part of a celestial can be used for some purpose or another. Unless otherwise stated, a drinker must be of good alignment to use a celestial potion.
Potion of Flight: A feather from a celestial's wings can be used in alchemical fluids, giving the drinker powers of flight - through the giant eagle's wings that sprout from his back. This potion grants the drinker a fly speed of 50 feet, with good maneuverability. This effect lasts 5 hours. Creating this potion requires an alchemy check of DC 25. If the materials were aquired without harming a celestial, you get an additional +5 on you alchemy check.
Salve of Regeneration: Skin or organs from a celestial creature can be made into a thick oil, with remarkable properties. This salve grants anyone who uses it (must be good or neutral) fast healing 5 for the rest of the day, until midnight. This makes just after midnight the best time to apply it. One piece of flesh, or one small organ makes enough for 5 applications. This salve requires an alchemy check of DC 30 to make. If the materials were aquired without harming a celestial, you get an additional +5 on you alchemy check.
Nightmare's Bane: This fluid, sadly, requires the heart of a celestial creature to make. When properly used, the heart can be made into a oily substance that is perfectly clear, and perfectly still, no matter how the wind blows over it. When a weapon is coated in this, the weapon gains the ability to smite evil. Any time this weapon strikes an evil creature, smite evil, as the ability, of a 12th level paladin activates. A paladin can use his smite ability in conjunction with this. This effect is permanent. Making this fluid requires an alchemy check of DC 35. If the heart was gathered without harming a celestial creature, you can an additional +10 on this check.
HD: D6
Abilities: Intelligence or Wisdom 16
5 ranks in appropriate knowledge skill(s) for your devotion
1---------0------1/0/2------Devotion I, Create Scalpel, Scalpel Proficiency
2---------0------1/0/2------Anatomical Strike 2/day
4---------1------2/1/3------Anatomical Strike 4/day
5---------2------2/1/4------Devotion II
6---------2------3/1/5------Graft, Anatomical Strike 6/day
8---------3------3/2/6------Anatomical Strike 8/day
9---------4------4/2/7------Diagnose, Concoct
10--------4------4/3/7------Devotion III, Anatomical Strike 10/day
Devotion: At 1st level, you choose a creature type, most choose humanoid, and then at levels 5, and 10, you narrow this selection. For example, 1st level, you select undead. Then humanoid undead, then finally medium/large humanoid undead. If a creature falls into your first devotion, you get +1 to hit, damage, and AC against it. If it falls into your second, you get +3, and if it falls into your third, you get +6
Create Scalpel: As a Biologist, a scalpel is a very useful tool. it is a sharp, portable weapon, and is nescecary for many of your skills. Creating a scalpel requires a DC 15 craft weapon check, with a +5 competence bonus on the check. However, it must be regularly sharpened (every day it is used, and every 3 days it is not) or it becomes worthless. To sharpen it, you must make another craft weapon check. (DC 10) Your +5 competence bonus applies to this check as well.
Scalpel proficiency: you can fight with your scalpel without penalty. A scalpel does D4 damage, has a 19-20 x3 critical, weighs 1/2 Lb, is tiny, and does slashing damage. it can not be used as a thrown weapon.
Anatomical Strike: Begining at level 2, when in combat, you can make an attack with your scalpel as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opprotunity. this attack can only be preformed on your turn, and the attack bonus is your BAB + your biologist level(+ any possible enhancements to the scalpel).
Dissection:A Biologist of 3rd level or higher can dissect a creature to learn more about them. A Biologist who dissects a creature gets a +1 competence bonus against that creature for the next 24 hours. This bonus is to your attack, damage, and AC, as well as against saves that the creature naturally causes (a snakes venom, but not a goblins poison coated weapon). After 10 dissections of the same creature type (undead, reptile, etc.) this bonus lasts for a week. 20 dissections, and the bonus becomes permanent. These bonus stack with one another, up to a max of +5. Dissection must be done with a scalpel, until level 7, when you can use any tiny keen weapon.
Graft: A biologist can choose a grafting skill related to his devotions (You can choose dragon-grafting, if you have reptilians as a devotion for example) and you now know how to do this. When using this graft skill, you do not lose experience while grafting.
