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Post by dragon wench »

Thanks Georgi, I will try that. My last dialogue was where he expresses his gratitude, and my pc answered by thanking him. It is also during this dialogue that he articulates some uncertainty about whether or not he should have avenged his sister's death and hopes that perhaps his father will remarry and lose his bitterness (finding happiness through love as Anomen has done, seems to be the implication). Come to think of it, I did get the dark flame dialogue before the knighthood test, but I know that the other stuff I listed is in the right sequence because I jotted them down in the journal (thought it might make sense to kep track of this since I'm comparing classes).
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Post by Georgi »

Hmmm, well that is the "I have never been happier" dialogue, and AFAIK the PC can't thank him at that point, you only get
1 - why are you so happy?
2 - I'll believe just about anything, these days
3 - good for you... now keep moving
And with 1 or 2 he says all the stuff about being glad, and Saerk will get justice, then you get
1 - You don't sound very convinced of that
Perhaps not, stuff about his father, etc.

The bit where he expresses his gratitude and you thank him is in the Dark Flame dialogue.

And if that was in the right place, it sounds like you managed to skip the lie with me dialogue, got the one after, and then haven't had the commitment one. Hmm. Where have you been resting? Did you get disturbed by anything when you rested?
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Post by dragon wench »

No sooner did I reset the lovetalk to 29, and up popped Anomen's portrait comparing me to a crimson rhodelia (I had already switched the other number back to 1)
We'll have to see how this goes. I hope I actually get the BIG speech this time, this has yet to happen.
:D :D :D So many thanks, I really did not want to restart yet again (I don't know how many more times I want to clean out Nalia's castle, I hate that quest, IMO it's only worth it for the cash and Flail of Ages).

Hmmm, maybe we could construct an alter to the CLUAConsole somewhere in the Harem Headquarters :D ;)
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Post by dragon wench »

Georgi, I didn't get disturbed while I rested, a combination of outside, dungeons, and inns. To be safe, now that this problem seems to be sorted, I'm going to rest outside next.
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Post by dragon wench »

Presto, right on cue. And in the Umar Hills as well ;)
Gee, that captain of my soul stuff is a real trip for the ego :D
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Post by Georgi »

Well I have just done a little investigating and there didn't seem to be a problem with resting in inns. Still, good that it's sorted, glad to help :)
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Post by dragon wench »

It occurred to me, ladies (or should I say lasses :) ?) that the Harem ought to have official headquarters somewhere in the Realms.
Any thoughts on where that should be? I thought maybe Trademeet with a small base in Ust Natha ;) :D . But no doubt there are many other good locations as well.
I've been thinking about the traditional images of harems and it occurred to me that it might look a bit odd if we were all in armour (leave that for Anomen ;) ). So maybe, multiple Robes of Vecna ;) ?
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Post by Georgi »

Trademeet is nice... but Ust Natha? *shudders* I just hate the place, I was so pleased to get out of there... I think maybe we ought to have a place in Athkatla, being the big city and all... And then Trademeet or Imnesvale for somewhere a little more secluded. ;)
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Post by dragon wench »

Georgi, I hate Ust Natha too, I keep meaning to spend more time there and do all the quests for the items that can be obtained, but the place gives me the claustrophic creeps so I always leave asap. The reason I suggested it was because of the limitless suppplies of certain essentials. But, no doubt other suppliers could be found.

[ 05-16-2001: Message edited by: dragon wench ]
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Trademeet is a bad idea since that town will soon be under attack from that "empire" army that is doing all that trouble in Amn....
Parts of it will be destroyed but the city will not be ocupied since its just a diversion form the main target...
Anyway, I read about the "holy smite" not working, its simple, the magic restistance will stop the effects of that spell, so "lower resistance" spells (2 or 3 will do the trick) are in order, remenber that "holy smite" have a low casting time and it always take effect, it does about 10-17 of damage to the dragon, some times it does the damage more that one time since its a area effect spell.
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Post by scully1 »

I've been following all this and, to quote Bodhi, "Well, this has been...educational." Very good things to know.

Robe of Vecna -- never seen one, I'm deprived of certain gaming goodies. Unless you can get one without bonus merchants or whatever?...Description welcome :)

Harem headquarters...Good point about Trademeet, Drakon...too bad. I just love the design/architecture/etc. of that town. Perhaps the Umar Hills, then?...

All right, sig time...I suddenly feel we should work in something about the dark flame. No?...Thoughts?...

[ 05-16-2001: Message edited by: loner72 ]
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Post by jennabard »

we all sigh a huge relief over your crisis, dw and glad that you bring us good tidings. :)

well if trademeet is to be attacked then we should stick around the area to lend them a hand, don't you think? i like the place, not too big not too small. mazzy does have a lovely home there. plus it is a central location for the area. and we'd get first dibs in whatever is in the caravans :D
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Post by dragon wench »

you can get the robe by downloading the bonus merchants patch. I'll take a look for it in a few hours. must run to pick up my son from school, and do some errands.
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Dont worrie, its just a diversion form the REAL target, Mur..something, that city is Amn second port, Amn only have two ports, Athkatla and that city.
Anyway the city will survive, parts will be destroyed and we cannot help, it part of the official story of the forgotten realms and must happen the way it descrived, the game does a great job in keeping us from messing with the official story of the Forgotten Realms.
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Post by scully1 »

@Drakon -- is this going to be part of ToB, do you know?...
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

No, ToB will be in another place.
South of Tethir and north of Calimshan.
And Tethir is the country, not the forest.
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Post by Gwalchmai »

*in a quiet voice, from a lurker in the back of the room*

Excuse me, Drakron, but don't you think that these lasses can handle them selves no mater what army may be bearing down upon them? Trademeet seems an ideal place for them, considering its access to certain commodities, its relative remoteness, and the fact that a few tents were recently vacated by the d'jinn. Tents and Harems just sort of go together, don't they? ;)
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by scully1 »

Ahhh...a fascinating...I suspected there might be a few around...
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Well, there is always the backrooms at the copper coronet and that part of the sewers back in Baldur´s Gate...

The best place that I have seen is the guarded compound in the temple district, its a nice place to live..
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Post by scully1 »

Well, belated greetings, Gwalchmai, you certainly seem to have been lurking about for a while, to know so much about us ;)

And greetings to all other lurkers...feel free to lurk or step out of the shadows as you wish...
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