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Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:30 pm
by Magus
Sorry for the absence. I got a little bit too caught up in Drakengard for my own good. :p I’ve resolved that I’m going to make some headway with this today. ;)

As Xandax pointed out, I don't necessarily need to post first. However, it seems to me that we're at a point where everyone's just waiting to see what will happen in response to what they wrote. That means it's probably about time for me to post. :rolleyes: :p But if you have something to post that doesn't require a response from me first, then go right ahead.

@ScardyBob: Glad to see you back. :)

@Aegis: I'll reread the thread and see if some inspiration hits me regarding your little substory. Until then, feel free to keep going.

@Lost One: Glad to see you’re interested. :) Make sure you read the "Lost Souls Story Thread." Here’s the link: ... hp?t=27319

It’s not that long yet, so it shouldn’t take long, and you have to know what’s going on if you want to participate. After that, if you’re still interested, think up a character and post a short bio in this thread. Skim the first page of this thread for details, as well as examples bios that the others wrote. Once you’ve got a basic character idea, I’ll help you incorporate your character into the story. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:38 pm
by Magus
@Lost One: I just read some of your Fantasy Football thread. It seems you have some...experience with this. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:18 am
by Xandax
@Lost One: Glad to see you’re interested. :) Make sure you read the "Lost Souls Story Thread." Here’s the link: ... hp?t=27319

Reading up on the Athkathla II could also give much information that could be nice to have..... although it is rather long :D
(did we not have a discussion thread for Athkathla II??)
But it is not neasecary to read that thread :)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:42 am
by Magus
The invention of the discussion thread came about because of Athkatla II. :D I think Aegis patented it with Northern Shadows (or Nothern Shadows in Canuck-speak ;) :D )

BTW, I've just finished rereading the story thread, my PM conversations...hell, I even reread this discussion thread. :D Void the "hackashin." :D It's a bit late now, so I'll try to get my next post up tomorrow. It seems I'd already started writing it back then, so that should help a little. :)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:20 pm
by Magus
There's my first post. I'll try to get another one up today. As long as it was, that was really just a catch-up post for Aerie. :p Now I remember why I didn't have time for this back in January. :p ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 5:47 am
by Magus
*Wipes sweat from forehead* You know your posts are too damn long when the forum forces you to split your post into two parts because you've reached the 10,000 character limit. :eek: :o Well anyway...enjoy...hopefully. It kind of just kept on getting longer and longer as I kept thinking of neat little additions and extensions. :p It was a lot of fun though. Now I remember why I keep thrusting myself into the position of DM despite my better judgement and general laziness. ;) It sure kills the day though...

@ScardyBob: Your situation is...rather precarious. :p I think even Aegis would find your situation a little daunting. :D Even he only used TWO Potions of Spectacular and Miraculous Recovery(TM). :D

Despite my tendency towards melodrama, I think that it was still the logical outcome. Unfortunately, no one seems to have come to your aid. Nevermind that I didn't give them the chance to. :D Resurrection is looking like a strong possibility at this point. Unfortunately, the materials for Resurrection spells are quite expensive, and Aerie doesn't have any money. Also unfortunately, Aerie doesn't really see why Gidim should be resurrected over the hundreds of others that have already lost their lives. :p Anyway, I'd be glad to discuss your options with you here or over PM. You know I'm a reasonable man...sort of. ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:58 am
by Rob-hin
Great new writing.
I can't wait to start again.