Diagnose: You can diagnose a disease or other illness that a target has with a heal check (DC 25). You can also heal a target with this ability, up to a number of hit points equal to 3x your biologist level. These points can be split up over multiple uses and multiple recipients. you can diagnose an illness you have, but you cannot heal yourself with this ability.
Concoct: By this level, you have studied your devoted type extensively. You gain one of the following abilities based on what you are devoted to. Unless otherwise stated, you have a +10 competence bnus on the involved alchemy checks.
Reptilians: You can take any part of any reptilian creature, and duplicate some of it's abilities;
Potion of scale-skin: As long as there are scales, you can make a Potion of Scale-Skin without problem. It requires an alchemy check of 20. This potion improves the natural armor of a creature by 4 points for 3 hours.
Snake's Venom Potion: Any part of a snake, and you've got this potion without a hitch. It requires a DC 15 alchemy check. When consumed, this potion gives the imbiber a bite attack based on his size Tiny(and smaller) users gain a bite attack of 1d3 damage, small users get 1D4, medium get 1D6, large get 1D8, huge 2d6, Gargantuan get 2D8, and Colossal get a bite of 2D10. Regardless of size, the granted poison is the same. It requires a fortitude save of 20+ the drinker's constitution modifier, and it does D4 constitution and dexterity damage.
Undead: Powdered bones, (fresh?) rotting flesh, and ectoplasm. All common undead-based materials. Any of these materials can be used in the making of these potions;
Potion of Incorporeality: This potion requires ectoplasm, or something else from an incorporeal undead. This potion, when drunk, makes the drinker(and her equipment) incorporeal, much like the spell gaseous form, except they still retain their shape. While in this form, the drinker can not attack, or be harmed except my magical means. Silver weapons do not harm her. This effect lasts for 5 minutes. making this potion requires a alchemy check at DC 30.
Potion of Gauntness: This potion requires either flesh from an undead creature, or powder or marrow from an undead creature's bones. When this potion is consumed, your organs, and your flesh quickly wither, leaving you looking like a skeleton. This effect lasts for 10 minutes. No undead will attack you, unless they decide to (for intelligent undead) or are directly ordered to(unintelligent undead). Creating this potion requires a alchemy check of DC 15.
Lycanthropes: Fur or skin from a lycanthrope, a heart, perhaps, these things may seem odd, but they are very powerful, when made correctly.
Cure Lycanthropy: Making this potion requires a heart from the type of lycanthrope you hope to cure with it. When consumed, the potion has a 75% chance to cure the drinker, -1% for every year the drinker has had lycanthropy (minimum 10%) Making this potion requires an alchemy check of DC 20.
Lycanthropic Resistance: This potion requires either skin or fur from a lycanthrope. Drinking this potion makes you grow a blueish silver coat of fur, which protects you from cold. This potion gives the imbiber resistance to cold 5 for 20 rounds, upon which time the fur quickly falls out (taking 2 rounds) Making his potion requires an alchemy check of 20
Celestial: The purest being in existence, celestials are good personified. Any part of a celestial can be used for some purpose or another. Unless otherwise stated, a drinker must be of good alignment to use a celestial potion.
Potion of Flight: A feather from a celestial's wings can be used in alchemical fluids, giving the drinker powers of flight - through the giant eagle's wings that sprout from his back. This potion grants the drinker a fly speed of 50 feet, with good maneuverability. This effect lasts 5 hours. Creating this potion requires an alchemy check of DC 25. If the materials were aquired without harming a celestial, you get an additional +5 on you alchemy check.
Salve of Regeneration: Skin or organs from a celestial creature can be made into a thick oil, with remarkable properties. This salve grants anyone who uses it (must be good or neutral) fast healing 5 for the rest of the day, until midnight. This makes just after midnight the best time to apply it. One piece of flesh, or one small organ makes enough for 5 applications. This salve requires an alchemy check of DC 30 to make. If the materials were aquired without harming a celestial, you get an additional +5 on you alchemy check.
Nightmare's Bane: This fluid, sadly, requires the heart of a celestial creature to make. When properly used, the heart can be made into a oily substance that is perfectly clear, and perfectly still, no matter how the wind blows over it. When a weapon is coated in this, the weapon gains the ability to smite evil. Any time this weapon strikes an evil creature, smite evil, as the ability, of a 12th level paladin activates. A paladin can use his smite ability in conjunction with this. This effect is permanent. Making this fluid requires an alchemy check of DC 35. If the heart was gathered without harming a celestial creature, you can an additional +10 on this check.
