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Post by GawainBS »

Impressive that he still works on it.
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Post by GawainBS »

Three posts up?
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Post by DaveO »

I updated my Web page to point to GrayFace's site instead of uploading the newest patches(due to concerns about previously reported corrupted files).
I'd rather be part bull than a complete sheep. - Might and Magic 6-9 patches
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Post by andyoume »

thank you !:laugh:
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Post by DaveO »

It has been a bit hectic for the last few months after I learned that Cox removed the Personal Webspace. I first added Dropbox as a location to host the files. I then got help from Taluntain at to host the web page content there. I have updated my signature to point to the new site URL. If there are any issues with downloading the files, please let me know so that I can get it fixed on both the Dropbox and web page.

P.S. - An older version of my web page from is still accessible with Wayback Machine, but it's before updates I made in 2011.
I'd rather be part bull than a complete sheep. - Might and Magic 6-9 patches
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Post by GawainBS »

Thank you. Great to know this is being kept save somewhere!
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Post by DaveO »

New versions of the MM6-MM8 patches have been released. I put in notes for the previous two versions of MM6 from his changelog.

New in version 1.11.2:
[-] Finger Of Death spell didn't give experience for killed monsters.
[-] My bug: Dead monsters could sometimes move in version 1.11.
[-] My bug: [Disable] section of mm6.ini was ignored.
New in version 1.11.1:
[-] My bug: keys 1-4 didn't work if ToggleCharacterScreenKey is 0.
[-] My bug: in version 1.11 monsters targeting with mouse didn't work.
New in version 1.11:
[+] Major mouse look update. (see below for details)
[+] MouseWheelFly option lets you fly up and down by scrolling your wheel.
[+] Quick load. QuickLoadKey option controls the quick load key.
[+] AutorunKey (F3 by default) turns on/off autorun, like in MMORPGs.
[+] When run in 32 bits color mode automatically switches to 16 bits in Windowed mode.
[+] Now Turn Delta is set to Smooth by default.
[-] Strafes and walking worked badly on some machines due to rounding issues. Same thing with NPCs walking.
[-] Autosave was done after the cost of transport is withdrawn.
[-] Weapon enchants don't ignore resistances anymore.
[-] Fixed condition removal spells (they worked 3 hours/days per skill point instead of 1, also causing integer overflow on huge skill levels).
[-] My bug: Quick Save didn't work in Hive after destroying the Reactor.
[-] Waiting (using Rest dialog) didn't recover characters.
[-] Key strokes could be ignored if some other programs run at the same time and use the same keyboard access method.
[-] Map crossing dialog was triggered while flying low, accepting it in that case did nothing.
[-] A rare case of "negative/0" caused a crash in stats screen.
[-] Lloyd Beacon used to autosave game after decreasing spell points and adding recovery delay.
[-] Town Portal used to autosave game after adding recovery delay.
[-] Town Portal triggered autosave even within when teleporting current location.
[-] Although Prismatic Light beam bug wan't reported in MM6, the thing that caused it was fixed here too.
[-] My bug: Starburst and Meteor Shower range limitations weren't accurate.
[-] My bug: In mouse look mode mouse could leave window when moved fast.
I'd rather be part bull than a complete sheep. - Might and Magic 6-9 patches
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Post by iamrealmogumogu »

looks like interesting. Thanks for posting mates.
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