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Post by CM »

Got back today all, like 2 hours ago. I will post tonight and a huge long post. Sorry for the lateness but duty called. Have alot to read so better get started. Have a nice day.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Fas:
<STRONG>Got back today all, like 2 hours ago. I will post tonight and a huge long post. Sorry for the lateness but duty called. Have alot to read so better get started. Have a nice day.</STRONG>
Hey Fas, good to see you again :)
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Post by Aegis »

As Virdel leapt from the window of the building, he could here the shouts from withen, and below him. He jumped to a nearby roof of a vendors stand, and then from there to the ground, utilizing every aspect of his natuaral Drow agility. He landed softly, barely making a noise. Breifly glancing down the nearby alley, and the streets, he could see the pursuit lights of the Black Helm coming from the alley. He darted off down the street, a hail of cobblestones being kicked up in his wake. His ribs ached violently from the magic assault upon it, but he couldn't stop. He continued to press himself hard. As he turned his head to check any pursuit, he missed the bit of magical energy materializing in front of him.


The sun was already high in the sky by the time Magus awoke. Immediately the stink of death assaulted his senses. He felt something land on his cheek, then came a sharp sting of pain. Swatting the fly away in utter revulsion, Magus stumbled to his feet. Rotting corpses of demon and genie lay decomposing in the heat of the noon sun. He almost wretched. He had seen death, dealt it and been its mournful witness, but never had he stayed around to behold its aftermath.

He forced the bile down. Now wasn’t the time for petty indulgence. He pulled out an ornate dagger, it silver pommel and ice-blue blade seeming to pulsate at his touch. But one look at the rakshasa’s corpse whisked away that line of thought. A slight shiver went down his spine, and returning his dagger to its place, he muttered a word of magic. A ghostly blade appeared next to the corpse in response, and Magus swept his arm downward as if wielding the thing. Head left despicable body, and a nudge from the sword sent it rolling slowly down the gentle incline to his feet. Picking up the disgusting thing by the thick fur, he stuffed it hurriedly into a bag of holding, making certain it didn’t come into contact with the sides of the bag. That done, he reactivated his disguise and teleported away from the decaying battlefield, thankful to begone from the wretched place. A second later he reappeared in the Government District in front of Cowled Wizard headquarters, and found himself in the midst of a frantic chase.

Magus found his place as "observor" quickly become a more involved part as he and Virdel collided in the middle of street. Magus didn't have enough time after appearing to avoid the chased Drow, and could do nothing but feel the full brunt of a fleeing Virdel. The two hit the cobblestones hard, sending Virdel even more into pain. Virdel let out a sharp gasp of air, and tried to shift himself of Magus. Magus, only slightly phased, managed to aid Virdel in his efforts, as he slid the Drow to the side, and stood back up. He gave his robes a quick dust off, and looked around the area, only to see a mob of pursueing Black Helm...


@Magus: And we reunite.. :D
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Post by Magus »

I ran out of time to post today. I'll post first thing when I get home tomorrow.
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Post by Rail »

Rail glanced up at the sun, noting it's angle as the light fell onto some rotting crates in the alley. These were the same rituals he had observed the mage performing at the same time yesterday. But, what were their significance? Certainly the rituals were nothing he had seen before, and that was a rare statement for the prideful mage-killer.

He grew tired of watching the mage's predictable routing. Already, he had spotted much of the same consistent behavior from the day before, though it was fairly difficult to interpret any significance to his actions. Especially the conversations with another being not present in the rooms. Either the mage belonged in the old asylum, or someone was initiating contact with *him*. Could it be, Lazal was just a pawn for someone else. Perhaps the other party was checking in with him, but the body language of the arrogant mage changed to eager anticipation, as a favored student talking to a teacher.

Too many things didn't make sense. The clerical magics surrounding him and protecting his abode. The erratic behavior mixed with routine predictability. There were clues Rail knew he was missing, but what. He could make no move to slay this mage until he understood exactly what he was...