A planteer enjoys the simple pleasures of life. They are known for having beautiful gardens. Some live in cities but must see plants so they take a walk in the park of go exploring in the woods.
7th level druid.
Must be able to use Animate Plants.
Loses all spells except Animate Plants after becoming a Planteer.
Loses Animal companion and replaces it with an animated plant companion.
Class skills
Climb(str)Knowledge Botany(int)Ride(dex)Spot(wis)Survival(wis)
Class features
All of the following are class features of the Planteer prestige class.
Weapon and armor Proficiency: Planteers are proficient with all Simple weapons.
Plant folower: At 1st lv a Planteer may animate a plant and make a Charisma check to have it become a follower simular to a Paladin's mount. If the Plant in at least one size catagory larger than the Planteer then the Planteer may ride the Plant (dc=13). The Plant follower gains intelligence of 8 and may communicate with the Planteer.
Wood skin: At 2nd lv the Planteer gains a +1 natural armor bounus.
Animate War Tree: At 5th lv the Planteer may animate and control up to 4 trees at a time.
Tree Body: At 8th lv the Planteer can polymorph self into a tree once per day. While in this state the Planteer sees and hears all around it. Any one standing next to the tree form has a dc of 10+ Planteer's lv to notice that the tree is unordinaraly smooth. If the planteer is next to other trees than the dc increases by 3.
Enhanced Tree Body: At 10th lv the Planteer may move and attack while in Tree Form.
Lv--------------Bab------------- Fort-------Ref--------Will-------Special
1st-------------+1----------------+2----------+1----------+1------Plant follower
2nd------------+3----------------+3----------+2----------+1------Wood skin
5th-------------+7----------------+5----------+4----------+3------Animate WT
8th-------------+9----------------+7----------+6----------+5------Tree Body
9th-------------+9--------------- +8----------+7----------+6
10th-----------+10--------------+9----------+8-----------+6------Enhanced TreeB
Enjoy every1, I'm gonna try to get some stats going for some plants but if you DM it you can make it.

A planteer enjoys the simple pleasures of life. They are known for having beautiful gardens. Some live in cities but must see plants so they take a walk in the park of go exploring in the woods.
7th level druid.
Must be able to use Animate Plants.
Loses all spells except Animate Plants after becoming a Planteer.
Loses Animal companion and replaces it with an animated plant companion.
Class skills
Climb(str)Knowledge Botany(int)Ride(dex)Spot(wis)Survival(wis)
Class features
All of the following are class features of the Planteer prestige class.
Weapon and armor Proficiency: Planteers are proficient with all Simple weapons.
Plant folower: At 1st lv a Planteer may animate a plant and make a Charisma check to have it become a follower simular to a Paladin's mount. If the Plant in at least one size catagory larger than the Planteer then the Planteer may ride the Plant (dc=13). The Plant follower gains intelligence of 8 and may communicate with the Planteer.
Wood skin: At 2nd lv the Planteer gains a +1 natural armor bounus.
Animate War Tree: At 5th lv the Planteer may animate and control up to 4 trees at a time.
Tree Body: At 8th lv the Planteer can polymorph self into a tree once per day. While in this state the Planteer sees and hears all around it. Any one standing next to the tree form has a dc of 10+ Planteer's lv to notice that the tree is unordinaraly smooth. If the planteer is next to other trees than the dc increases by 3.
Enhanced Tree Body: At 10th lv the Planteer may move and attack while in Tree Form.
Lv--------------Bab------------- Fort-------Ref--------Will-------Special
1st-------------+1----------------+2----------+1----------+1------Plant follower
2nd------------+3----------------+3----------+2----------+1------Wood skin
5th-------------+7----------------+5----------+4----------+3------Animate WT
8th-------------+9----------------+7----------+6----------+5------Tree Body
9th-------------+9--------------- +8----------+7----------+6
10th-----------+10--------------+9----------+8-----------+6------Enhanced TreeB
Enjoy every1, I'm gonna try to get some stats going for some plants but if you DM it you can make it.
