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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 9:16 pm
by Cinder_Lizard
My favorite RPGs are :
1.BG2: SoA
2.BG+ TSC (TSC didn't really add a plot, but Durlag's tower was cool :D )
3.BG2: ToB
4.FF3, (Or 6 in Japan)
5.FF2, (Or 4 in Japan)

I've never really played Icewind Dale or Planscape: Torment, so I can't rank those.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2001 11:04 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Overkill:
<STRONG>i Dont know if its the "best" but it was the first and funest so i have to say Fallout 2,the story kinda suck but i love the environments and weapons and the death animations....,the first time i sherded someone whit my minigun...the proudest moment of my life.</STRONG>
I also loved the Fallout serious.
But I've played many CPRG by now, and I don't actaully have a "best" they all have good points and bad points.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2001 11:43 am
by NeKr0mAnCeR
1 - fallout2
2 - bg2
3 - fallout1

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 12:31 pm
by Magior
Top 10 CRPGs (excluding Roguelikes)

10. Lands of Lore
9. Eye of the Beholder II
8. Eye of the Beholder I
7. Ultima Underworld II
6. Fallout II
5. Baldur's Gate
4. Baldur's Gate II
3. Dungeon Master
2. Ultima Underworld I
1. Betrayal at Krondor

Haven't played Wasteland, Planescape: Torment, Fallout I, Final Fantasy series or any other console games

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 1:05 pm
by Aegis
Some Console RPGs are pretty good. If you ever decide to try some, I recommend Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy - Tactics, and Chrono Trigger.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2001 2:33 pm
by Dastal
I'm gonna go HC on you guys and say the Exile Trilogy (And Blades) (Spiderweb)
Followed by UO and Ultima (Origin)
Then TSR's old DOS AD&D1's (TSR)
After that is Baldur's Gate Serries (Interplay/Bioware)
And rounding it off is Cythera (Ambrosia)

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2001 7:01 pm
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Some Console RPGs are pretty good. If you ever decide to try some, I recommend Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy - Tactics, and Chrono Trigger.</STRONG>
Don't forget Secret Of Mana and Evermore, Zelda series and Chrono Cross.

IMHO Some of the best games ever made.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2001 5:19 pm
by Meerlight
Originally posted by fable:
Unfortunately, P:T failed--in a sense. It made money; just not enough, by Interplay's standards. The team that did it was a resource that couldn't be wasted, so they were put on another project rather than a P:T successor. I'm curious how TORN will turn out, however. We should find out towards the end of the year. My guess is that it might put NWN in the shade--but everybody's raving over NWN, while TORN is deliberately kept from the spotlight.

[ 07-14-2001: Message edited by: fable ]</STRONG>
TORN was recently cancelled. :mad: :(

My favorite RPG is: Baldurs Gate 1! This game really opened my eyes to D&D on the computer. Still not as good as the real thing but the games coming out now are getting there.... :cool:

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2001 8:53 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Tamerlane:
<STRONG>Don't forget Secret Of Mana and Evermore, Zelda series and Chrono Cross.

IMHO Some of the best games ever made.</STRONG>
I will never acknowledge Evermore and Chrono Cross as RPGs. Those two games are by far sub-par to Squares usual high standerds of work. Also, the Zelda series is Action/Adventure, it's not really an RPG.

Secret of Mana wasn't bad, but it often left you stuck trying to figure out what to do next without proper clues orn instructions. I finished it realtivly easily, but found it lacked a certain aspect of RPG's, namely a solid progression system.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 5:13 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Also, the Zelda series is Action/Adventure, it's not really an RPG.</STRONG>
Actually, the Zelda series(not sure about the original 2 for NES) are Adventure/RPGs. With the improvement of graphics for the console systems, most games are incorporating much of what makes an RPG an RPG, i.e. the interaction with npcs, the exploring a world, etc. IIRC, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past was the first RPG without the turn-based fighting.