The hair raising on the back of his neck was the only warning. The wall to the left of the assassin seemed to explode outward from an enormous force behind it. Rail dove along the shadows off to his left as bits of shattered brick and mortar showered his body.

Lazal smiled from his abode above.

Out of the gaping hole stepped some sort of construct. Born of the slums, the golem seemed to be built with the very brick and stone from the surrounding buildings, complete with dust and grime. It stood towering in the alleyway, seemingly searching for the object of it's orders. As tall as it was, easily looking down at the largest of ogres, it still seemed squat, with shoulders as broad as a man is tall. It's head had no discernable face, but it seemed to find it's way around without problem. It's arms swayed back and forth in anticipation, and Rail noticed it's fists were jutting with broken shards of stone and debris. It was awe-inspiring and evil. The assassin knew he had little hope of defeating such a beast on his own.

Rail stayed cloaked in shadow as two other forms stepped from the hole, one robed and protected by the common stoneskins of a battle mage, and the other wearing the armor of a Council guard and brandishing a sword.

"Did we get him," the guard asked, glancing down at the rubble they were stepping over.

"Shut up, fool! Look alert!" The mage was a short and stubby man, scowling and angry. He stony hand held a crooked wand out in front of him, point it around the alley like a bullseye lantern. Rail felt the familiar brush of divination magic as it passed over him, but he slid through it like a greased pig at a children's midsummer festival.

"The master said he was here, though." The guard continued to scan the surrounding rubble, eyes passing over the hidden assassin.

Rail looked at the entrance of the alley, but passersby merely went about their business as if they couldn't see the bizarre construct or the destruction it had left. More magic, Rail concluded with a frown. This day had gone from bad to worse. There were few creatures he hated more than golems, and this one was one of the worse he'd seen. Rail scooped up a handful of splintered brick and began to warily pick his way to the hole in the wall.

The guard looked up at the blank walls of Lazal's apartment and shrugged his shoulders, as if asking for directions. Rail didn't glance up to see what the response was, if any. He kept his eyes on his path ahead of him. He had no desire for a battle he couldn't win. Escape was on his mind.

The mage finished scanning the alley and exhaled in annoyance. "Well, if we can't detect where he is, let's see if we can see where he's been." With a muttered command, the wand emitted a pals luminescence on the ground before them, showing footprints in varying shades of red. The brightest were Rail's and led straight to where the assassin had been hiding only moments before.

Damn Rail swore to himself. He silently slid his blade from it's scabbard to attack before the two fools could follow the path to him.

* * *

@all- well, that's more than enough for one post. I'll follow up on it tomorrow. Did I say I'd try to be less long-winded in this thread? :eek: Sorry! :D
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Post by Magus »

@Fas: Welcome back. Things are just getting back on track again. I await your next update with interest :) After reading the new stuff that’s happened, if you’re still confused about what’s going on don’t hesitate to personal message me. We do our best, but sometimes things can get a bit chaotic.

@Aegis: Tsk tsk. :D I bet you were assuming that Virdel recognized Magus ;) But he reactivated his disguise before teleporting, and he never revealed his disguise to you. I could be wrong, of course, but that’s just my impression ;)

* * * * *

Nabalad found his place as "observer" quickly become a more involved part as he and Virdel collided in the middle of street. Nabalad didn't have enough time after appearing to avoid the chased Drow, and could do nothing but feel the full brunt of a fleeing Virdel. The two hit the cobblestones hard, sending Virdel even more into pain. Virdel let out a sharp gasp of air, and tried to shift himself of Nabalad. Nabalad, only slightly phased, managed to aid Virdel in his efforts, as he slid the Drow to the side, and stood back up. He gave his robes a quick dust off, and looked around the area, only to see a mob of pursuing Black Helm...

Hearing the rap of metal boots on cobblestone grow closer, Virdel struggled to his feet and started into a running stagger. But a hand firmly grabbed a hold of his shoulder from behind. Virdel’s reaction was purely reflexive. Spinning around and drawing his scimitars in one smooth motion, he slashed across with one and stabbed out with the other in deadly combination. But before they could connect Nabalad flinged out an upraised hand, the power of magic behind it. A sudden force shoved the drow backward, and he barely managed to keep his feet.