- Saint Iggy
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:53 am
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i envented two whole new classes for 4ed
the two classes are called Nature Caller, and Spirit Caller
nature caller is basically a mixture of bard and druid. its spells are cast in the form of songs and there are two buils for this class
-Beast Talker
-Plant Singer
both build's powers come from the environment, and this is somewhat limiting in places like the underdark and sometimes indoors, but they are not entirely magically dependent, and often have companions, and one thing that i have thought of to make up for such limitations is the ability to make enchanted weapons. For instance a plant singer is almost useless in a lot of places but carries a rose around which he sings to and turns it into a whip, staff, sword, ect.
my favorite character of mine that i have used for one of these classes is
Beorn, the cave-bear lycanthrope beast talker. He uses a greataxe as his weapon in his human form, and when he polymorphs as an at-will power, he turns into a normal cave bear, not losing any equipment, but not being able to use any either, and speaking only in deep-speech, and retains all of his normal intelligence.
Spirit caller is basically a mix between warlocks and bards, and i will admit that im not quite finished making this class, but i have two builds set up for it
their power source is obviously derived from the deceased and other spirits, this even grants them combat advantages against any spirit they are fighting, or anything thats posessed by a spirit.
medium is basically the spiritual equivaent of beast talker
and shade is nowhere near finished, but just a concept
the two classes are called Nature Caller, and Spirit Caller
nature caller is basically a mixture of bard and druid. its spells are cast in the form of songs and there are two buils for this class
-Beast Talker
-Plant Singer
both build's powers come from the environment, and this is somewhat limiting in places like the underdark and sometimes indoors, but they are not entirely magically dependent, and often have companions, and one thing that i have thought of to make up for such limitations is the ability to make enchanted weapons. For instance a plant singer is almost useless in a lot of places but carries a rose around which he sings to and turns it into a whip, staff, sword, ect.
my favorite character of mine that i have used for one of these classes is
Beorn, the cave-bear lycanthrope beast talker. He uses a greataxe as his weapon in his human form, and when he polymorphs as an at-will power, he turns into a normal cave bear, not losing any equipment, but not being able to use any either, and speaking only in deep-speech, and retains all of his normal intelligence.
Spirit caller is basically a mix between warlocks and bards, and i will admit that im not quite finished making this class, but i have two builds set up for it
their power source is obviously derived from the deceased and other spirits, this even grants them combat advantages against any spirit they are fighting, or anything thats posessed by a spirit.
medium is basically the spiritual equivaent of beast talker
and shade is nowhere near finished, but just a concept
Artifact- Book of Boccob
(must have at least one level in wizard)
The Book of Boccob is a special wizard's spellbook.The book grants +2 spellcraft bonuses and allows spells to be learned in half the time also adding the folowing spells to your spellbook once you have a high enough level to use one.
*Boccob's Wave of Force: Force pushes creature/object 5ft per lv.
*Boccob's Armor: Same as mage armor except +5 and negates spell effects.
*Boccob's Spellbomb: Same as fireball except force pushes creatures in radius 10ft.
* Boccob's Mud/Sand/ Water manipulation: Mud/sand/water moves around you protecting you. +3 bonus to AC. If the spell is used as an attack it is 1d4 damage per pound of material, mud has a strength of 35 and sand has a strength of 33. Can be used to trap creature. strength DC= 14 for sand/water and 16 for mud + 1 per pound. Material manipulated needs to stay within 110 ft or it stops being manipulated until manipulator comes within range again. Up to 2lb can be manipulated at one time per lv. Can be made permanent with permanency.
* Boccob's Greater Mud/Sand/Water manipulation: Same effect as Mud/Sand/ Water manipulation except needs to stay within 200ft. Material can use 4 different styles.
Clone: Creates colorless exact duplicate that can use unarmed attack (2d6 damage)
Shell: Becomes an outer shell of you that increases AC bonus to +5 and when hit grapples and damages attacker (1d10 damage)
Tomb: Captures one creature in a tomb, creature suffocates within 13 rounds. Strength DC of 34 to break.
Buff up: Increases your strength +23, unarmed attacks do 1d12 damage. Armor bonus of +2 armor. Movement -10ft. Dex bonus max of +1. Your new form is shapeless and facless. A humanoid with no color of features
Wave: Material creates wave dealing 1d6 damage to all hit and trapping (strength DC 26) all in the path. Wave goes 10ft per lv. Manipulated material becomes hard and loses ability to be manipulated.
Up to 1lb can be manipulated at one time per 2 lvs.Can not be made permanent with permanency.
