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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:11 pm
by Darth Huddz
bigredpanda wrote:Can you just clarify what you mean here? Do you mean you always start off in the LS position? Because in K2 I thought that was pretty much ambiguous... or did you mean something else?
I mean that the people who make the game always choose the light side ending as the right ending
i'm just saying i wish they would make an option as to what ending you would prefer, Like you could choose if revan was a sith or a jedi and the same with the exile at the beginning of the next game or like someone else said before me make kotor 3 2 discs 1 light side story line and 1 dark side storyline.
Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:58 am
by bigredpanda
Darth Huddz wrote:I mean that the people who make the game always choose the light side ending as the right ending
i'm just saying i wish they would make an option as to what ending you would prefer, Like you could choose if revan was a sith or a jedi and the same with the exile at the beginning of the next game or like someone else said before me make kotor 3 2 discs 1 light side story line and 1 dark side storyline.
But in K2 you had the choice of saying how you finished K1...?
If they started dictating how you had played your previous games, I would get quite annoyed. I know a few people on this thread have been saying "lets presume Revan was this or that", but, as I've said throughout, if you have a series of open-ended games, you have to allow for multiple endings when constructing the storyline of the sequels.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:47 am
by intombed
*edited*. You know if some people could look at every aspect of the force history (meaning the jedi and sith history) you could see that you are revan again. and if you don't know why and don't know a thing about these two story's ask me. instead of just turning and twisting my words. two see if you can make a new story.
But again you could make another whole new story based on those 2 but than kotor 4 would hav to be about Revan and the Exile and the new character.
*edit* @intombed: back-to-back posting is not acceptable conduct on the forums. I merged both of your posts into one. In the future, use the "Edit Post" feature to add more content to your post instead of posting another one directly after it.
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:32 am
by OftheRepublic
@intombed KOTOR 3 needs to continue as Revan searches for the true sith, the exile going to help him, and the player from this game either aiding revan or using the true sith to dfeat revan and u defeat everyone and rule the galaxy- which would be like revans story of trying to either help the republic or control it- although canon says that Revan went darkside so he could destroy the true sith- ud be going darkside to rule the galaxy
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:46 am
by Jedi Guardian
OftheRepublic wrote:@intombed KOTOR 3 needs to continue as Revan searches for the true sith, the exile going to help him, and the player from this game either aiding revan or using the true sith to dfeat revan and u defeat everyone and rule the galaxy- which would be like revans story of trying to either help the republic or control it- although canon says that Revan went darkside so he could destroy the true sith- ud be going darkside to rule the galaxy
Sorry OftheRepublic wrong Canon says that Revan went light side here
Revan - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki just go down to the behind the scenes section and the first line or sentances.and also the canon to the exile and revan gender is Revan=Male Exile=Female
I gotta protect my boy Revans Rep hahaha(starts crying) I'm such a Nerd lol
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:48 pm
by OftheRepublic
@Jedi Guardian- in the end he went lightside(end of game) however they say that his real intentions for go dark side (after mandalorian wars) was so he could use the star forge to amass a fleet/army large enough to stop the true sith
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:40 pm
by Jedi Guardian
OftheRepublic wrote:@Jedi Guardian- in the end he went lightside(end of game) however they say that his real intentions for go dark side (after mandalorian wars) was so he could use the star forge to amass a fleet/army large enough to stop the true sith
then how come when Atton talks about serving under Revan that he turned Jedi to the Darkside is this to build up an Army to fight the True Sith?
Dang the Kotor Series likes to leave Questions!
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 12:16 am
by OftheRepublic
possibly- i think kreia explains it in kotor 2
Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 7:01 am
by Jedi Guardian
How many Questions are they gonna leave?????????????? They have to finish the questions in Kotor III but then they'll start new ones in Kotor III also

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:51 pm
by OftheRepublic
well kotor 2 didnt answer the kotor 1 questions- like life not all questions have answers
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:02 pm
by intombed
LastManStanding wrote:everything that happens in this game was meant to tie off the stoies started in kotor 1.