A sickening feeling of fear seeped through Virdel like a potent poison. The mage had repelled his attack at close quarters with but a gesture. If he ran the mage would cut him down. If he stayed, even if he somehow managed to best the wizard, the guards would be atop of him.

Better to bring a few with him if die he must. But even as the thought formed came a familiar presence in his mind.

-Not if I have anything to say about the matter-

With a word and gesture the odd stranger vanished, just as a large guard decked in magnificent ebony full plate rounded the corner. Without a word he charged down the alley, glowing blue halberd clenched in his fist. Crossing his scimitars in front of him, Virdel prepared to meet him. To his immense surprise neither his arms nor scimitars were visible. Not bothering to contemplate the details, he plastered himself against the wall as the guard leader ran past him. Ten seconds later a group of five more commonly outfitted guards rushed by.

“Tell me. Is fomenting trouble a hobby of some sort for you?” came a nearby voice, languid and unhurried, laced with a certain calm that tugged playfully at the edge of Virdel’s mind.

“Who are you? Why did you help me?”

“Why, because I’m helping myself, of course,” the stranger said, appearing with a peculiar smile. Virdel swore he had seen it before.

“See past the disguise, and glimpse my true form.”

Obeying, he concentrated on peering through the illusion. For an instant an all too familiar wizard clad in robes that shimmered with otherwordly colors stood before him, replaced almost immediately by the form of the stranger. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get the image back.

“And where trouble goes, Magus is never far behind, is he?” Virdel quipped back, relaxing and sheathing his scimitars.

“Indeed not. Trouble must be given a guiding hand to assure it doesn’t escalate into chaos. But enough idle chatter for now. Fate has brought us together once again, so I would ask what you discovered before your own discovery. But this is not the time or place. Meet me at the Copper Coronet at dusk. I will see if I can round up the others. It’s time we assess our joint progress.”

Nabalad turned and walked away. As he rounded the corner one last line reached Virdel’s keen ears.

“And, in the meantime, I suggest you do something about your appearance.”

As the mage vanished from sight, Virdel realized he was still invisible. At first the observation was a relief. He would be able to get back to safety without anymore trouble. Then he grasped the entire meaning of Magus’s parting words. He had a sinking feeling that the concealment wasn’t temporary...

* * * * *

As morning approached outside the headquarters of the Cowled Wizards, the High Wizard rose from his desk and left the room, presumably for rest, closing the door and locking it behind him. A black cat uncurled from its comfy bed beside the wastebasket, then jumped into the High Wizard’s chair. Knowing any use of magic would immediately alert the Cowled Wizards, Void fell back on his formidable psionic talent. He manipulated the desk lock from the inside using telekinesis, totally circumventing the cleverly hidden trap. It was designed to prevent fiddling from the outside, not from within. He was successful, but the task was extremely taxing, and his mind and body were left thoroughly tired. Opening it a little at a time with his paw, he cursed Magus for giving him this awkward form. But eventually he got it open, and began the process of paging through the guild’s classified documents.

* * * * *

@all: I’m feeling kind of lazy, so I’ll let you guys determine how and when Magus contacts each of you ;)

@craig: You there? You need to high-tail it back to Athlatka and get back into the story.

@Fas: This would be a good time to get back in the thick of things. Though I wonder at what revelation your character might have experienced during his three-day journey of self discovery :D I admit it didn’t occur to me at the time that so little story time would have passed during your absence :o

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Xandax »

Xandax ran down the ally and up another.
He didn’t know exactly what he was looking for the information was vague at best.
All he knew was that they were chasing somebody – luckily there weren’t any people out on the streets at this time, except Black Helm guards and auxiliaries – and their target, or so Xandax thought.
Suddenly Xandax felt a presences – he slowed his pace, catching his breath again – and walked slowly onwards.
There was something going on – Xandax took a defensive stance while still walking forward, he placed his shield in front of him as he moved the sword slowly in small circles by turning his wrist.
Then he felt the presence behind him.
Xandax quickly span around his left, slashing his sword with this movment.
In a split second he noticed some distinct colours on the persons robe. Xandax stopped his cut moments before it would have hit its target.
“Him again” Xandax thought, realizing that the presence was Magus, or maybe just an illusion of him.
“I bet my sword wouldn’t have even have cut him if I didn’t stop the swing” Xandax thought to himself.