(must have at least one level in wizard)
The Book of Boccob is a special wizard's spellbook.The book grants +2 spellcraft bonuses and allows spells to be learned in half the time also adding the folowing spells to your spellbook once you have a high enough level to use one.
*Boccob's Wave of Force: Force pushes creature/object 5ft per lv.
*Boccob's Armor: Same as mage armor except +5 and negates spell effects.
*Boccob's Spellbomb: Same as fireball except force pushes creatures in radius 10ft.
* Boccob's Mud/Sand/ Water manipulation: Mud/sand/water moves around you protecting you. +3 bonus to AC. If the spell is used as an attack it is 1d4 damage per pound of material, mud has a strength of 35 and sand has a strength of 33. Can be used to trap creature. strength DC= 14 for sand/water and 16 for mud + 1 per pound. Material manipulated needs to stay within 110 ft or it stops being manipulated until manipulator comes within range again. Up to 2lb can be manipulated at one time per lv. Can be made permanent with permanency.
* Boccob's Greater Mud/Sand/Water manipulation: Same effect as Mud/Sand/ Water manipulation except needs to stay within 200ft. Material can use 4 different styles.
Clone: Creates colorless exact duplicate that can use unarmed attack (2d6 damage)
Shell: Becomes an outer shell of you that increases AC bonus to +5 and when hit grapples and damages attacker (1d10 damage)
Tomb: Captures one creature in a tomb, creature suffocates within 13 rounds. Strength DC of 34 to break.
Buff up: Increases your strength +23, unarmed attacks do 1d12 damage. Armor bonus of +2 armor. Movement -10ft. Dex bonus max of +1. Your new form is shapeless and facless. A humanoid with no color of features
Wave: Material creates wave dealing 1d6 damage to all hit and trapping (strength DC 26) all in the path. Wave goes 10ft per lv. Manipulated material becomes hard and loses ability to be manipulated.
Up to 1lb can be manipulated at one time per 2 lvs.Can not be made permanent with permanency.
*Boccob's Blackhole: (touch) 1d% damage. Fortitude 21 save. Successful save is 1/5 damage. If Caster misses touch attack, then 14 damage to the caster and one random item's destruction.
*Boccob's self
Caster takes no damage and is unaffected by spells for two rounds.
*Boccob's world
30x30 ft area grants spells +2 spell levels. All attack spells do +1d6 damage. Wizards gain +2 AC. All for 10 rounds.
*Boccob's destructive flash
All creatures in a 500x500ft area take caster's lv x 1d6 damage. This spell does half that damage to objects and buildings.
*Boccob's Blackhole: (touch) 1d% damage. Fortitude 21 save. Successful save is 1/5 damage. If Caster misses touch attack, then 14 damage to the caster and one random item's destruction.
*Boccob's self
Caster takes no damage and is unaffected by spells for two rounds.
*Boccob's world
30x30 ft area grants spells +2 spell levels. All attack spells do +1d6 damage. Wizards gain +2 AC. All for 10 rounds.
*Boccob's destructive flash
All creatures in a 500x500ft area take caster's lv x 1d6 damage. This spell does half that damage to objects and buildings.
6-lv+46 decifer script check
*Boccob's reasonless killing
Kills one random creature within a 30x30ft radius.
7-lv+42 decifer script check
*Boccob's fist
Same effects as Bigby's hands or Boccob's fist can also use an effect of increasing one target's unarmed attack by 1d8 for 10 rounds.
9-lv + 35 decifer script check
*Boccob's age(one time use)
Target gains +20 years life expectancy for natural death and +4 int +1 wis -2 str -2con -1 dex. Or +2d10 hp.
9-lv+40 decifer script check
*Boccob's revenge (Once per year)
One Tornado per caster lv, a thunder storm, and fifty fireballs appear within a 1000x1000 ft area.
If any Beings survive than the caster must hunt them down until the Beings die or the caster dies.
9-lv+46 decifer script check.
*Boccob's lifegiving
Heals 10d20 hp. If that puts taget over max hp than the effect of true resurrection happens.(If target was dead)
9-lv+54 decifer script check
*Boccob's followers
Grants the abilities of a 2nd lv cleric. (does not count as multiclassing, cannot gain more lvs in the cleric class.)Must be cleric of Boccob.
