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Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:27 pm
by Siberys
Most of my actions are recuperating through my own means (preparing cure minor wounds spells over and over through the course of the night).
Once I'm finished or I've done as much as I can, I'll go back to my pipes.
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:25 pm
by kozeph
I sleep for four hours then spend the rest of the night guarding the others from a hidden position.
Hide 13+6=19
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:19 am
by Jivundus
I sit and think about what to do with the prisoners and how best to interrogate Shar'ri, before deciding to sleep on the problem.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:10 am
by blank
Kolgar Bracklebreaker
I sit next to Gabriel and ask for a short debrief " So,what did you find out from the bandits?"
assuming i got the story
"How about asking for the names of all those shady fellows and a little background, it seems also that the one whom arranged his brothers beating has a high status maybe a relation to coinwell himself, also finding out who is the benefactor who approached shari, same person? unlikely.. although shari seems to know where his brother is"
I then sleep somewhere near Elmias pipe playing and also take turns in guarding
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:41 am
by Jivundus
"Long story short, the gnome and the dead guy had joined the halfling for a few quick gold for more or less honorable purposes. The gnome said he was trying to find his brother whose whereabouts are supposedly known by that halfling, or her employers. The brother was wanted by a guild of shady money-lenders, who were taken out by the sheriff and a band of adventurers the brother had pissed off with a few dodgy games of cards. Thus he's disappeared."
I listen to Kolgar before shaking my head in disagreement.
"No. Call it a gut feeling, but something tells me Shar'ri and Coinwell, even the guild, are pawns in something bigger. It may have something to do with the artefact that the brother had won, or it may be something far more insidious." I shrug, "Either way, I know that I'll have my hands full tomorrow with the halfling and gnome."
I neglect to tell Kolgar about my plans for the gnome, as I feel that the majority of the caravan will disagree strenuously about them.
DM only
Bluff (to hide facial expressions/changes in tone/anything else) : D20+4=16+4=20
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:57 am
by Orod
(Raur island, Y996, December 28 night to Y997, January 1 Morning)
As the travel of today draws to an end, the crew start to patch up the tent and after a short dinner with storytelling and other bonding activities they all go to sleep.
Guards at the respective times of night.
During the night a sole howl surfaces from the howl of the wind several times during the night. It seems to be further ahead, way to far away to be a concern of today, but still close enough to promise imminent complications.
The morning is like any other and Meliss is eager to get on his way as quickly as possible "rise and shine good folk, today we shall pass the most exiting place on this island!"
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:34 am
by malinzaro
Orod wrote:(Raur island, Y996, December 28 afternoon to night)
"thanks" Meliss comments "I will just maneuver around here ...
(any actions during the trip should be done now, and please limit yourselves within the time of going on from this encounter to the night that comes after.)
I smile towards the halfling,
"You're welcome."
Then I move a bit away and start cleaning the armor of dirt.
Orod wrote:(Raur island, Y996, December 28 night to December 29 morning)
The morning is like any other and Meliss is eager to get on his way as quickly as possible "rise and shine good folk, today we shall pass the most exiting place on this island!"
I help Kuu'Shar doing guard during the night and then I go to sleep when my duty finishes.
In the morning, hearing Meliss's call, I jump to my feet and proceed to put the gear on,
"Wake up everyone, time to go."
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:33 pm
by kozeph
being up already I simply help pack things up, and get ready to move on.
"Morning miss Meliss" I nod at her once she wakes up everyone
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:55 pm
by Orod
(Raur island, Y997, January 1 morning to afternoon)
As you start traveling this day feels strangely off, and the closer you get to your destination it all feels wrong, the air, the presence of something emanating a horrible, unnatural aura fills the very fabric of your soul. "There" Meliss(*2) cries out and points ahead, to a small mountain ahead "It's the Kordrock (*3)" Those of you looking Meliss instead of the Kordrock witness what might be the fastest a halfling face has gone pale. Those of you looking instead at the Kordrock notice exactly what has been feeling wrong. As the dense layer of forest finally lets you get a clear view of the sky, you see it turning to a deep blood-red color(*4). The whole world suddenly feels as if it is seen trough a red filter, at the same time the moose seem restless. Building to what concern one might feel, the distinct howl of a wolf, this time close.