“Meet me at the Copper Coronet around dusk” Magus said. “It is time to share information”
Then he disappeared into thin air.

“Wizards, always so dramatic” Xandax thought, then turned around – and there he saw Calahan and a couple of guards enter the ally.
“Good timing, or did Magus know that they would come now?”

“Xandax, where the hell have you been – did you get him?” Calahan yelled towards Xandax.
“Sorry no – I didn’t” Xandax replied.
“You sorry excuse for a …. “ Calahan didn’t finish the sentence for some reason.
“Take the a the day off – and report tomorrow night around midnight at the headquarters” Calahan said after a pause, then turned around with the guards and left.

”Strange fellow” Xandax thought – having some time to kill Xandax went towards the Copper Coronet, he could might as well buy a decent bed and get some rest before his meeting with Magus.

[ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Craig »

{oocWheres Thryn?
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Post by Aegis »

@Craig: Still in the conyon, probably trying to make his way back to Athkatla.
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Post by Aegis »

@Magus: I'm going to assume you meant the invisibilty was temporary, if not, we can work it out some how.


As the mage vanished from sight, Virdel realized he was still invisible. At first the observation was a relief. He would be able to get back to safety without anymore trouble. Then he grasped the entire meaning of Magus’s parting words. He had a sinking feeling that the concealment wasn’t temporary.

Virdel waited for a moment, waiting for the remainder of the gaurds to pass him by. A thought crossed his mind as he waited against the brick wall behind him. What if Xandax had been in that group? Would the two have met and fought each other if Magus hadn't intervened? He shook those thoughts out of his head, and checked to see if it was the way was clear. Seeing that it was, the unseen Drow made his way out of his hiding spot, the enchantment still concealing him from sight, and down a nearby street. The Government district was rather difficult to get out of this night, as he had cause a bit of a ruckus at the Black Helm, and now Gaurds were being posted at every corner. He managed reletivly well, using his innate Drow abilites to his advantage. Every now and then, causing a globe of darkness around a couple of gaurds who were close to discovering him. Aside from that, he made his way caustiously out of the district, and down the cobblestone streets to the Slums.

Funny, he thought himself. In the past three days, he had always made his way back here for some reason, or another, and it almost always had caused trouble for him. By now, the enchantment began to wear off. Virdel pulled his hood tightly over his head, masking the white main of hair, and the dark ebony skin of his people. As an added precaution, he loosened his Scimitars in their sheathes, in case he needed access to them. The Slums were easy enough to navigate. With the commotion only just cooling down in the Government District, Black Helm Gaurds would still be there, or only on their way back. Virdel had little to fear with this excersion to the Copper Coronet.

It didn't take him long to reach the broken down Tavern. The repairs were moving along nicely, and were almost done. He entered the Coronet, and made his way to a solitary table by the far edge of the room, sitting along, and keeping his features covered. He ordered nothing when asked, and merely stated he was waiting for people. It was there that he sat, waiting until dusk, and for Magus to meet him here like he had been told.

