I see, and I simply do not believe you or anybody else have enough knowledge about world economics, sociology, psychology, history, ecologics, geography, climatology and a number of other subjects, to know exactly what is best for both yourself and everybody else, short-term and long-term, in every single instance of choices you make. To me the idea of an totally rational human with total self-insight is a romantic fantasy - data from behavioural science contradicts this view and I prefer to form my opionions on emprical data.Originally posted by Scayde
I think this statement sums up why I, (And I think Chan and Laz as well) cannot find the answer to the worlds problems in the philosophy you describe. I do believe a person is the best one to decide how to think and act on their own behalf. I do not think anyone should make my choices for me. I have little or no confidence in their ability to do a better job than I do. Even if it were the case, It would not be their place, unless I solicited their assistance.
What a pity, I would have been honestly interested in knowing what circles. As I said previously, she is virtually unknown in Europe and I have not been able to her name in any standard philosophy or economy antologies used at the universities.
A note on Rand.
I will say this here, as I have no intention of entering the debat in the other thread.
She is a respected philosopher in many circles.
I do not see much reason to continue posting in this thread for several reasons.
Well, see you in other threads then I hope some other member who propose capitalism and free enterprise as the best socioeconomic model is willing to take up the challenge from experimental economics I posted above (regarding Modern Game Theory and such).