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Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:41 am
by Magrus
[QUOTE=TheAmazingOopah]I wish I had a healthy, athletic body[/QUOTE]

Wish granted, you go out Jim Fix style. :p

I wish...heh, for my sanity back.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:09 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Magrus]I wish...heh, for my sanity back.[/QUOTE]
granted. you get your sanity back but realize that the rest of the world is insane and this causes you to drink more causing you to revert back to your formerself,once again causing you to make that wish again and forgetting that you already have due to too many memory cells lost due to now your caught in a never ending cycle. Just think of it as a Monday ;) :laugh:

I wish I could cook delicious gourmet meals :o

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:20 pm
by Magrus
Your wish is granted. You are now bombarded with requests to perfom such feats upon command, at all hours of the night. The requests never stop, and you burn yourself horribly while doing so drunk at a party for friends.

*sighs* It's a curse, I can't get away with just cooking mac & cheese for people any more when I'm tired. They want chicken parm, or something fancy. :mad:

I wish I had a plane ticket to anywhere I wanted to go, right now.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:38 pm
by Phreddie
granted, you are sent to China,but they put you in the smoking section, where, due to the amount of second hand smoke (your to poor for first hand because of the price of ticket) you inhale during the 13 hours plane ride., you contract lung cancer, the only option is to remove a lung, with out this lung, you cannot do any activitesyou used to be able to, including having relations with women, and drinking.

I wish for glow in the dark skin!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:52 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Phreddie]I wish for glow in the dark skin![/QUOTE]
Granted. You get nuclear waste spilled on you and now you glow.dont light up a match though ;)

I wish Mag could get his lung back......
sorry mine arent an option that would be even worse...I live in L.A. remember :o

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:55 pm
by Ravager
Granted. Mag gets his lung back. Pickled. In a big jar. To put on display on a mantelpiece. :p

I wish this spamming thing wasn't so addictive (sometimes). :(

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 2:58 pm
by Patrick
Granted mag and his pickeled lung are now the pomo for spam spam and internet spam.

I wish for a steady lezy girlfriend

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:11 pm
by Fiona
Gramted. You now have a sapphic lady friend with a steady job.

I wish I had a soft green furry pelt

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:15 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Fiona]Gramted. You now have a sapphic lady friend with a steady job.

I wish I had a soft green furry pelt[/QUOTE]

Didn't know you were still awake, What are you doing awake at this hour anyways?! :laugh:

Your wish is granted, you find a soft, green, furry pelt. Unfortunately, it is the last of a rare breed of tiger, and their distant cousins jump ship from Siberia and tear you to pieces. :(

I wish, I wish....for some peace of mind.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:17 pm
by Fiona
Just home. Steaming. Don't believe you :p

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:20 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Fiona]Just home. Steaming. Don't believe you :p [/QUOTE]

Don't believe what, my wish? :laugh:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:20 pm
by Athena
[QUOTE=Magrus]I wish, I wish....for some peace of mind.[/QUOTE]
*Shazam!* All work and no play makes Magrus a dull boy

I wish my dogs would speak english and become famous winning me billions of dollars

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:22 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Athena]*Shazam!* All work and no play makes Magrus a dull boy

I wish my dogs would speak english and become famous winning me billions of dollars[/QUOTE]

I don't think I've ever been considered a "dull boy". :p

Granted, your dogs speak english, win you millions of dollars, and sue you for enslaving them and stealing all of their hard earned money.

I wish I had a pet to dance with tonight. *nods*

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:26 pm
by Athena
They won't beat my lawyer!
*Shazam* Sends Magrus her english speaking team of labs, who take over his computer :eek:
I wish I had a Jet-Mobile.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:13 pm
by Patrick
Granted, from the jelious genie, who bestows thee a jet mobile, though you are take dby your new ride to new height's and adventures with it and begin a life of crime fighting. Suuccess for the weassely victoms of crime but life is sometimes rough.

I wish I had a green pelt too. Here Kringer!!

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:14 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Wish granted. The leprachauns then attack you, and use their magic to hang you by your toes in a village square.

I wish I had the ability to multitask. :p

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:16 pm
by Magrus
[QUOTE=Hill-Shatar]Wish granted. The leprachauns then attack you, and use their magic to hang you by your toes in a village square.

I wish I had the ability to multitask. :p [/QUOTE]

Granted, you become a woman.

I wish the water cooler wasn't so far away...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:18 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Granted, an freak earthquake causes it to flky from where it is and slam into you. :cool:

I wish that I had access to a good bar with a good malt right now. ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:20 pm
by Patrick
Granted to the lovely lady in pladd, yet you get so malted and you begin to never stop drinking guiness. Life has its dull moments

I wish I had a castel with a tree in it rooted

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:22 pm
by Phreddie
granted, a new 24 hour pub, exotic... club... and diner open next door to you, unfortunately they are a 24 hour a day pub, you can never get to you drive w3ay cuz some trip has parked in/ infront of your drieveway and you can never sleep due to the noise

o oops
Patricks wish is granted, during a fierce storm the tree si uprooted and blows a ole in the wall, you are then invaded by viking, and your town is pollaged and burnt... and your wife is carried off to be the personal pet of Magrus himself the viking leader.

i wish to.... meet weasel!