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Post by Craig »

Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>@Craig: Still in the conyon, probably trying to make his way back to Athkatla.</STRONG>
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Post by Aegis »

@Craig: You are still in the canyon where the Shadow Theives and the Black Helm faught. Calahan and Xandax made it out with Llira (Or whatever) and made their way back to the city. You on the other hand, as far as we know, are still in that very canyon, you presumably exited the canyon after Calahan left, and your probably making your back to the city as well.
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Post by Magus »

@craig: Yeah, what Aegis said :D What happened is that Thryn was knocked winded to the ground during the battle. Presumably he didn’t get up, and Calahan and Xandax left him there. Calahan took Llira captive, and now she’s in the hands of the Black Helm being interrogated. What Thryn does next is up to you. You can abandon her or choose to try to save her. Just remember that there will be suspicions if you go back to the Shadow Thieves without her.
Does that help? I’ll go ahead and get Thryn back on track.
@Magus: I'm going to assume you meant the invisibility was temporary, if not, we can work it out some how.
@Aegis: Actually, it was not meant to be temporary (it was supposed to have a very long duration, and not dispellable by ordinary means). It was to be a parting jest, if you will ;) It doesn’t really matter, but I thought I was clear enough: “He had a sinking feeling that the concealment wasn’t temporary...” When I say a character has a gut feeling about something, it’s usually for a reason :D

* * * * *

Thryn laid dazed where he had fallen, head throbbing and struggling to breathe. He vaguely heard Xandax and the other guy’s footsteps recede, and a glance in that direction revealed Llira in tow, captured. The other thieves scattered, presumably heading back to Athkatla, leaving Thryn for dead. He waited for everyone to get out of sight before rising. Then he too headed back to Athkatla, bruised and battered but no worse for wear. Though you just never knew with blows to the head...

* * * * *

Upon arriving back in the city Thryn didn’t know what to do. Llira, his superior in the Shadow Thieves, had been captured by the Black Helm. They had probably taken her to their headquarters in the Government District. But, even if he wanted to get her out, it was easier said than done. One slip and it would be all over.

Dusk came and still Thryn wandered through the streets, no longer foreign and unfamiliar. He didn’t even know how he would get back in contact with Magus. Maybe he could help somehow...

“You look pensive, my friend,” came a voice from behind.

Thryn whirled in surprise. His keen ears hadn’t detected anyone’s approach.

A black-robed mage with dark, sable hair stood before him. But something vaguely familiar danced in his eyes, and he felt he had met this man before.

“You have indeed. But wearing my true appearance would attract too much attention. I had to alter Void’s form too, much to his embitterment.”

The name of the unearthly hakeashar brought instant recognition.


“One and the same,” Magus replies, bowing slightly. “But I didn’t seek you out for idle banter. I’m holding another meeting in the Copper Coronet to compare what everyone has found out so far. I expect you shortly.”

Magus disappears before Thryn can respond.

* * * * *

Void shuffled through file after useless file. Didn’t the Cowled Wizards have anything better to do than document every single boring order or mundane occurrence? For the Gods sake, and these files were only from the past few days! The place where they stored the rest of this trash must be the size of a small city.

In his irritation he almost passes over the unexceptional, everday-seeming order:

Notice to those concerned:

Preparations for the attack in coalition with the Black Helm proceed according to schedule. The date previously set will remain unchanged.

Reminder: The Black Helm has requested for security reasons that all such documents as this be disposed of immediately after being read. Please satisfy our rather excitable allies and comply for the time being. They are beginning to make quite a nuisance of themselves.

Grand Secretary to Corellan the Wise
Leonid Alganthan

Intriguing. What were the little wizards up to? It was important enough that no records were supposed to be left behind; apparently not a light task for the obsessively orderly organization. The agony of destroying precious records must have caused more than a few to lose sleep, Void thinks with a feline smile.

The door suddenly began to swing open. Void quickly jumped under the desk, using telekinesis to quietly shut the file drawer. Requiring merely brute force, it was much easier than picking the lock had been.

The High Wizard sat down at his desk. Void was forced to perform some acrobatics to avoid bumping his feet.

“I wonder what this is about?” the wizard mutters

Void hears the snap of breaking sealing wax.

“Impossible! We can’t just attack tonight! Spells have to be prepared, briefings must be conducted! By holy Mystra, this is the blasted Shadow Thieves we’re dealing with! Such a major operation doesn’t magically fall into place! There must be some mistake!”

The mage stormed out of the room in an agitated huff, leaving Void’s curiosity piqued. Jumping back into the chair, he found a letter lying skewed on the desk.