Think about it all the areas were you leave in kotor one unresolved, like korriban and dantooine, you come back and learn what happens. I believe that this game was obsidian entertainments way of ending kotor 1's story so they don't have to keep making sequals that have to do with Revan and the exile. Theory: I believe the Meatbags at Obsidian have a really cool idea for Kotor III but it didn't nessisarilly have tied into the original Kotor's story so they kill all the sith lords and Jedi masters so they can create a brand new story with thier own characters and thier own ship and don't have to make it conform with Bioware's original storyline. they are giving themselves artistic freedom for the next kotor.
but if they do that they will have to continue on with the story and add extras into it and it might take longer. that my friend is kinda stupid beecause the history books have been written why rewrite them for this game. u r surposse to continue them not make something half way through. but least most of u guys r getting the idea of kotor 3. like i said pm me and talk too me if u got any questions because i love to argue about this stuff.
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:03 pm
by intombed
OftheRepublic wrote:well kotor 2 didnt answer the kotor 1 questions- like life not all questions have answers
ya but this is just a game it will give us all the answers.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:49 am
by bigredpanda
intombed wrote:ya but this is just a game it will give us all the answers.
It depends on what sort of "answers" you want.
Yes it's just a game, but a specific type of game - an open-ended role play game. Some of the things people are wanting "answers" to here are entirely down to your individual style of play.
However, if K3 is the end of the trilogy, there's obviously a slight problem with maintaining the open-endedness, given that it presumably has to end in the same place, whatever path you choose to get there.
Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:02 am
by obrad
bigredpanda wrote:
...if K3 is the end of the trilogy, there's obviously a slight problem with maintaining the open-endedness, given that it presumably has to end in the same place, whatever path you choose to get there.
Well, maybe they could make it so that you choose between light or dark path, like previous two, but in the end of the dark path someone kills you. That would be really cool ending.
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:30 pm
by intombed
lol funny funny that would be kool only problem ia that which will kill which revan will die or the exile. perhaps they will both meet there end or perhaps the true sith will meet there end.
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 2:33 pm
by Revans mask
Kaja Sinis wrote:C 2 the J's view can be authenticated, if KOTOR III were to perhaps sign you up with one against the other. Maybe each with their own of a disk 1, disk 2 scenario. All I know is that the Jedi Order has to be restored somehow, somewhere along the line well prior to 4,000 years later, so I figure Revan and the Exile together, or one against the other, will be responsible for bringing it about. Kreia mentioned to my LS character that the followers of the Exile were the new Jedi. If that were to become true, then KOTOR II can't be intended for DS. Also, I don't believe they'll abandon the Ebon Hawk in K3. If they do, then C2theJ would be accurate in his assumptions. But if the Ebon Hawk makes an appearance in the beginning cutscene, then I'll be ultimately convinced that Lucasarts is favoring LS endings throughout the trilogy. I just hope that I don't have to deal with another unexplained blank slate of an ex-Jedi with amnesia or another Mandalorian War general or someone's Force-sensitive janitor that crawls out from under some rock that noone's ever discussed in the first 2 KOTOR. I'm not feeling the whole broom or mopsaber vibe, but after meeting GO-TO nothing could disappoint me as much anymore, so I guess we'll all just wait and see and play the hands we're dealt by Obsidian when that time comes.
Starwars Knights of the Old Republic II was good some how game, related to much around Nancy Drew books mixed with Revenge of the Sith.
I grew tired and tired about finding clues and faqs about where Revan went.
Obs tainment should of done a whole:speech: lot of a story board history around the Exile. Exile, who is He/she.
He/She just walks in, no history or child hood about you.
This would be okay for a ghost
Who was Exiles mother and father, Exiles family, school class mates.
Exiles child hood Jedi master.
How did Exile meet Revan, what made them become friends.
How did Exile get Revans beep droid on weels, how did Exile get the Ebon Hawk.
Who where those dead people on the Ebon Hawk before docking on Peragus.
How did Exile come across metting Bastila before Kotor 1 took place
Kotor 3 ideas
I love Kotor series, these days video games make you fell you are inside the video game as your character living in that world..
Kotor 3 should some how be like the Sims.
Date female characters if male, female dates male characters.
