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Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:00 pm
by Siberys
Demortis wrote:um, that wasnt me.
Yeah, it was. I still have your character as your character name that did this was Demortis.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:05 pm
by Demortis
If your talkin about the Godlings, then I wasnt tryin to Intimidate him, just piss him off, thats all :D Besides, if I remember right, it worked.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:18 pm
by Siberys
Demortis wrote:If your talkin about the Godlings, then I wasnt tryin to Intimidate him, just piss him off, thats all :D Besides, if I remember right, it worked.
You intimidated a few people in his army, but he was not even remotely shaken. And yes, it was the god-children campaign.

I guess, depending on the player, my favorite class can very much vary. Normally it's Bard or Ranger for me, but I've seen various insane sorcerers that were fun to watch be played, a Pixie Barbarian with an oversized axe (monkey grip ftw), and a full plate rogue with a heavy flail.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:28 pm
by Demortis
well, then the point was served not everyone would back down :cool:

hows a pixie barb work exactly?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:29 pm
by Siberys
hows a pixie barb work exactly?
I don't know, but he made it happen, and quite effectively too. By the end of the game, he was doing on average 60 points of damage from a single axe, and had of course like five or six attacks. This was before bonuses from Rage or something.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:40 pm
by Demortis
smegin 'ell. thats wrong on so many levels....

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:25 pm
by Tiberius James
The Rogues are the Best Sir!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:02 pm
by Impure13

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:07 am
by Kaessir Addaj

I love to play a Paladin... it's great for RPing, although it's quite weak as a class...

actually its so weak I made a variation to it so it could be as powerfull as a wizard :p ... maybe too powerfull... :mischief:

anyways, I also like the rogue, 'cause I love to use skills, and RPing with a rogue is always fun...

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:56 am
by GawainBS
Use a Cleric to play a more powerful Paladin? That works, if you stuck to the RP restrictions.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:40 pm
by chaoticnatur
fighter rocks