Notice to those concerned:

The date for the previously planned joint assault has been moved up due to circumstances beyond our control. The attack shall commence tonight at 24:00. Thank you for your cooperation.

Grand Secretary to Corellan the Wise
Leonid Alganthan

This was no paltry deviant arrest. Something terrific in scale was happening that very night. He had to get back to Magus. Glancing at the clock, he found to his horror that it was already past nine in the evening. He had spent the entire day going through the damn file cabinet!

No time for caution. Seeing the door slightly ajar, Void pushed through and bolted along the wall to the entrance, faster than the eye could follow. Void made himself insubstantial as he passed through the doors, then reformed and ran off into the city as the last light of dusk sank behind the horizon. Linked by the special bond between mage and familiar, he made a beeline straight towards Magus’s position at the Copper Coronet.

* * * * *

@all: I would write a little more (specifically initiating the meeting at the Copper Coronet), but I’m out of time. Besides, I think that's enough for one post :) You guys can go ahead and start the meeting.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Craig »

Sliping through the busy streets of Athkatla, nearly tripping over a small cat "Wretched feline vermin" Thought Thryn, suddenly three cobble stone rose infront of him, "Stupid elves" was suddenly projected into his head, he laughed and headed into the Copper Coronet...
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Post by CM »

Hey i am really sorry guys but my internet is messed up, nakered, ****ed up and much more.
I have tried logging on to gamebanshee and posting several times in the past 2 days.
It just doesn't work.
I have a long post ready to post, but it doesn't get posted.
If this get through i will try to post the story from my part.
Wish me luck.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

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Post by Xandax »

Xandax had slept for a couple of hours when he woke up.
It felt good to have slept peacefully again.
Xandax got out of his rented bed put on his armour. Picking up his shield and sword he went downstairs. Getting down in the tavern area of the Copper Coronet, Xandax picked a table in the corner near the exit. Placing his chair with the back towards the wall, he sat down, placing his shield by his side he started polishing his sword. In all the years Xandax had “owned” the sword, or to say differently, been allowed to use the sword, it had never needed sharpening. This sword was magnificent, the name “Ferox” engraved in the blade glowing with an almost intelligent light. Polishing the sword Xandax noticed another person sitting by himself, watching the scene. "Could be Virdel" Xandax thought to himself, but not being sure, he stayed in his seat. Xandax wondered if the others had made more progress then him, the Helm were a dark organisation, a paranoid organisation.

{OOC: if you can't post it, just let me know, then you can mail it to me, or PM if that works, and I can post it for you :) }

[ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]
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Post by Magus »

@Fas: Can you describe exactly what happens when you try to post? Maybe it’s something that can be worked around :)

@Rail: Coming to the meeting?

@Thryn: Just so you know, the meeting starts before you get to the Copper Coronet.

* * * * *

After his visit with Thryn, Magus teleported to the Slums district. He walked into the Copper Coronet without drawing a stare. Spying Xandax and Virdel, he beckoned them to a private booth in the back. Laying a couple gold in front of the bartender, he whispered something at length to him, and the bartender nodded, agreeing to lead the expected guests to the booth when they arrived.

Magus then joined other two in the booth. He reached into his robe, and his hand came out holding a few trinkets of moderate magical power, four in all, which he set in the center of the table. “A down-payment for your troubles, if you will. So, my friends, how goes your appointed tasks?” he asks in a subdued voice, sitting down and arranging himself comfortably.

* * * * *

@all: The reason I’m stopping now is I want this to come from your “mouths”, not mine :)

@craig: Sorry, but by your own words you can’t enter the Copper Coronet until Void does. So hang tight for now, alright :)
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
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Post by Aegis »

Virdel looked to the gems on the table. He didn't recognize them, but felt intrigued none the less. A gift from a powerful mage was not to be taken lightly, or too eagerly. He placed his hand over one of them, a smokey grey coloured one that seemed to lack definition, and felt weightless in the palm of his hand. He took a moment to look into the gem. It appeared to hold great depths, yet seemed empty. It was clearly an ancient gem, of some power. He placed it back on the table in front of him, and looked to Magus.

