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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 9:18 pm
by DanW
1) Keep the smart-ass talking sword. It's too funny.
2) Get rid of the Minsc/Boo crap. I'm forced to play a multiplayer set-up because I don't want to listen to the characters whine and say stupid crap when I'm fighting. Just keep that "yeah yeah" or "aaaaaaahhhh" from that one male voice. Role-playing my ass. I like the story and quests of BGII...but keep the whining out of the next sequel.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 10:38 pm
by Mhr'djynn
i think that if black isle combined the best of bgII and planescape: torment they would have one heiny-kicker of a game. specifically, from torment i like the strong storyline, excellent dialogue scripting, the ability to truly follow any alignment path and the factual shifting of alignment all throughout the game. i also like the angle of view and slightly more zoomed resolution of ps:t.
i think a bg expansion could be greatly improved by taking neutrality into greater consideration. it seems too often that a player is given only a good choice or an evil choice, and especially in the case of the ending, it is frankly unfair that a character's entire play-through be discarded in favor of a judgement on one small section of the game. (particularly in the case of blackrazor, which i really do not consider evil, if you take the "evil" path).
also, i think it would be great to install a cromwell-like character who could forge items of the player's choice, such as "i want a +3 shortsword with x ability, etc, and it would cost this much gold, or you may have to suffer attribute loss, or whatever. and in general, more equipment that give special bonuses to neutral characters. the goodies and evils seem to have the best stuff, and it's a little disappointing not to have a phantasmagoric sword or suit of armor that's just for the guys trying to keep the balance.
and, please, more romances. especially for the girlies, huh?
err, that was long. please forgive.
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2001 11:26 pm
by rekker
How about NO FREAKIN DEAD ENDS. I'm stuck in the asylum because I didn't happen to stock up on wooden stakes of all things, silly me. So now I can't kill Dace to get his hand to move on to the next level. So basically I'm trapped.
There should ALWAYS be a way for a player to get out of a situation. I don't mean they should make it easy. But if you need an obscure item to make it through the game, that item should be accessible. It wouldn't have been so bad were I on the mainland, because I could have just delayed my progress for a bit as I searched for what I needed, or got more powerful, etc. But for the game developers to dump you in a corner with no way out like this is poor design.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm mad that I got screwed. I'm done now.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 1:36 am
by Mhr'djynn
@rekker: you're not screwed. there is a stake there in that dungeon, you just have to make sure you check everwhere, everybody, everything.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 3:12 am
by millwall
I'd like to see the return of Irenicus. Okay jonny boy did try to take your soul and become the most powerfull being in the universe, but anyone can make a mistake. Lets face it, everything he has tried to do from romancing the fairy queen to world domination, has all gone wrong. Basically the guy is an underachiever. I think he deserves a second chance. How about if he survived the fires of hell and returns as reformed character, and could be picked up as an NPC for your party. Just think of the put down lines you could give him about how kicked his butt in BG2 every time he gets too pompous. I also think he he has the most menacing voice in the forgotten realms.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 3:56 am
by Karembeu
Originally posted by Ubik:
BG2 expansion pack
"Wicked Tales"
- Action packed gameplay, with real-time sex scenes! Control your character and make him/her the king/queen of sex
- Thousands of lesbo-nymphs summoned by evil sorcerers, are trying to steal your soul
- Millions of new monsters trying to give you a decent buttkicking - and failing once more
- Boo, the sex machine, the love animal, the lion hamster, is back, bigger and meaner
- See Viconia, Mazzy, Jaheira and Aerie, doing the quadraple leap - a menage a quatre with no beginning and no end
- New lingerie, more options to sex toys, bondage, S&M!!!
And so much more!!!!
BG2 expansion pack
"Wicked Tales"
LMAO....I still think that Ubik's idea for an expansion pack or sequel is the most interesting......
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 7:57 am
by MistJaguar
Originally posted by Karembeu:
LMAO....I still think that Ubik's idea for an expansion pack or sequel is the most interesting......
ye got the "interesting" part right
"Without going outside, you may know the whole world.
Without looking through the window, you may see the ways of heaven.
The farther you go, the less you know."
--Lao Tsu
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 1:50 pm
by Kieran_Frost
Anyone else notice that David Warner provided the voice of Gorion in the first Baldur's Gate and as John Irenicus for Baldur's Gate II. Pointless but true, plus he's British, yippy
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 3:26 pm
by Craig
Right get cofee you'll be reading thie edits for ages
Kits:yes loads maby (how the hell do you spell that?) and new classes
Paperdolls:better ones please the only good one is....Cleric/theif(duel class) cape and all!!!
Dialouge:more better and Spoken (done by key words like in hey you Pikachu)
Alignment,rep and that lot:This hard to explain,Alignment Only good neutral and bad(to understand more read rep)Rep what You do Rash choices You would be chaotic Etc..
Races:should be like kits
Other: Drow should make your rep(Evil)Preists should chose god like rangers R.enemy
My soul may be warped by evil;My conscious by bribe, but the true path has never vanished for i have a just heart and a whacking great big sword.
[This message has been edited by craig (edited 02-15-2001).]
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 7:22 pm
by vixen
some variation on 'you must gather your party before venturing forth'. actually scrap it all together. i could just about put up with it at the beginning of the game but ny chapter 7 it was starting to wear a little thin. and there's no need to say it twice when my party is on go slow, i.e. go the opposite way to what they're meant to.
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 8:32 pm
by Vehemence
Rail posted:
Choose the appearance of your armor (wicked, righteous, or varying degrees in between).
I like that suggestion a lot! I personally would love to have some awesome looking armour like Sarevok's!
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2001 9:41 pm
by Bro'Drake
In an expansion pack, I'd like to see story progression more than anything, as engine enhancements would be proper for an honest-to-goodness sequel. Less voice acting for non-important NPCs (save certain situations), but more for 'Old friends and new companions,' as it were.
In a sequel (BG 3), I'd like to see:
New paperdolls (the ones in BG1 AND BG2 are antiquated... perhaps dynamic 3d models, or at the very least a wide array of paperdolls to choose from, including class-specific ones)
A "3rd edition-esque" rules revamp for the Infinity Engine... While I enjoy AD&D (and have for many years), I am really impressed with the newest incarnation of D&D... more prestige classes (kits), no experience cap, full spell (or most, if not all) integration, "bonus" stacking, all would be welcome.
As with an expansion pack, a BG2 sequel should definitely carry the greater story along to its end... do you ascend the throne, and become the Lord of Murder renewed, or do you finally defeat your inner demons? That sort of thing.
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 12:55 am
by Pangur Ban
My thoughts for BG3
Brighter colour around locations with objects to be picked up ( it was better in BG1 )
Better isometrics in dungeons. Difficult to judge where the floor is when its hidden by a wall. Solution 1. Ability to rotate map 90 degrees. Solution 2. Walls become almost transparent when clicked on.
Change the journal back to BG1 style, with lots of quirky comments and observations. Journal in BG2 is too "clinical" and cold. Change the quests listing so that pressing the quests button suppresses the other comments.
Get rid of the hamster - the joke was amusing for the first 5 minutes or so only ...
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2001 4:06 am
by Teroril
I would like to see a jurnal, like Planescape Torment, but with more personal entrys. I would also like to se more voises to the protagonist, and also a chanse to choose your characters pesonality at the start of the game, (some times I change my characters personality during the game). I want to se longer and more complicatet quests, wich are more timetaking!!!!!!!
[This message has been edited by Teroril (edited 02-16-2001).]
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2001 9:11 am
by two
How about some interesting, specific magic items? Not the usual boring +x ring/sword/robe of Y.
Why are there so few detailed magic items in BGII (that have minor but useful effects)? I'd love to see:
Amulet of Stinking: Increases Stinking Cloud radius by 2x (and range of spell so you don't get stunk yourself).
Gloves of Compassion: Doubles effectiveness of cure serious wound spell.
Glasses of Blinding: Grants any/all "blinding" effect spells a -2 save (for your enemy).
Helm of Hunkiness/Babe-osity: Increases lovetalk rating by 15, +3 Charisma.
Pillow of Silent Sleep: Lowers random monster likelihood while party is sleeping.
More arrows of X, Y, Z killing, specific to one race/creature.
Mask of Innocence: +30 pickpocket for thieves, make your face look like you just fell off the turnip wagon.
Hairpin of Dexterity: Allows ANY class to attempt to pick a lock/disarm trap, 30% base chance plus dex. bonuses if any.
