This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
No, it isn't. It's a few people from Black Isle and from elsewhere, but a fair number of people also left BI that never joined Obsidian.
I realize that alot of the rush was because of the publishers, and Atari and Obsidian need to start making more realistic goals for their games. Either that, or hire alot more people.
As long as there are kids with null critical skills that will buy whatever is hawked at them with enough PR and the profits roll in, the big companies like Lucasarts and Atari will continue to cynically release half-baked, half-completed games. Because the kid-aged reviewers will still wet themselves loving the games, and the kids will keep fall over themselves playing them.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Even if there are few people from Black Isle, it's not the same. I'm not saying that Obsidian is making low quality games, but they want to do too much in too short time....for example, there was suppose to be a whole new planet in KotOR 2, but they cut it out cause of the deadline, the quest for HK-47 to find the assasin droids NWN 2 they ran out of time to make a *fair* ending animation and an idea for the ending, I'll never understand why there can't be 6 party members at one time, is it too much work? It would make gaining influence a whole lot easier and possible, too. Obsidian, EA, LA need to start on focusing on finishing off their games, instead of packing them with lots of unfinished or wrongly done features. AND GET RID OF THE CURSED BUGS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!
In the mist by the hills the day darkens
In this forest death rules
Over this chasm riders of doom and face him with a deadly pale
Spectre face
Grim as stone, ride to the deathfields... Blackness and doom
A total eclipse of the sun
Die by the northern triology in the mist by the hills
The ending was the ultimate gut puncher for me, so sad and moving. But, i did like it. It was at least a million times better than the ending for KOTOR2, when you fly off into eternity. The thing i liked about the ending was that it was open-ended, and you weren't too sure if you were dead or not. The shot of the sword at the end, makes me think that somehow, the main hero is now part of the sword, and only by blood may the hero be freed. Bit silly, but it's my little idea.
Skandaman, back from the dead, and now kicking butt again. Fear him for he's angry and fillled with sugar. Mmm sugar.
I actually didnt think the ending was so awful, you just have to use your imagination and think about the story. How it all lead up to their deaths, and how it REALLY was your last night with Elanee for example. Besides I think an expansion is bound to happen.
Of course it was no BG ending. One thing though that I must complain about THE VOICE READING THE ENDING WAS THE WORST I HAVE EVER HEARD, EVER. Not only was it a young high pitched voice, but it sounded like he had a ping pong ball stuck in his throat, AWFUL, why did they let him read. He had no dedication when reading it, he read it like a damn IKEA instruction.
Someone said earlier that it sounded lika a 20-year old programmer and i agree.
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I'll join the chorus complaining about the lousy 'good' ending.
If I can work out how cheats work I'll become evil from my last save before meeting the cheif baddie.
An extra month's QA would have made this whole game so much better. It took me until halfway through Act 2 to get used to the interface. The Baldurs Gate series was better - ah well, on to Morrowmind.
Can't say that I hated the good ending. Won't play for bad ending anyway.
Can anyone please spoil the fun for me and post the bad ending in black for me to read, ... please?
Thank you in advance.
Just completed the campaign. In early Act 3, I guessed that I will be fighting my own companions. The shadow.. the influence... kinda obvious. So it didn't surprise me there. But how much influence is enough. Playing as good character, losing Bishop is plain definite. Losing him at the battle at the Keep was a relief actually. Didn't even like his face. Flat and boring. As such, losing the construct is also not something to cry about. Bishop and the Construct fell fast... even against a dwarven monk, they fared badly.
But losing QARA and Neehska.... All along I had the impression that I had influence with them. In fact, I thought the day was over for AJerro.... I would lost him... but instead, he stayed (thanks to influence with Shandra) and I lost the 2 girls. How much is enough? I couldn't have more than 10 with the warlock. I had plenty with the dwarf and the pally, that is for sure... but Sand? AJ? ANd the bard?
Comparing this to KOTOR2,.. at least KOTOR2 I knew that the exile had to follow Revan's footstep. Here, I didn't even mind knowing that there was nothing to mention about Kalan-Cha and company. But I sure minded knowing that the weakling Bevil closed himself off at the Well.
If I am to regret this post, at least I can say... the ending was no surprise. Fighting companions was also no surprise. And the ending was just not satisfying. It gave me the feeling that I RPGed for nothing.
