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Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 3:09 am
by Nippy
OK I believe that to gain high ranks we should have some kind or system where the more work you do for the guild (in-game) gets you a higher rank. For example if Xandax saves 3 members by rushing into battle and helps fight off a group of brigands he should be considered helping the guild and put under notice. If he continues to do such acts he will be promoted. At higher levels it takes more work to get promoted.

About the Council of Five. I have considered this and this is what I suggest. If a member of the five is considered derelict of duty s/he shall be removed and a vote to replace him/her shall occur. A system of warnings for demotion can be used such as you get 3 warnings and then your out. Unless there is a good reason for not turning up for an adventure that is one warning. Do you get where I am going with this? :)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 3:20 am
by Xandax
Hey - I'm a mage, I don't rush anywhere :D

I also have a kind of idea:

We could say that adventures in the guild, where minimum 1(2?) guild wing leader(s) are present could would award "points" towards level advancment in the ranks.
Say you get 1 point everytime you adventure with 1 wing-leader, and 2 for adventure with 2 and so on (don't know how big party-adventures can get) - and when you get say 20 points - you move up the first time, 40 points more you advance again etc.
And then when you get to say you need to advance last 2 time (ei. to Master Wizard and Archmage) you need to donate something to the guild - powerfull weapon, money etc??

This way I think one could encourage guildadventures.

But I don't know - I don't care much for ranks because I'm just here to play :D

But one thing I don't feel should award you promotion in the ranks is XP/LVL - because this could be achived outside the guild.

But again - I don't know - what do people out there think???? - Come on say something, please :)
And I know that this proposal might not be very good - but its the best I can give at present - so come with suggestions people :)

But just a warning - One thing I don't want if we are to make this guild, is when we have decided on a rank system, is bicker about how unfair it might be.
If people think it unfair, they should voice it with new suggestions - no unconstructive critism (IMO)

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 3:45 am
by Nippy
@ Xan I definitely agree. I think we all need to put down ideas and decide with the help of everyone how the promotion is to be done.

Ok people put down your ideas for promotions!

:) :)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 4:02 am
by Weasel
I have discussed with Xandax my thoughts.

The only draw back to the plan he presented is the amount of members. The way I see it if two members adventure together they should get a point each (even if a guild leader isn't present in the adventure)

As for the top ranks, I believe a vote of all the guild members should be the way. Plus for it to happen a Archmage will need to be in that rank to ask for one. (Stop someone at Apprentice level from trying to take over. This will just cause fights every week with someone asking for a vote)

Once you reach Archmage and decide to ask for a vote, you should have proven your worth. (Plus limit the times someone at this level can ask for a vote..once a month, week?? something like that)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 4:30 am
by Nippy
I think that the Council should not be able to removed unless they do something wrong, go against guild rules or take advantage of their position. If they could then we would have usurpers every week! :D ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 4:47 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by Nippy:
<STRONG>I think that the Council should not be able to removed unless they do something wrong, go against guild rules or take advantage of their position. If they could then we would have usurpers every week! :D ;) </STRONG>
I can agree with this.

@Xandax is the URL going to change anytime soon? If not I'm going to add it to my sig. Get the word out.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 5:10 am
by Tamerlane
Would say that a bit of promotion is in store for our guild. Can anyone think of a good sig for the blades?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 5:16 am
by Nippy
This is my new one

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 5:20 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by Tamerlane:
<STRONG>Would say that a bit of promotion is in store for our guild. Can anyone think of a good sig for the blades?</STRONG>
I'm open for ideas. I will stick with Blades of the Banshee for now.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 5:44 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Weasel:
<STRONG>I can agree with this.

@Xandax is the URL going to change anytime soon? If not I'm going to add it to my sig. Get the word out.</STRONG>
Nope it is pretty secure.

And if I move it - it will only be to the topdomain :)

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 6:11 am
by Xandax
My new sig :D

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 6:24 am
by mikeheitz
Xan, you are a madman! Do you have a job, or is THIS it??? ;) I think for promotions, it should definitely be tied to a Guild based action. And yes, only an Archmage and above should be in line for calling for a vote.

How many people are planning on building maps and stuff??? Could we have it so that once you earn a certain number of points, say for adventuring with other guild members, saving someones a$$, etc... that you would go on a promotion quest to earn the promotion. I like that idea instead of just being handed a promotion when you reach a certain number of points. Obviously, this means we'll have to have someone building some adventures.

Liking the site too, btw... I should have a character today to post. YAY!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 6:39 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by mikeheitz:
<STRONG>Xan, you are a madman! Do you have a job, or is THIS it??? </STRONG>
Right now - this is it - I've quit my job just for this :D
No actually I've quit my job to start a new education late august, so this is just the ri
ght time to do this :)

I'm planning on trying to design a stronghold - just for the heck of it, to see how hard it is - after that, we'll see :)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 7:53 am
by Aegis
I believe that the point system is to loose a promotion system. If that were the case, we would have handfuls of one rank, and none of another because people would be too worried about points, or not enough. I think what we should do for promotions, is use the point system, but once they reach, say twenty points, then the council has to reveiw them. Namely their past deeds, their attitude, their ambition. Then once that is done, the five make the decision to promote them. That way we don't just get power hungry mongers in the Guild, and keeps us unified.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 8:27 am
by mikeheitz
Aegis... I think you are right there. But, once the 5 do the review, instead of just handing the promotion out, couldn't they say... "OK, go to this dungeon, whack all the baddies in the name of the Guild, and that is your trial by fire"... or something of that nature??? I just think that would be more fun than just sayin, "OK, yer promoted."

Also, since I am eager to build some modules for NWN, I was thinking about picking up the 3rd Ed. DM guid and Player's handbooks. I figured for $15 each, they will at least be interesting reads. Any thoughts???

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 11:16 am
by Nippy
This is the right attitude guys! Lets carry on!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:09 pm
by Aegis
Trial by Fire.. I like that.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:35 pm
by Sellsword
Hey Xan; Nippy invited me to join your guild as Great Druid and Weasel told me that to join I had to post my character to you, so here goes:



Race - Human

Alignment - True Neutral

Deity worshipped - Silvanus

Stats - (based on working with 25 additional points and 2ndEd class stat requirements; don't know if they still stand!)

Str - 11 (3)
Dex - 8 (0)
Con - 12 (4)
Int - 8 (0)
Wis - 16 (10)
Cha - 15 (8)

I hope they don't still stand; that Charisma of 15 requirement is really limiting!

(based on working with 30 additional points)

Str - 10 (2)
Dex - 8 (0)
Con - 16 (10)
Int - 8 (0)
Wis - 16 (10)
Cha - 15 (8)

I will write a biography when I have had time to think... ;)



[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Sellsword ]

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:49 pm
by Nippy
OK we still need to vote for all positions but so far you are the only druid so it looks good for you. BTW who was Sir Michael on the site?

Trial by fire is good. So far then, this is what people think for promotions.

A points system joined with a point give for helping the guild. To get raised to a higher rank you have to adventure somewhere and retrieve something.

Any changes? :)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:51 pm
by Aegis
How about in order to join the council of five, or something of the sort, you have to perform sort've a search for the holy grail. It'll be sort've a one chance thing. What I mean by that is no reloads, one chance for every time you have been given the chance to become part of the five. Kind've a test of will, and resolve, and too make sure they are strong enough to hold the position.