BTW, nice little writing about getting a mage for the job. It made my job easier and made Yolta's return that much more realistic (but you'll see that later). I'll have to borrow Aerie for a second there though, hope you don't mind. :D

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:14 pm
by Magus
@Rob-hin: No problem. Just make sure you give her back. ;)

@Xandax: That was just a prelude, right? I was hoping you'd carry your end until you at least met up with the guards. :)

@ScardyBob: BTW, let me know if you think I went too far in roleplaying your characters. I seem to be as guilty, if not more so, than when I complained to you over six months ago. :rolleyes: In the end, I did what I thought I needed to to give a complete account of what was going on, especially since the scene continued for a while without pause. Again, let me know if I misrepresented your charcters, or if I just went a bit too far for your taste. :)

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:25 pm
by Xandax
Yes - more's comming soon :)
Just need to think a little :o

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:41 pm
by ScardyBob
I'm still a little rusty but I forgot how fun this was :)

@Magus: Eh, it was kind of a rash move anyways. I hope this works, just PM if I need to change something to make it sound better. And you didn't roleplay my character too much. I tried to leave it open enough for you to determine how it would turn out :)

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:06 am
by Magus
@ScardyBob: Well, my only complaint would be that this massive explosion would have interupted the events in my own post. ;) Oh well...we'll just pretend that the undead savored their victory for a good long while before closing in. :D That's definitely a creative escape you've got there though. :p Aegis would be proud. :D

Actually, I was worried, for instance, that you wouldn't care for me roleplaying that inner voice of yours. The events themselves were a matter of course, whether you liked it or not. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:15 am
by ScardyBob
@Magus: Thats was fine, its something I would imagine it saying :) But I'm glad it was interesting. I was trying to think of a way out, but my options were limited.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:32 pm
by Xandax
@Magus: Good enough? :cool:

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:03 pm
by Magus
@Xandax: You better not have killed off my sergeant. :p Hah, I was expecting Xandax to at least have some second thoughts before heading over like a good little boy. ;) :D

@ScardyBob: I don't know...a quick spell of invisibility followed by running like hell works for me. :D If he was truly bent on snuffing out your pitiful life force, the lich would get you either way. Luckily for you, he isn't. ;) But your way does save a little more face than the 'flee like a coward' option. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:36 pm
by Aegis
I give you 4 points for ingenuity, Bob, 2 points for writing, and an additional 6 for mass destruction. Though, you lose some points for the Dragonball Z-esque escape. :p

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 3:37 pm
by CM
Ok guys seriously somebody should let me know this thing has started. I will respond today well some time today. Expect a long ass post and i will be able to post more regularly than 7 times a day. The WTO has finally agreed on a framework so my work is far less now.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:40 pm
by ScardyBob
@Magus: Eh, fleeing probably would have been better, but this seemed more fun and everyone likes a little explosion here and there :)

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:46 pm
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Magus]@Xandax: You better not have killed off my sergeant. :p Hah, I was expecting Xandax to at least have some second thoughts before heading over like a good little boy. ;) :D

And why would you do that?
Little sence in staying put in one place in a battle one can not win alone :)

And it wasn't your sergeant I killed - just some "grunt". You can have your sergeant anywhere you want him :D

[QUOTE=ScardyBob]@Magus: Eh, fleeing probably would have been better, but this seemed more fun and everyone likes a little explosion here and there :) [/QUOTE]

Well - I could use it - so I don't mind explosions (now) :cool:

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:30 am
by Rob-hin
Mine is up too and the little blue Xvart found his way back to town.
Magus, good idea to have them searching for him. That makes his return much better.

I desided not to use Aerie after all though. :)

Hope everyone likes it. :cool:

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 3:49 pm
by Magus
[QUOTE=Aegis]I give you 4 points for ingenuity, Bob, 2 points for writing, and an additional 6 for mass destruction. Though, you lose some points for the Dragonball Z-esque escape. :p [/QUOTE]

I knew something was nagging at me. They're insidious, those DBZ influences. :p :D

[quote="Xandax]And why would you do that?
Little sence in staying put in one place in a battle one can not win alone[/quote"]

I don't know...the lich seems to be doing well enough. :D Besides, if that was absolutely true, Xandax would've head for where the guard was gathered in the first place. ;)

@Rob-hin: Nice. :) The only thing I'd recommend is giving your faceless soldier a name. It adds character(s). ;) Just a suggestion, since you stayed in his perspective for quite a while. :)