*Boccob's reasonless killing
Kills one random creature within a 30x30ft radius.
7-lv+42 decifer script check
*Boccob's fist
Same effects as Bigby's hands or Boccob's fist can also use an effect of increasing one target's unarmed attack by 1d8 for 10 rounds.
9-lv + 35 decifer script check
*Boccob's age(one time use)
Target gains +20 years life expectancy for natural death and +4 int +1 wis -2 str -2con -1 dex. Or +2d10 hp.
9-lv+40 decifer script check
*Boccob's revenge (Once per year)
One Tornado per caster lv, a thunder storm, and fifty fireballs appear within a 1000x1000 ft area.
If any Beings survive than the caster must hunt them down until the Beings die or the caster dies.
9-lv+46 decifer script check.
*Boccob's lifegiving
Heals 10d20 hp. If that puts taget over max hp than the effect of true resurrection happens.(If target was dead)
9-lv+54 decifer script check
*Boccob's followers
Grants the abilities of a 2nd lv cleric. (does not count as multiclassing, cannot gain more lvs in the cleric class.)Must be cleric of Boccob.
Custom Monster - I used this puppy to instill terror in my hapless party.. I've adjusted it from what it used to be. (Switching from 1st to 3/.5 sucks. >_>)
Soul Seeker
Medium Outsider (Lawful Evil)
Hit Dice: 12d8+30
Initiative: +1
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 20
Attacks: Bone Scythe +15 melee,
Damage: 2d10+10
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./5ft/
Special Abilities: Draining Touch, Devil Tongue, Reaping, Reanimation
Special Qualities: Immunities, Flight
Saves: Fort+9, Ref+10, Will+15
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 15, Wis 22, Int 22, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff 14, Diplomacy 14, Concentrate 14, Disguise 17, Intimidate 15, Move Silently 17, Listen 18, Spellcraft 20, Concentrate 20
Feats: Cleave, Greater Cleave, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary, Pairs, Squad (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Soul Seekers appear in many ways like one would picture the Grim Reaper. It is a flying, hooded and black creature with indistinguishable features. It carries with it a magical scythe made of the bones of a hundred different creatures. It's appearance, while frightening, masks the true nature of the being as a lesser devil.
Soul Seekers appear only in the material plane if an extremely evil (and powerful) being is about to die. Upon appearing, the Soul Seeker offers an exchange - Servitude to the Soul Seeker's master, or death. If the being chooses the former choice, the creature uses it's Ranimation ability to return the creature to a state of unlife, with the same statistics as it had in life, with all the strengths of undeath. The being is under the total control of the Soul Seeker's Devil master.
In combat, a Soul Seeker always employs the spell Greater Invisibility at the beginning of a conflict, it's ability to fly making this especially lethal. With this finished, the Soul Seeker can spellcast with offensive magic as if it were a 10th level Wizard. A Soul Seeker may know spells from any magic school, but Evocation and Necromancy are the most common.
If spellcasting seems a poor choice, the Seeker will employ melee attacks, usually focusing on other spellcasters before facing heavily armored opponents. It always tries to aim at it's opponent's neck to utilize it's scythe's Reaping ability. If the battle turns against it, it will attempt to escape via a Gate spell to it's home plane.
Draining Touch: Instead of attacking with a melee attack, a Soul Seeker may instead use it's dreaded touch attack with the same Base Attack Bonus as it's scythe. A successful touch deals 1d8+8 damage and drains 1d4+1 constitution points of damage. Someone who's constitution drops to zero dies and rises as a zombie in 1d12 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC 24) negates the constitution damage.
Devil Tongue: A Soul Seeker may utilize it's voice as a weapon. At will, a Soul Seeker may trace it's voice with magic, carrying the same effect as Charm Person on all nearby humanoids, or Charm Monster on all non-humanoids within hearing distance. Victims must make a Willpower save (DC 20) or fall under the Soul Seeker's sway. Someone who saves cannot be effected by the same Soul Seeker again.
Reaping: The scythe of a Soul Seeker is enchanted with terrible magics. A Soul Seeker who critically strikes a target beheads them, instantly killing them.
Reanimation: The Soul Seeker uses this ability on evil creatures who have agreed to serve their masters. By using this ability, the creature in question is instantly slain by the powerful necromantic energies and instantly rises as an undead. The undead retains all magic spells, abilities, feats and skills as they did in life, but now has all the immunities of the undead - and their weaknesses.