Briana the Handmaiden or Visa should return, only for a love life with your character. Walk around, show some male and female in love behaviors.
Afther beating Kotor 3- You can ask Briana the handmaiden or Visa to marry you, ingaged to be married your character will be.
Go on a cruise across space. Show the character kissing for once.
Game ends afther doing what ever love life you want your character to have.
Same way with feamle characters, but with Atton or Desiple.
My idea for the game is to add life to it, make you feal like your in it.
More Freedom, emotions, drama sort of
Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 5:13 pm
by OftheRepublic
i want the story to end but there should be an ongoing game- so once u beat the story if ur sith u can try to conquer the galaxy or jedi help rebuild the republic or solve stuff
Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:59 am
by obrad
Revans mask wrote:Starwars Knights of the Old Republic II was good some how game, related to much around Nancy Drew books mixed with Revenge of the Sith.
I grew tired and tired about finding clues and faqs about where Revan went.
Obs tainment should of done a whole:speech: lot of a story board history around the Exile. Exile, who is He/she.
(S)he is the Jedi who went to Mandalorian wars, activated the Mass shadow generator near the end of the war and had to severe conection with Force to survive, then returned to Jedi Council to stand trial and was sentenced to exile.
Revans mask wrote:He/She just walks in, no history or child hood about you.
This would be okay for a ghost
Who was Exiles mother and father, Exiles family, school class mates.
Jedi don't have families.
Revans mask wrote:Exiles child hood Jedi master.
Master Kavar.
Revans mask wrote:How did Exile meet Revan, what made them become friends.
He was general in Revan's army.
Revans mask wrote:How did Exile get Revans beep droid on weels, how did Exile get the Ebon Hawk.
T3-M4 got Exile, not the other way around. It came for him because it was instructed to get help for Revan. It was also driving Ebon Hawk until it was atacked by the Sith and saved by Harbinger.
Revans mask wrote:Who where those dead people on the Ebon Hawk before docking on Peragus.
It was Kreia.
Revans mask wrote:How did Exile come across metting Bastila before Kotor 1 took place
Bastila was one of most famous Jedi knights because of her Battle Meditation, everyone knew who she was.
I think Exile's charachter was explained into much greater detail then Revan.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:51 am
by bigredpanda
NIce post, Obrad
Revans mask wrote:
Kotor 3 should some how be like the Sims.
I think perhaps there's a point you're missing about the "love" stories of K2. The relations between the Exile and their crew were all exploring the different types of "love" and "power". Each crew member had a different take on it. In this way, it was quite complex and very interesting. above all because it avoided the whole predictable love stories of K1 which were quite cringeworthy at places.
I think if K3 were to be all like you describe with "get a girlfriend and kiss her and stuff", it would be a definite backward step. Just my opinion!
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:07 am
by danielkx
Well I would think that a possiblity for how kotor3 will start, or how whoever makes the game will resolve the issues from the previous 2 games would be in a similar fashion to how kotor2 did it. Just have the events of revan and the exile already come to pass, meaning exile went to the unknown regions, discovered what revan was doing and they resolved it, whether together or against eachother, those events have come to past.
This would be the easy way out for the developers, basically you find out what happened at the beginning of the game, but not every detail. Some of your party members will tell you some details, but that would be the end of revan and exile. Or at least that would be the end of having to use revan and exile in any way, meaning they wont be party members, and likely not another character you would speak to. The whole point of doing it this way is for a few reasons.
1: Makes it much easier to create a new story, and easier to create a new character and also easily ties in what happened in the past 2 games.
2: Newer gamers who either havent heard anything about the previous 2 games, or havent played them, won't have a tough time understanding what happened, and it would be easier for them to just jump into the game without having to do their homework on kotor.
Now I am not saying I want this to be done, but I think this is the route that will be taken. A relatively lengthy explanation, and maybe some cutscenes just for visual support, about who revan and the exile are. And show/explain most of what took place after kotor2 regarding exile and revan, and closing that storyline.
I know a lot of people would like to have either character in their party, or to be a big part of the game, and finishing the storyline yourself. But you have to understand that developers either wont have enough time to create a good storyline, or wont want to take the time to tie in all the loose ends there are.