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Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:00 am
by dragon wench
DesR85 wrote:Well, yeah, but what's the point of having two smilies to serve one purpose? Wouldn't that be rather pointless?
I do see your point, but I'm figuring that for anyone who would like the choice it is sort of like being in a restaurant and being able to select steak, chicken or a veggie burger from the menu. All serve the same purpose, namely to provide you with nourishment, but your personal preferences are going to dictate which you want to eat.

My own view is that it would be better for everyone to agree on particular emoticons because otherwise it might make things a bit confusing, and give a cluttered look to the boards, but that is just me.

Anyway on the emoticons themselves, here is my take:

The Good:
:( :eek: ;) :p :o :mad: :o :rolleyes: ;)

The "I'm not sure:"

The Bad:
Owing to the image restrictions I'll just write them: The big green grin, the confused smilie