"I suppose I should start." Virdel said, still rather untrusting of the mage. "After leaving the other day, after the others, I made my way to my Ranger friends in the city," He paused for a moment, and he could've sowrd he saw Magus give a disbelieving smirk, but it must've vanished as fast as it appeared. He then continued. "It was from there that Kierran and myself slipt up. My friend, spent him on a personal errand. From there, I am not sure as to where he went. I have heard nothing of him since. Myself, well, I asked her for assistence. She cleverly disguised me as one of you pathetic human's," He cast a quick grin Xandax's way, his Drow arrogance showing, and continued. "And from there, I made my way through the Black Helm. The details of that are not very important, as Xandax more than likely went through the same initiation processes. I managed to sneak my way into one of the Captains offices, and look through a few of his files. I found an interesting document in one of them." He reached into his pouch, and retreived a worn piece of parchment, and handed it to Magus. "It declares that the Black Helm intends to eliminate the Shadow Theives in three nights time. It also states that the Cowled Wizards are working with them."

Virdel leaned back in his chair, a smug sense of supierority hanging over him. He dropped one hand to his belt, and palmed the hilt of one of his scimitars. He then looked to MAgus, expecting something, possible some instructions as to what that blasted gem in front of him was.

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Post by Xandax »

Xandax joined Magus and Virdel at the booth in the back. Again placing himself with his back to the wall, he sat down.
Magus placed some trinkets on the table. Magic no doubt.
”A down-payment for your troubles, if you will”¨Magus said.
Without waiting for them to be identified the drow warrior had already taken one.
“Impatience” Xandax thought, “Never accept magic without identification” another lesson Xandax had received from his mother.
The drow warrior told his story.
“Attack with the wizards on the thieves in 3 days time” Xandax thought “The shipments purpose?; what was on it – weapons, treasure, no – it would have been better guarded, a distraction for the thieves?; do the thieves know?” the thoughts were many.
Virdel finished his tale, looked at Magus as to seek approval, the drow looked pleased with himself. Xandax noticed the drows hand gliding down to the hilt – it almost seemed like the same movement Xandax uses to reassure him of his weapon still being where it should be.

Still looking at the trinkets on the table and the gem Virdel seemed to have claimed – Xandax started talking:
”Well, it seems our drow companion here has learned more than I have.”
Xandax looked at Magus
“All I’ve found out is, that it seems that many orders within the initiated leaders of the guild, is telepathic – I’ve noticed this more than once. Maybe a task for your pet.
It also seems that the Helms use mercenaries to do mundane tasks, as to either conceal their numbers, their true faces or simply as a decoy for the thieves. They don’t plan on the mercenaries to survive.”
Xandax looked back at Virdel. “Other than that – I have nothing concrete”, Xandax smiled.
Xandax leaned back in his chair – and took out his sword and started polishing it again.
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Post by Rail »

@Magus- It looks like I'll be late. ;) :)

* * *

Rail struck voilently as the two were examining the revealed footprints on the ground. The warrior never knew what hit him. Steel flashed as Rail's dagger became visible before grinding downward between the man's shoulder-plate and helmet. The soldier twitched as if startled and clutched at his neck, even as his knees buckled for the last time.

Visible again, Rail spun and threw the handful of debris at the startled mage. The shards of brick and stone did no damage to the stoneskinned mage, but the shower of debris removed most of the mage's protection. With a curse, the mage began a spell.

Rail had no time to counter. He leapt blindly back as a stony fist crashed down where he had been standing, crushing the cobblestones beneath his boots. The golem moved with tremendous speed, impossible for anything that size. In one bound it stood over the assassin, it's next blow already descending with a rush of wind.

Rail desperately rolled to the side, sure he would still catch the brunt of the blow.