Etc. Add your specific item here.
Also nice would be more character-specific items, more race-specific items, even some alignment/race/character ones (i.e. useable only by Lawful Good Hafling Bards). If the item is good enough it can be a way to get people to play combinations other than kensai/mage!
For example early in the game: a Short Sword useable by Gnome Thieves True Neutral, acts as +5 weapon, 1d6+5 dam, plus +3 electrical (vs. good), +3 fire (vs. evil), +3 etc. etc. whatever. Immune to confusion & fear add more interesting stuff here. Not enough to throw off game balance but enough to reward playing an obscure combination!
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2001 3:11 pm
by WarkAven
Originally posted by Giles the Sorcerer:
Just toss off some suggestions.
for BG III:
3d characters. All throughout the game their are amazing looking weapons, staffs like the elemental staffs/ thunder n lightning staff and the staff of the magi, they ALL look cool, and I would love to have that show.
More race choices, I WANT TO BE A DROW.
I want more references to out divinity. off-hand condescending remarks to people like bandits. I'd also like special items/equipment to have an effect in discussion. You'd think that when I go into a building with Shadow Dragon scale armour, followed by a mage with a Staff of the Magi, another guy with Red Dragon scale armour, and someone with Shadow Armour, all carrying weapons that glow with the power of legends people aren't going to dismiss you as an "annoyance." Most would probably run like hell.
A redesign of the reputation system if they are allowed. It should be divided into game/infamy and karma. Party members go by Karma, other people go by fame/infamy, and, THEY BOTH HAVE THE SAME EFFECT. I.E. Shopkeeps lower prices 50% for 20 fame or infamy, they respect you as a good guy or fear you blast them and their families into itty bitty bits of magically incinerated goop.
If the above is not doable, at least make things like reputation not count in the underdark (look, he's a paladin of helm, lets give him a good price!)
More creatures of legend, maybe even a Tarrasque ; )
Also, I'd kinda like being able to places in other planes more often.
They should have more flails, halberds, hammers, clubs, etc, not only focasing on the swords.
they should have aging, like fighters have penalties when over age 45.
and mages gain bonuses when they're over 50 etc.
stronger weapons, like a +7 weapon, or a weapon that really have some useful extra abilities.
more things on the "Your party has been waylaid by thugs"Sh*T, they should develop more themes besides the dude that got poisoned.
the game goes easy then harder, then hardest
cause i just got out of the slums and the keep i wen't to the bridge, got the rogue gem and thought it was cool, and begun exploring the unmarked rooms, went into the twisted rune and i died easily, i didn't have a save for a long time.
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2001 3:42 pm
by Bloodnguts
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2001 11:13 am
by two
As mentioned in another post of mine:
Why oh why didn't BGII make some sort of AI that could gauge how much punishment a given party was dealing out and increase/decrease the difficulty level of the whole game as a result of this? For example time spent killing a standard beast (dragon). If it's 2 rounds, make the game super hard. If it's 10, medium, 20 easier, etc.
Or calculate a ratio of average dam/round dealt out by a party vs. taken. After 500 rounds of combat do the math. If it's around 50 to 1, double the HPs, dam. dealt of all monsters encountered. If it's 75 to 1, triple them, etc. It it's 1 to 1, halve the monster's hp's, etc. (the party is having trouble).
It would make the game fun for even those experienced, jaded folk with killers weapons and wicked armor. AND make it possible for newbies to win too.
Is this stupid?
Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2001 1:36 pm
by Craig
Hmmm is my righting invisible???????
My soul may be warped by evil;My conscious by bribe, but the true path has never vanished for i have Just heart and kind way.
Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2001 10:30 am
by NilesCarter87
-Level/Map editor if the game goes to new engine.
-Extended Romance from BG2
-More NPCs
-More Political Story, BG2 Guildwar was nice, but how about a bigger conflict.
-More classes/races
-Monks were cool, make Monk/Fighters (Asian dudes with Scimitars that can also do martial arts)
-Different Forms of Dragons, not just colors.
-Cooler looking, and bigger monsters.
-More spells
-Get rid of those BG1 looks of bartenders, and monks, etc. Get new appearences.
-When you put on a cloak, make it appear as a real cloak, not an invisible one.
I want to work for CGW