Man i think the fighter is the best character class even though i have never even used one. fighters are completly adaptable to all campaignes with a wide selection of weapons proficienties and alot of feats you can do almost anything with a fighter juste buy the complete warrior book and with a fighter base character you can go to anything from arcane magic fighter to healing mother $%^^#* and so on but still keep your exelent role in combat.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:47 am
by GawainBS
Fighters are a joke. Outside of combat, they have nothing to do, and in combat, they have some very basic options: Trip & Full Attack. A lot of other classes are more versatile in combat and most are better. Their main use is as a dipclass for bonus feats.
If you want a Fighter that can heal, play a Cleric. Or Druid.
If you want an Arcane Fighter, well, you only need two full-BAB levels, which do not need to be Fighter at all. The largest part comes from EldritchKnight and Wizard.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:00 pm
by BornForBattle
I don't think that your chosen class will affect your ability to role-play, that's just something people either can or can't do. I have a character who is a fighter, but he is pretty individual because of the history I have given him and he is great fun to RP. Admittedly, he does kick *@s in combat too, but that's again down to me choosing feats that fit his background, discussing what he can and can't do with my DM, and playing him the way I want to play him.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:15 pm
by GawainBS
BornForBattle wrote:I don't think that your chosen class will affect your ability to role-play, that's just something people either can or can't do. I have a character who is a fighter, but he is pretty individual because of the history I have given him and he is great fun to RP. Admittedly, he does kick *@s in combat too, but that's again down to me choosing feats that fit his background, discussing what he can and can't do with my DM, and playing him the way I want to play him.
Well, it's hard to roleplay several social situations, for example, if Bluff, Diplomacy, all Knowledges and Sense Motive are all crossclass skills and you only have 2 skill points per level. Sure, you can act out what your character is doing, but he won't be doing it very efficiently, since he has no means to achieve the desired results.
There are only a very select few pure Fighterbuilds that have any real application.
I'm not saying that your character isn't well roleplayed, or that he isn't an individual with a very intresting background. Chances are though, that with some tinkering around, you can play the exact same character, yet he is only better at what he does. For example, swap all your Fighter levels with Warblade. Your character doesn't think of himself as a " lvl 10 Fighter" or "lvl 10 Warblade". He thinks of himself as a warrior of some sorts.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 4:21 pm
by BornForBattle
Yes, I agree that it is difficult to pull off all those skill checks, but that is where I think my DM excels, he will make allowances for these checks if he feels we role-play our ideas well. It encourages my friends and I to really think about our characters and what they would do in a situation, which is not always what is the best idea for the party. It makes our sessions hard work, but really unpredictable and fun.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 12:55 am
by GawainBS
BornForBattle wrote:Yes, I agree that it is difficult to pull off all those skill checks, but that is where I think my DM excels, he will make allowances for these checks if he feels we role-play our ideas well. It encourages my friends and I to really think about our characters and what they would do in a situation, which is not always what is the best idea for the party. It makes our sessions hard work, but really unpredictable and fun.
To a certain extent, we do this as well. For example, Diplomacy checks have to be backed up by a semi-decent convincing argument. You do have to be careful with this, though, since it would be quite unfair if the CHA 8 Fighter turns out to be a better diplomat than a CHA 18 Bard with maxed Diplomacy.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 6:21 am
by BornForBattle
Well, what my DM does is adjusts the DC of a check dependent on how well we have RPd, so the high charisma Bard you mentioned would still have a huge advantage in diplomacy checks, but my fighter would still have a chance to pass such a check if I do well with my role-playing. I would still have to roll really high, but the target DC would maybe be reduced.
For example, Charisma 18 Bard with 10 ranks in diplomacy wants to convince someone to help them but doesn't role-play well. His DC is 20 so he has to roll 6+ on his D20.
My Charisma 12 Fighter with no ranks in diplomacy wants to do the same, but I role-play really well. The DC is 15, I still have to roll 14+ on my D20, much harder than for the Bard but at least giving me a chance.
I don't think it will ever make me a better diplomat than the Bard, but it will encourage me to role-play, and also give me more of a chance to contribute to the adventure.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:26 am
by GawainBS
BornForBattle wrote:Well, what my DM does is adjusts the DC of a check dependent on how well we have RPd, so the high charisma Bard you mentioned would still have a huge advantage in diplomacy checks, but my fighter would still have a chance to pass such a check if I do well with my role-playing. I would still have to roll really high, but the target DC would maybe be reduced.
For example, Charisma 18 Bard with 10 ranks in diplomacy wants to convince someone to help them but doesn't role-play well. His DC is 20 so he has to roll 6+ on his D20.
My Charisma 12 Fighter with no ranks in diplomacy wants to do the same, but I role-play really well. The DC is 15, I still have to roll 14+ on my D20, much harder than for the Bard but at least giving me a chance.
I don't think it will ever make me a better diplomat than the Bard, but it will encourage me to role-play, and also give me more of a chance to contribute to the adventure.
We have the same houserule.
Still, with a extremely narrow skillist and no class abilities apart from bonus feats, a Fighter has a hard time contributing outside of combat, and even in combat he isn't all that great after a few levels.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:23 am
by Demortis
GawainBS wrote:We have the same houserule.
Still, with a extremely narrow skillist and no class abilities apart from bonus feats, a Fighter has a hard time contributing outside of combat, and even in combat he isn't all that great after a few levels.
True, the fighter in said examples will have a harder fight to RP better. But still needs the right skills to even know some things.Take the Arcane, we all know that the typical fighter isnt going to know a damn thing about it, and even talking the the parties wizard wont help him. Its just not his bag of tricks. Even tryin to RP that would be very difficult without meta-gaming it. Even just having one rank into the Arcane wont help him... that only represents the basic fundamentals. A wizard with 20 ranks in it, is going to know the basic to moderate level quantium mechanincs, if not more on the subject. Sorry for the tangent:laugh: But somethings are just better left to the pro's in my opinion... Stupid rouges an their high bluff and tumbles!!!:mischief: :D

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 5:34 am
by Dragonbotcher21

Rouges are flippin sweet cause, their the jack of all trades, stealthy, intelligent, and who needs to dominate a guard with power, when you can persuade them then stab them in the back. Rouge is probably the broadest term too, they aren't just thieves, but outcast of the law.:mischief: