Dwarven females
Ho! We're on the rapid-fire round.
Ubik - I take 'em any way I can get 'em
I'll not revert to Warhammer Orcish either - last time I did that I was 14
Hair isn't a bad thing, as long as they don't have it on their nips
If you thin Michigan?Maine are bad, you 'ain't been to London. Rotten teeth too.
Ubik - I take 'em any way I can get 'em

I'll not revert to Warhammer Orcish either - last time I did that I was 14

Hair isn't a bad thing, as long as they don't have it on their nips

If you thin Michigan?Maine are bad, you 'ain't been to London. Rotten teeth too.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his pants for his friends."
Enchantress is my Goddess.
Few survive in the Heart of Fury...
Gamebanshee: [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/"]Make your gaming scream![/url]
Enchantress is my Goddess.
Few survive in the Heart of Fury...
Gamebanshee: [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/"]Make your gaming scream![/url]
Terry Pratchett has a nice theory about this.
All dwarves look the same, they have beards and axes etc. Even dwarfs can't tell a female from a male. Therefor most of their 'romancing and dating' system is based on discovering the others' sex. It is concidered very indecent for a female dwarf to dress like a female (wearing dresses, highheeled boots, earrings etc). The way he described this is hilarious really. Especially once the female dwarves start to revolt against this system.

All dwarves look the same, they have beards and axes etc. Even dwarfs can't tell a female from a male. Therefor most of their 'romancing and dating' system is based on discovering the others' sex. It is concidered very indecent for a female dwarf to dress like a female (wearing dresses, highheeled boots, earrings etc). The way he described this is hilarious really. Especially once the female dwarves start to revolt against this system.

Waverly <poking head up from deep cover> that wasn't so bad. London? Actually, I find many of the women there attractive, although the raincoats don't compare to the clothing choices of say San Diego.
Maine: where the men are men, and by god so are the women.- Sir Not Appearing In This Picture.
Maine: where the men are men, and by god so are the women.- Sir Not Appearing In This Picture.
Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time