Hey, Halo 3 gave me more of a 'hero' feeling than NWN2 OC. And there was still room for Halo 4. Here, it was more like a wasted martyr... who did not know what was achieved. I did have the feeling that the hero is noble and selfless. But that was it. And like all who mentioned here, the voice was just lousy. For a game this epic, I think a lot could have been done to improve the end.
As I watched Neeshka reply in the final battle with Garius, I was thinking that she was probably the daughter of some demon tied to the Illfarm empire or the Shadow... I was thinking that the Shard bearer is the child of some great hero and the story would link back to the battle which left the scar at west harbour. But it didn't happen. And what is it with AJ and the Shadow? How is he tied? What about my allies, the Ironfist and the Lizards? What about Zachan and Gera? What about Guyven? And Deekin? That fella followed since SoU. I think he deserves a mention.
In the end, everything will be alright. If it is not alright, it is not the end.
Hey, just finished the expansion to the ''poor mans ending'' not too long ago(Wont Tell) but I can say.. it was a surprise. Alotta things i didn't expect to see happen. Along with a few guesses about how the end would turn out . And i can surely say there's another opening ...possibly NX2?
As long as you don't rush through the dialogue, you'll pick up on some of what the last game left off. Plus, if there were any bugs, I haven't experienced obvious ones -except for the fact my screen froze on me once
But alls good just some rough lag spots.
Happy hunting
''White light beams through darkness, beset by immense haze over a few seconds followed by a loud cacophony.Motionless, the repercussion of your action strikes your feebled mind and senses.Still dazed, the intensity lingers that follows after tripping over your own sonic blind trap.''
The first thing I thought of when the 'slideshow' ending started was one of the designers quickly grabbing an intern, putting a script in one hand and a cheap microphone in the other and saying, "Ok Kid. Your on! Make it good, cause we only have time for one take!"
Compared to the rest of the game, It was completely laughable and of shoddy quality to say the least. I would have thought in the very least they could have spent the additional money to employ the same professional voiceover actor to read the end game script.
I mean it was really laugh out loud bad :laugh:
Thankfully I arrived late to the party with respect to NWN2 and played through the OC with the latest patches. Otherwise, I would imagine that the ending would have added insult to further injury.
I do feel I received my money's worth, but that ending....sheese!
It's totally different from everything you'd expect, where you kill the bad guy and live happy ever after.
It's all about the topics the game discusses during it's course. Sacrificing yourself. Having friends willing to die for you. The greater good.
That's what NWN2 is about, if you ask me. The watcher (I don't know how he's called in english, because I played the german version) becomes the king of shadows, because he sacrifices himself for his country, his nation. And at the end of NWN2 you take him down, no matter what the cost.
It's not a cheesy ending, where your companions become great heroes themselves, well recogniced over the whole forgotten realms, it's an ending, where you risk their lives for your goal and obviously, they agree with you. Your actions DO matter, since there is no "well, they can't die anyway. In the end, everything will be fine"-ending, NO it's a "ok, I finally released myself and the country from a great burden, I slayed that king of shadows and freeed the country from his dark graps, but was it worth it? Was it worth sacrificing everything fo it? What would Casavir say? And Elanee?"
And, don't forget: no one says you all die (if you played the good ending). They only say, the building collapsed. Don't be hasty while reading and listening, do it carefully. They do not "just die", there fate is yet to be telled.
And besides, if you play MotB, you will see, that what I just said is true.
I liked it very much, can't stand the ever happy hollywood ending everywhere. If games become as normal als movies, I'd be very sad.
I like the fact that in NWN2 and its expansion, both storylines had a number of twists and turn to them. (Motb SPOILER) Spoiler
One of the best conversations ever was during the talk with the Founder and realizing all that she had done was out of love. You had to make a choice to kill or spare her at the end based on your opinion of the situation.
Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice ~ Eleanor Lamb, Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams
To all of u complaining about the ending of the OC have you even played MoTb???????????? If you didn't you should try it before you talk. That 'poor' ending was a perfect set up for MoTb.
megainvj wrote:To all of u complaining about the ending of the OC have you even played MoTb???????????? If you didn't you should try it before you talk. That 'poor' ending was a perfect set up for MoTb.
Well, seeing as most of the posts in this thread are quite old, its no surprise. MotB wasn't even out then.
Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice ~ Eleanor Lamb, Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams