Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 9:59 am
@Beldin - I am not (and have not been) married and am currently unattached 
The Internet's authoritative role-playing game forum.
Yeah, sure.Originally posted by Mr Sleep
So Eminem are you willing to change your terminology, just for the sake of this becoming less of a semantic discussion?
ThanksOriginally posted by EMINEM
Yeah, sure.
It would also help to define for certain whether our sociological/psychological/physical and cultural degeneration is being argued as a result of sex outside of a committed long term relationship (whether married or not) or sex outside of marriage.Originally posted by Mr Sleep
So Eminem are you willing to change your terminology, just for the sake of this becoming less of a semantic discussion?
To reiterate, I am not married, and presently not even "in love." I'm "in-like" with a few female friends, but these relationships are merely professional at the moment... and besides none of them resemble Aerie or Viconia!Originally posted by Beldin
@yshania: Just collecting data here - are YOU married ? If I remember correctly you stated haveing 2 children - correct ?
@all: Wouldn't it be interesting if all of you stated your "martial status" - just to see from which position you're tackling the subject.
(Besides - I'm just plain curious.)
No worries,
You're misunderstanding me and my context, by again conflating different groups under a single banner of promiscuous, non-married couples with no commitment--which was my initial point. @Eminem, I'm not arguing with you that there aren't many cohabiting couples who haven't the faintest idea of commitment. I was pointing out that your equation of non-married couples with promiscuity was factually inaccurate. None of the statistical samples you mention (some are badly flawed, some are simply opinions of clergy mentioned out of context, and a few are frankly wrong; but that's matter for another thread--did you simply lift this stuff from that "Anti-Cohabiting" website? There are far better places to get information to support your position, especially if you haven't actually read the cited materials) show that promiscuity is identical to forming a monogamous relationship out of wedlock.Originally posted by EMINEM
Sorry, fable, but there are significantly more non-married couples who "scream incessantly at one another, abuse their children regularly, and get some on the sly," than couples who are actually married. Similarily, there is a greater likelihood for married couples to live together longer, raise a close-knit, well-adjusted family, than their non-married or common-law counter-parts.
WISDOM, as the Eastern Orthodox sing in their congregations. Marry a woman who can cast heal spells, and resurrect the dead. It might wreck havoc with conventional religion, but think of the savings on hospital bills!Originally posted by EMINEM
To reiterate, I am not married, and presently not even "in love." I'm "in-like" with a few female friends, but these relationships are merely professional at the moment... and besides none of them resemble Aerie or Viconia!![]()
Originally posted by EMINEM
and besides none of them resemble Aerie or Viconia!![]()
You forgot to add "... and who live to see their 500th year without showing any signs of aging!"Originally posted by fable
WISDOM, as the Eastern Orthodox sing in their congregations. Marry a woman who can cast heal spells, and resurrect the dead. It might wreck havoc with conventional religion, but think of the savings on hospital bills!![]()
The site offers help to get out of cohabiting, they have a step program to come closer to god and they distribute propaganda material with information against cohabiting. Thus, they appear quite biased.
Unapologetically this web page is Christian, biblically-based and follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. Only one reason is really needed not to live together before marriage and that is His teaching. However today, we thankfully have numerous secular research studies demonstrating a host of reasons why these teachings are the most prudent to follow. It is clear from research that cohabitation is harmful. No benefits have ever been documented! It falls far short of what God intended as the ideal for marriage. Trying to artificially replicate marriage robs us all the happiness, joy and strength we can gain from it.
Most of us have read your arguement and appreciate your point of view. I would say, however, this debate has gone off on so many tangents from partnerships to teenage sex to promiscuity to falling birthrates to unmarried couples being immoral, degenerate and more likely to hurt their children....I would think it unwise to assume who wants to argue what, and unfairly dismissive to roll your eyes at one of the few people on this board who are very willing and capable to provide sound research to back up her arguements.Originally posted by frogus
Me and Astafas have been going on about this for ages, but MM doesn't seem to be listening.
Eminem, you are arguing for the virtues of commited rellationships, not marriages. Noone in here (except maybe CE) wants to argue about wether commited relationships are better than non-commited, and you are arguing very well against promiscuity etc. However, (correct me if I'm wrong) EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR (good) ARGUMENTS stands just as well as a defence for commited un-married relationships as it does for marriages.
Please don't ignore this. Please don't ignore this. Please don't ignore this.
Stop thinking that we are saying 'promiscuity is better than monogamy!'. We are not. If you don't mind, I would like you to argue for the case of marriage against the case of non-married commited relationships (marriage vs partnership is the name of the thread), rather than the case of marriage against underage sex, child abuse, promiscuity etc.
Be careful what you call propoganda, Elegans. Just because a website is run by Christians doesn't automatically mean that it can't distrubute un-biased information. Most of the sources quoted were secular, anyway. In the same way, just because a website is hosted by atheists and agnostics, doesn't mean that the references cited are meant to propagandize an anti-Christian message. I think distortions in self-report data, placebo effects, social desirability and experimenter biases affect ALL groups of people within the ideological spectrum; no matter how many control processes you want to introduce into the equation, some sort of bias is bound to filter through the net. Christian scientists aren't any more vulnerable to them than non-Christians scientists are, and it would be down right bigoted for anyone to suggest otherwise.Originally posted by C Elegans
I am married. I checked MM:s links, and briefly glanced through the references. Please note that all links MM posted above, go to the same site, a christian website that is strongly against cohabitation and sex before marriage. This is from the website:
The site offers help to get out of cohabiting, they have a step program to come closer to god and they distribute propaganda material with information against cohabiting. Thus, they appear quite biased.
I do not view this website as a source for reliable, factual information, because:
1. The misquote and distort results from studies published in the peer-reviewed scientific press. For instance, they write that a study "clearly shows that premarital sex leads to behaviour problems" and present statistics, when the original article clearly demonstrates only a correlation. This kind of misinterpretation of data is typical for propaganda.
2. The website quotes various results from various people and only give a name-year reference, just like MM does in his long reply to Fable above. This is not the way you give references in serious writing. When a reference is given like "Smith, 1994, 70", the reader has no simple way of finding the original source since they don't tell either the title of the work, or where it was published. For all we know, such a reference could refer to a fake study, an unscientific study like a poll on the web, a study with too many flaws to be accepted in scientific press, etc. Many groups in society make their own studies, aimed to prove their own opinions, and thus they use specially selected samples or draw unfounded conclusions. Unscientific studies like that can't be published in peer-reviewed scientific press, so some organisations edit their own magazines and books where such studies are published. It is very important to remember that non-peer reviewed press in equal to tabloid press or popular media. There is simply no way of telling if a result is controlled and valid or not. In real research, you have a zillion control processes like anonymous peer review and the fact that you can't publish studies without telling where you got your funds from and showing the study was approved by ethic committes, in compliance with international declarations, etc. A propaganda magazine, or a website like the one MM has linked to, can say whatever they want, there is no outside control.
3. If I have time later, I will check some of the references, but note that so far, I have not been able to localice any Scott 1994 in scientific press. Until I find the original study, "Scott 1994" who MM and the christian website claims have done a study that shows 40% of women in cohabital relationships have experiences sex they did not like, we will not know whether this is a legit finding, a total fake, a lie, or perhaps a legit finding but taken out of contex in a misrepresenting way, ie it might be true, but married women may not have been included in the study so no comparison can be made.
I agree...The people who are getting married to hack off parents, because they're pregnant etc are making a bad, but common mistake: Marriage has no meaning other than what you put into it. Like words have no meaning other than your intentions in saying them, 'marriage', on it's own, means nothing. In the case of a loving couple, the marriage's meaning is the sum of their love, and in a couple with no love, the marriage is nothing. The girl who gets pregnant and decides that therefore she has to marry her boyfriend mistakenly thinks that marriage has some value independant of her, and that it will be injected into her relationship when she gets married. Which we all know it will not.I believe that sometimes people get married who have no business getting married (they are getting married to hack of their parents, the girl got pregnant, etc.) and that those marriages are doomed to failure. I also believe that divorce is often the first option when couples encounter rough times rather than the last. However, I do not believe that divorce is necessarily harmful or undesirable, and that in many cases staying together "for the sake of the children" is often more harmful than divorce.
new rules against spamming serious threads are being hotly debated at the moment in Sleeps PM box, but I just wanted to see the discussion head back to where it started, hopefully having picked something up along the way.this debate has gone off on so many tangents
It seems that research can only have answers to the question in this debate if they already exist. I don't think however that one can find the right answer to any 'which is better' question by observing what has happened and is happening, but one has to figure out from first principles what should happen, and any influence from the outside social trends is going to get in the way.unfairly dismissive to roll your eyes at one of the few people on this board who are very willing and capable to provide sound research to back up her arguements.
Propaganda, by definition:Originally posted by EMINEM
Be careful what you call propoganda...
information, ideas, opinions or images, often only giving one part of an argument, which are broadcast, published or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions
@HLD: You expressed something I really wanted to add--the conditions of marriage in the past.Originally posted by HighLordDave
So what has changed about marriage? Marriage is easy to get into, and easy to get out of (if terribly expensive). If anything, marriages have become easier to get out of. So why is the divorce rate up? We have new (within the last 30 years) psychologists and sociologists who suggest that dissolving an unhappy or abusive marriage is better than staying together just to avoid becoming a statistic. It is also because women are more empowered today and are not held financial hostages by abusive or adulterous spouses.
The website is run by Christians, but most of the studies cited come from secular research. Now if the statistics of one particular study happens to support a "traditional" Christian teaching (ie. abstinance healthwise is better than any form of sex before marriage), it doesn't mean it's propoganda, even though the findings are posted on a Christian website. If the hypothesis is supported by the statistical data, where the conclusions are posted is completely irrelevant.Originally posted by Nippy
So you are telling me that this website, that publicised Christianity, and tends to promote only the advantages of a Christian viewpoint is not propagandist?
A Historical major should know the difference Eminem...
With all due respect, Eminem, your citations have also been generalistic. That and adoptive of a single site that promotes your opinion. I wonder at your accusing anyone here as guilty of bigotry, when you yourself seem reluctant to accept that your way is not necessarily the only way ....Originally posted by EMINEM
BTW, I think Elegans made a gross generalization of ALL the studies cited based on what she believes to be the questionability of one or two. There are over one hundred different studies cited in the website that was used to support the argument that abstinance and sex until marriage is preferable to pre-marital sex and non-marriage relationships, and she hasn't demonstrated or proven their conclusions to be invalid, unfounded, or replete with experimenter bias. But until she does (IF she does), don't be so quick to parrot what she hastily labelled as propoganda just because you happen to share the same views as her on this issue.