Imo, the Zelda series(except for LoZ2 for NES and Link's Awakening for GB) and Baldur's Gate are the best RPGs.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 5:15 pm
by Aegis
Well, I'll concede to your point SS, but the game is labeled, and intended as Action/Adventure.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 8:13 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>Well, I'll concede to your point SS, but the game is labeled, and intended as Action/Adventure.</STRONG>
Neee? Mine was labeled Adventure/RPG.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 8:35 pm
by Aegis
I'm quoting Shiguru Myomoto. He intended the Zelda series to be action/adventure, not RPG.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 9:10 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>I'm quoting Shiguru Myomoto. He intended the Zelda series to be action/adventure, not RPG.</STRONG>
I concede that may have been his intention, but I also specifically remember the Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past box labeling it an Adventure/RPG. I also agree that the first two Zelda games for NES were action/adventure.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 8:54 am
by Shadow Sandrock
As I always do, I agree with SS.

Zelda is BOTH an Action/Adventure and a Role Playing game. A role playing game is simply a game where you take on the role as one set character whom you raise up to get stronger and fight harder enemies. The way I described it might be more "Pokemon" than Zelda, but indeed in Zelda, you get more weapon upgrades and instead of levels, you gain "Heart Containers". An action/adventure game would be much like the corny batman games that come out for game boy, but in real definition, it is a game where you accomplish required tasks to go on to a higher "level", instead of going out on your own and working on side quests like in Pokemon. But the ingenious creators of the Zelda series decided to combine the two.

This will speak for Majora's Mask game, since it is the most recent. I own other Zelda games, but I will only use this one because I was just playing it yesterday. :D

Zelda has:

ยค A complete, packed timeline filled with several paths you can take. Examples of this are:

--There are only 3 Days in Majora's Mask to accomplish a whole bunch of tasks required. In order to complete this game, you must relive these three days again and again, starting time over before the world ends at 6 AM on the end of the final day.
--Many side quests found in Majora's Mask are indeed where you must take on the role of "matchmaker" in the cases of:

----Uniting Kafei and Anju for their wedding
----Finding Madame Aroma's son
----Finding the photographer's prodigal son
----Rescuing the witch Koume
----Helping the postman reach his highest priority

--Simply put, Majora's Mask is a game where you fulfill everyone's final wishes before the world ends and they die.

--Majora's Mask does not contain turn-based fighting, it relies on your strategy of attack and dodge to defeat an enemy. That is a characteristic of an action game. Heck, Super Mario is an RPG, but it's fighting is based on attack-and-dodge too.

--In Majora's Mask, every one of the four Temples you must destroy an enemy in has a very complex history to it, and the enemies are powerful and difficult to defeat, so you must acquire hidden items within the temples to destroy the enemy. Adventuring into the unknown is the adventure portion of the game. After completing the adventure, you fight a final "boss" which is the action part. After defeating the boss and destroying the evil that has ruined the land, you must do several side quests in order to call the level "complete". In the case of convincing Deku King to not punish an innocent monkey for murdering his daughter by rescuing her from the temple, this is the RPG part of the level. In order to do one major task in the game, you must combine action, adventure, and RPG.

--Zelda has collecting items in it too. Especially in Majora's Mask, where collecting 20 masks by making 20 different people have their final wishes granted. Collecting and trading items is part of RPG too.

I could go on forever... @_@ But I'll stop now.

In conclusion, Zelda is both an action, adventure, and a role playing game. Like it or not. :p

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 9:01 am
by Shadow Sandrock
I'll just throw in that I own the NES and original Zelda, and despite the bad English "Let's play money making game?" it is NOT turn based. It too is what I call it's own category, "Attack and Dodge", which is what many so-called "Action" RPGs are.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 10:22 am
by Mr Sleep
My top 4:

1) P:T
2) BG Series
3) Silver
4) Thief series ;)

This of course depends on your POV on what an RPG is ;)

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 3:31 pm
by Aegis
@Sandrock: I never said I believd it not to be an RPG, I'm just what it was originaly intended to be.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 5:50 am
by Shadow Sandrock
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>@Sandrock: I never said I believd it not to be an RPG, I'm just what it was originaly intended to be.</STRONG>
I win! Hurray! :D