The sudden explosion of a fireball rocked the alleyway, pushing the golem just enough to save Rail's life. The crushing fist sent shards of stone ripping across Rail's exposed cheek, tearing a gash over one of his eyes. Fortunately, the golem also effectively shielded him from the effects of the mage's spell. Knowing one blow from those fists could kill him, Rail rolled toward the golem's feet before the smoke could clear and turned invisible with a silent command.

The golem didn't slow down. Another fist came blindly down where the assassin had been. Then another. And a third, threatening to bring down the alley wall with it's thunderous tremors.

Rail crouched near the feet of the golem, unwilling to move within range of the wildly swinging stone fists. Dagger ready, he took care not to allow the blood from his wounded face to drip on the ground and reveal his presence. The mage scanned the alley wildly and summoned more stoneskins.

"Halt, Golem!"

Rail glanced back at the opening and froze.

Lazal strode angrily from the broken wall into the alley, hands balled into fists, knuckles white. The other mage turned around to report, but Lazal ignored him and began chanting. The stoneskinned mage's eyes widened in alarm, changing quickly to panic. "Sir, no! Not Dhalzim's! That'll..."

His face shriveled as the water was drained from him. Crackling, the obedient fool fell to the floor, skin flaking away, stoneskins dispelled in death.

Rail, too, felt the overwhelming drain of the vicious spell, threatening to draw out the moisture from his veins. He fought the spell, far more powerful than even the necromancer Ubik's had been those many years before. Once again, his protections had saved him, but he was hurt. He slunk from the feet of the golem to the far wall, instinctively falling into the shadows.

The slum golem stood unaffected, arms swinging in eager anticipation of the next blow.

Lazal glanced around as if expecting the assassin's body to appear. Almost as if someone had pointed him out, the evil mage looked up toward the invisible assassin, not directly at Rail, but very near him. He unleashed another spell, one with which Rail was unfamiliar.

Scarlet ribbons of some sort of hellish magic streamed from the sky, burning the very fabric of the air, blanketing the area Rail stood. Twisting to avoid as many of them as possible, the assassin still caught one in the thigh, searing it's way through muscle and bone. Crying out in agony, Rail crumpled invisibly to the floor. Again, his protections were the only reason he still had breath to scream. Gritting his teeth, he struggled to his other knee, glaring up in helpless anger at the mage. There was very little else his body could take.

Lazal smiled. He stared, still not at the assassin, but in his general direction as if pointed there by someone. Raising an eyebrow when no corpse again turned up, Lazal nodded in respect. "Well done, thief. Shall we continue, or have you stomached all you can take?"

Rail knelt in silence, his seething anger tempered in pain.

Lazal continued. "I offer you a proposition, young fool." He paused briefly, but heard no response. "I give you your life and ask only that you serve me in time. You will know when that time comes. You may do what you wish, serve who you wish, until then. Am I understood?"

Rail kept his mind and mouth closed. If the mage were to attack again, Rail was finished, but did the mage really know where he was? He was undetectable, but how could Lazal come so close, yet still be off? Why didn't he target him with spells, instead of using area affect spells? What was this magic he was unleashing? It was better to file this information and return to Magus, if that were even possible. The hole in the wall was on the other side of the dreaded golem, and the entrance to the alley was quite a distance. With his leg torn and scarred as it was, that was no option.

Lazal nodded in his direction, staring a half a pace to the assassin's left. "I will give you time to think on this. I will know your decision soon. Choose wisely, Rail. You are known to me, now. Your life is mine, if I so choose." In arrogance, Lazal bowed and spun on his heel, striding back through the hole as quickly as he had come. The golem turned wordlessly and followed, footsteps thundering in his passing. Glancing at the distant entrance to the alley, none of the passersby seemed to notice any of the exchange.

Rail stood in silence for the better part of an hour, waiting for some semblance of comfort in movement. Slowly, he limped his way out of the alley and toward the Copper Coronet and his waiting friends.

* * *

@all- Sorry for the length. :( I'll join you now when everyone else has arrived.
Matti Il-Amin, Paladin, comedian, and expert adventurer. Proudly bearing the colors of the [url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url]
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