(*1 Feel free to include your actions before the following actions happen)
(*2 Meliss is actually a man by the way.)
(*3 Popular local and religious knowledge states that is what the god of strength threw at his enemies, during the god wars. It is also thought that a rivaling god of the same portfolio is buried under that exact place.)
(*4 This phenomenon is called a Crimson-Twilight happening only once in 50 years, it is said that if the moon is extra prominent it bears word of great corruption, but if it less prominent it bears word of great destruction. Do ask if you have questions.)
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:02 pm
by Siberys
"Ha! A little slice of home coming to us, I like this look," I shout. "I wonder what foul creatures live here. Couldn't be worse than anything else I've seen!"
If (and only if) we stop for some inexplicable reason, I begin to fly straight up as fast as I can to get a view of the surrounding landscape, to witness anything that's about to change, 40ft per round maximum (my maneuverability is perfect so I'm not bound by ascending/descending rules, and I go as high as I can).
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:36 pm
by Orod
(Raur island, Y997, January 1 morning to afternoon)
The wagon does in fact stop, as Meliss seems to need time to recuperate from what he saw. What you see seems quite ordinary, despite the fact that everything has attained a hue of red. You see the last beams of sunlight skim the treetops, and look into the great glowing pulsing orb of light, it all reminds you of your past, but in some way, subconsciously perhaps. You know something is not right even from there, you do not feel the strict undeniable presence of order and authority, and for a second the humbling stick seems gelatinous. This sensation of doubt, lasts but a second though, and you are thereafter able to enjoy the view again
(I did not include the sensation to control your character, merely to describe an effect to which you were the subject. Just so we keep it clear.)
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:45 pm
by Siberys
I continue hovering a few hundred feet in the air, and grab my demonbone pipes. As I stare into the fields before me, I softly utter "I wonder what would happen if my madness confronted your madness, Kordrock," and I begin playing a mellow and somber song.
16+6 = 22
Is my music in any way effected by the newfound red sky and or is anything out their in the field affected by my music because of the sky?
13+0 = 13
16+0 = 16
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:19 pm
by Orod
(Raur island, Y997, January 1 morning to afternoon)
The music of your flute feels less fulfilling today, the sound gets dampened much faster, and you get the feeling of it being deafened by the flapping of giant wings.
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:52 pm
by blank
Kolgar Bracklebreaker
Do we know how long this phenomena lasts?
if i dont then i ask meliss
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:08 am
by Orod
(Raur island, Y997, January 1 afternoon)
By your memory it lasts until the sun sets completely. Meliss starts the caravan again, seemingly emotionally moved by this phenomenon.
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:40 am
by malinzaro
Orod wrote:(Raur island, Y997, January 1 morning to afternoon)
As you start traveling this day feels strangely off, and the ...
Do ask if you have questions.)
I look closely at the strange phenomenon then ask Meliss,
"This looks really strange. Do you know what's the source behind it?"
And then I turn to the rest,
"How about this howl ... I keep hearing it ... I hope the wolf we're suppose to hunt doesn't prey on us now."
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 7:05 am
by Orod
(Raur island, Y997, January 1 afternoon)
Meliss nods slowly "it is said that the god of secrets and knowledge grace us mortals every now and then to tell us what times we shall expect until the next crimson twilight. It is said that to catch our attention he drapes the skies with the blood to be spilled, and that he alters the nature of the moon to tell us what kind of doom awaits us."
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:02 am
by Siberys
I drop back down to the caravan. "So pretty up there."
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:48 am
by kozeph
I'm slightly worried at the escene, so I grab my bow and keep a arrow in my other hand, just in case something happens
"I dont like this"
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:29 am
by Orod
(Raur island, Y997, January 1 afternoon to night)
The caravan continues on its path towards Mainport, the crimson twilight passes, only to be replaced by a great shining moon(*1) Meliss notes this, but is not hindered in his path. After a while the caravan again stops, and a camp is set. The howls of a lone wolf is heard in the distance.
(*1 this night is in reality a night of no moon)