A reanimated creature has no will of it's own, though it can display great amounts of intelligence as it had in life. They are much akin to liches, but are controlled by the Soul Seeker's Devil lord.
Immunities: A soul seeker is immune to normal and silver weaponry, magical weapons below +2 enchantment, spells below 3rd level and fire.
Flight: Soul Seekers have no legs, and thus move by pure will. This allows them to move at rate of 60 ft. in all directions. Anti-magical effects cannot stop this ability. Flight requires no concentration checks from damage.
Soul Seeker
Medium Outsider (Lawful Evil)
Hit Dice: 12d8+30
Initiative: +1
Speed: 60 ft.
AC: 20
Attacks: Bone Scythe +15 melee,
Damage: 2d10+10
Face/Reach: 5ft. by 5ft./5ft/
Special Abilities: Draining Touch, Devil Tongue, Reaping, Reanimation
Special Qualities: Immunities, Flight
Saves: Fort+9, Ref+10, Will+15
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 15, Wis 22, Int 22, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff 14, Diplomacy 14, Concentrate 14, Disguise 17, Intimidate 15, Move Silently 17, Listen 18, Spellcraft 20, Concentrate 20
Feats: Cleave, Greater Cleave, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary, Pairs, Squad (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 12
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Soul Seekers appear in many ways like one would picture the Grim Reaper. It is a flying, hooded and black creature with indistinguishable features. It carries with it a magical scythe made of the bones of a hundred different creatures. It's appearance, while frightening, masks the true nature of the being as a lesser devil.
Soul Seekers appear only in the material plane if an extremely evil (and powerful) being is about to die. Upon appearing, the Soul Seeker offers an exchange - Servitude to the Soul Seeker's master, or death. If the being chooses the former choice, the creature uses it's Ranimation ability to return the creature to a state of unlife, with the same statistics as it had in life, with all the strengths of undeath. The being is under the total control of the Soul Seeker's Devil master.
In combat, a Soul Seeker always employs the spell Greater Invisibility at the beginning of a conflict, it's ability to fly making this especially lethal. With this finished, the Soul Seeker can spellcast with offensive magic as if it were a 10th level Wizard. A Soul Seeker may know spells from any magic school, but Evocation and Necromancy are the most common.
If spellcasting seems a poor choice, the Seeker will employ melee attacks, usually focusing on other spellcasters before facing heavily armored opponents. It always tries to aim at it's opponent's neck to utilize it's scythe's Reaping ability. If the battle turns against it, it will attempt to escape via a Gate spell to it's home plane.
Draining Touch: Instead of attacking with a melee attack, a Soul Seeker may instead use it's dreaded touch attack with the same Base Attack Bonus as it's scythe. A successful touch deals 1d8+8 damage and drains 1d4+1 constitution points of damage. Someone who's constitution drops to zero dies and rises as a zombie in 1d12 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC 24) negates the constitution damage.
Devil Tongue: A Soul Seeker may utilize it's voice as a weapon. At will, a Soul Seeker may trace it's voice with magic, carrying the same effect as Charm Person on all nearby humanoids, or Charm Monster on all non-humanoids within hearing distance. Victims must make a Willpower save (DC 20) or fall under the Soul Seeker's sway. Someone who saves cannot be effected by the same Soul Seeker again.
Reaping: The scythe of a Soul Seeker is enchanted with terrible magics. A Soul Seeker who critically strikes a target beheads them, instantly killing them.
Reanimation: The Soul Seeker uses this ability on evil creatures who have agreed to serve their masters. By using this ability, the creature in question is instantly slain by the powerful necromantic energies and instantly rises as an undead. The undead retains all magic spells, abilities, feats and skills as they did in life, but now has all the immunities of the undead - and their weaknesses.
A reanimated creature has no will of it's own, though it can display great amounts of intelligence as it had in life. They are much akin to liches, but are controlled by the Soul Seeker's Devil lord.
Immunities: A soul seeker is immune to normal and silver weaponry, magical weapons below +2 enchantment, spells below 3rd level and fire.
Flight: Soul Seekers have no legs, and thus move by pure will. This allows them to move at rate of 60 ft. in all directions. Anti-magical effects cannot stop this ability. Flight requires no concentration checks from damage.